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Y. Gonzalez Garcia

30 records found

The global transition to sustainable energy has accelerated the demand for hydrogen as a
clean fuel source. Carbon steel pipelines play a vital role in hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure, but their potential susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement poses a signific ...
The global transition to sustainable energy has accelerated the demand for hydrogen as a
clean fuel source. Carbon steel pipelines play a vital role in hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure, but their potential susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement poses a signific ...
An effective way for the automotive industry to tackle the growing concern of increasing CO2 emissions is to reduce the vehicle's overall weight, without compromising its performance and passenger safety. With the increasing demand for steels with enhanced properties in the last ...
With the depletion of energy resources and escalating environmental issues, the development of new energy sources and advanced energy storage devices has become increasingly critical. Zinc-ion batteries have attracted significant attention due to their lower cost and safer chemis ...
Nanomechanical tests to investigate Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) coating abrasive wear behavior were carried out under different load and strain rate conditions. Nanomechanical tests performed include nanoindentation, single and multi-asperity scratching tests. Characterization meth ...

Advanced Methanol Storage Systems

A Comprehensive Study on Feasible Double-Walled Systems for Retrofitting Integrated Aluminium Tanks

The transition to methanol as a promising alternative fuel for maritime applications, presents unique design and material challenges, particularly in retrofitting existing integrated aluminum tanks for methanol storage. Methanol’s toxicity, flammability, and corrosive nature, par ...

An Assessment of FeOF as Cathode Material for Fluoride-Ion Batteries

Expanding the Horizons of Sustainable Energy Storage

This study aims to assess the suitability of iron oxyfluoride (FeOF) as cathode material for fluoride-ion batteries based on the electrochemical performance and fluorination capability of ferrous oxide (FeO), as well as the defluorination of FeOF. Due to the pressing demand for e ...
The corrosion of bearing steel often leads to accelerated damage and loss of properties that condition their service life. This damage is further exacerbated with the absorption of hydrogen into the material, generated from corrosion reactions happening at the surface. A remanufa ...
The reliability of battery performance is crucial for the implementation of long-term large-scale energy storage. The promising Iron-Air battery is known for its suitable properties relying on its advantageous iron-based anode, characterized by its high volumetric energy density, ...
Pursuing sustainable and efficient energy storage technologies has led to advancements in iron-air batteries. Understanding the intricate relationship between the microstructural features of iron electrodes and their oxidation and reduction behaviour is crucial for optimizing bat ...

Study of Hydrogen Sorption/Desorption Effect on Iron-Based Materials

Influence of Microstructure on the Hydrogen/Metal Interaction

Studies on the impact of Hydrogen on the electrochemical and mechanical behaviour of Iron-based materials have been increasingly conducted in the past few years. This is mainly due to the ever-growing demand for sustainable energy sources, which involve Hydrogen and to meet the h ...
Epoxy resins are one of the most relevant and widely used thermosets in the market covering a wide range of applications. Industries are being forced to quickly transition towards sustainable alternatives due to the pressure from emerging environmental concerns, the depletion of ...
Excess CO2 in the atmosphere has been a troublesome problem for humanity for the last few decades now. Academics, governments and industries are working together to tackle this problem to avert a global warming disaster. Research on many technologies is in progress to tackle glob ...
A long standing research field in material science has been the trade-off between strength and ductility of steels. Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) aim to combine these two properties and provide steels that can increase safety and lower CO2 consumption in automotive applica ...
The fuel consumption of cars has become an important issue in the development of new materials and. These developments resulted in the generation of new grades of steel for the automotive industry. In particular, new advanced high strength steels (AHSS) have been developed for th ...
Laser surface treatment shows great potential to locally create distinct phases in martensitic steels due to its highly localized laser heat flux. Architectured materials with microstructures of metastable austenite/martensite phases exhibit advanced mechanical properties, such a ...
Silicon anodes can boost the energy density of lithium-ion batteries due to its high theoretical capacity up to ~3600 mAh/g. However, a challenge of the use of silicon anode is 300% swelling/shrink upon lithiation/delithiation, which is a major cause of battery failure. A lithium ...
Many manufacturing industries have been impacted by the innovation of additive manufacturing (AM), and biomaterials manufacturing is no exception. One group of biomaterials impacted by the innovation of 3D printing are degradable biomaterials. Degradable biomaterials could elimi ...
Literature reports a great deal of contradictory results concerning the effect of microstructure on the corrosion and passivity behaviour of advanced high strength steels. The difficulty in identifying the controlling cause of corrosion results from the inability of disentangling ...