J.D. Fokkinga

39 records found

Experiencing Social Transition

High Streets and Community Kitchens as Thresholds of Social progress

In a society where food poverty is affecting more and more people. The presence of social food initiatives, such as community kitchens, is of growing importance. This paper investigates London’s high streets in search of tools to achieve the acknowledgement of social food provisi ...

Symbiotic Thames

Rethinking the urban riparian condition and meaning through architecture towards a more symbiotic relationship between the urban river and the city

Water is the elixir of life for London, the river Thames is the heart powering its growth. Although it has created the existence of London, it has mainly been the city that influenced the river in route, form and function aligning with their needs. There always has been a changin ...
This study explores the role of community food initiatives in addressing social cohesion and structural issues in London and other cities outside of the United Kingdom. The study examines the relationship between food and social cohesion, current community food initiatives, and h ...

Urban Fallows

Architecture as a catalyst for regeneration of marginalised urban land

In the face of rapid urbanisation, population growth, and environmental degradation, there is an urgent need to rethink the design and construction of urban spaces. The thesis investigates the potential of architecture as a catalyst for the regeneration of the area surrounding th ...

Architectures of Water

Lost and (re)found

Water and the relationship we have with it are disloca- ted in the contemporary context of the city. Present-day structures of society represent water as a human made commodity, whilst it will always be an elusive element of nature, the human body and the environment. How can we ...

The (Re-)Model Market

Street Food Market as Urban Restorative Entities

Street Food markets have been a key ingredient of the urban life for centuries. In many cases the direction and intensity of urban expansion was strongly reliant on the emergence of the street food market and vice-versa. These link between the two has been inevitable historically ...

Boosting Urban Soil

Commons of Post-human urbanisation - Architecture, Materiality, Synergies

The ecological question is symptomatic of our time and a multi-disciplinary problem. The material manipulations produced by the architectural and urban design disciplines interfere with essential ecosystemic processes by introducing disruptive materialities and machinery. This wo ...

Necropolitan London

Psychogeographies of memory, death and burial pattern in the city

In a fast moving metropolitan city like London, urban pockets that alter the rhythm and synchrony of life can be described as heterotopias. Cemeteries are such sites that slow down and collect time. They sediment memories of the lived past and the potential future and are therefo ...

Hidden Communities


When the British arrived in the colonial countries, they had the opportunity to adapt the architecture of the local culture to their needs, but centuries later, when the ethnic groups arrived in “postcolonial” London, they did not have the opportunity to have a manifest effect on ...

Heritage as part of the Palimpsest

Rethinking heritage at risk In London through an approach that is driven by the context

This research aims to develop en apply a new approach towards dealing with heritage in the built environment. By taking the Royal London Hospital area and the Former Outpatient Department within this domain as a case study, tools to connect to specific layers of the context that ...

Een stad vol verhalen

Een onderzoek naar het programma voor een nieuw gefragmenteerd museum in stadsdeel Feijenoord aan de hand van verhalen van bewoners

Het Museum van Rotterdam moest eind vorig jaar zijn deuren sluiten, omdat het te weinig bezoekers trok en het gebouw niet meer voldeed aan zijn functie. De Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur stelde daarom een alternatief voor; een Nieuwe stadsmuseale functie (NSF) die wellicht niet in éé ...

Rethink Waste

Een onderzoek naar de fysieke en sociale verbeter mogelijkheden voor het grondstoffenstation van de Afrikaanderwijk

The Afrikaanderwijk is one of the ‘disadvantaged’ neighborhoods in Rotterdam South. 9,3 percent of the inhabitants of the Afrikaanderwijk is without work. The Afrikaander Coorparation started projects to create new jobs. Partly through the "Right to Challenge" initiative, it has ...


A community space for and by improvisation | bricolage

The shopping mall the Molenpoort (Nijmegen) was constructed in 1972 and is creating this hyperreality; an indoor world without rain, wind or snow. The invention of Victor Gruen, a foreign typology from America occupies all the negative space within the building block. Victor Gru ...

Back Home

Architecture for Wellbeing

The project gave me the chance to start from a personal fascination regarding the role of architecture in favoring humans wellbeing. Since the group research, the interviews with homeless people till the imagination, materialization, and perception of spaces of the project the in ...
Relocation of the Honig Complex (the place) into the Molenpoort (the non-place and the given site of the studio).
This is an architectural master thesis with the chair of Urban Architecture. The project analysis the city of Nijmegen with a special focus on its topography. In the design part, a new urban plan is suggested for the project location. One of the buildings was chosen and the newly ...

An 'Offline' Virtual Community

To Design a Public Condenser as a 'System'

The virtual world, existing in parallel with the physical one, has reshaped our life. Nowadays as people rely increasingly on social media for mutal interactions, ‘the virtual community actually becomes the real form of community today’ (Clark, A.). Such reliance owes to the ‘cus ...

Bringing back movement in Skydebanehaven

Designing a public condenser in the district Vesterbro in Copenhagen

Designing a public condenser in the district of Vesterbro in Copenhagen. As the theme of the project 'movement' increases the group of various people of different ages and cultures. Bringing back sport facilities and greenery improves both healthy living and reducing gentrificati ...
The neighborhood of Morgenstond is accounted as one of the 50 problem neighborhoods in the Netherlands. The social development is similar to many post-war urban plannings outside of city centers. After the moving out of the first very homogenic young family population in the cour ...