O.G.C. Trienekens


9 records found

Whose City Is It?

How to Achieve Socio-Spatial Justice By Using Citizen Participation Systems Focus Area: Rotterdam South, Tarwewijk

This research project focuses on how to provide the necessary infrastructure for citizen participation systems and encourage the inhabitants to get involved in the decision-making process in the communities by developing an alternative strategic framework, which offers a step-by- ...

Mind the Gap

Het ontwerpen van betaalbare en duurzame woningen voor de gedupeerde van het gat in de woning markt in de naoorlogse wijk Zuidwijk.

A research on how to design affordable and sustainable housing for those affected by the gap in the housing market. It is getting more and more difficult for certain people to find suitable and affordable housing. They earn too much for social housing, but too little for the priv ...

De Frituurfabriek

Circular Phase Change Material (PCM) for social architecture in Bospolder - Tussendijken (BoTu) & Merwe-Vierhavens (M4H), Rotterdam

To provide the current population of Bospolder - Tussendijken with a future perspective that tackles socio-demographic issues, they create Phase Change Material (PCM) Modules of waste products Frying oil and Mg2+ in the cooperative factory: 'Frituurfabriek' in the M4H. They have ...

Talent Lab Tarwewijk

The exploration of a new typology for experience based education, in order to unlock the talents of Tarwewijk.

Living in Rotterdam, we make eagerly use of all cultural attractions the city has to offer. We visit a museum on a free weekend, go to the library to study, spend an evening at the cinema or theatre and go out for dinner with friends and family. Without much awareness, using the ...


Vitalisatie van oud Amsterdam

Woningbouw project in het centrum van Amsterdam, waarbij tuinieren en wonen gecombineerd worden.

Thuis in Hillesluis

Leven in de Ambachtsschool

A vacant former school building in Hillesluis, Rotterdam-South, is transformed into dwellings specifically designed for residents of this area who are moving upward the ladder of social mobility (“sociale stijgers”). In order to enable them to climb up (or start on) the property ...

Soft City

Endaring people and space

Due to the strong increase in densification in cities worldwide and the takeover of infrastructure, the public domains in the city often lose their intrinsic tranquility. In a bustling working city like Rotterdam, the public quiet and social places are under pressure. The focus ...
This project will house the next generation of technology and startups. The design will reflect what is held on the inside through a computational design strategy progressing nonstandard architecture. The site will first be analyzed in terms of people flow, (where people come fro ...
By translating the Maghreb mosque type to the Dutch urban context the design provides an appropriate and recognisable building for the Moroccan community in Bloemhof, a neighbourhood in the south of Rotterdam.