Els Leclercq

25 records found


In Circular Communities, pioneering, collectively supported initiatives that are aimed at closing resource cycles at neighbourhood level take a central position. They are all examples of initiatives that contribute to the transition to a circular economy. For the analysis of thes ...

Public views of the smart city

Towards the construction of a social problem

Digitization and datafication of public space have a significant impact on how cities are developed, governed, perceived and used. As technological developments are based upon political decisions, which impact people’s everyday lives, and from which not everyone benefits or su ...

In response to increasingly deterministic and all-encompassing implementation of smart city technologies, scholars and activists plea for policies and initiatives to support citizens’ democratic ‘Right to the Smart City.’ Although it is common for government officials and technol ...
Dit boekje is verslag van het CHANGE! (Conscious Health dAta shariNg in movinG RottErdam!) project dat is uitgevoerd in 2021-22 in het kader van een Open Mind subsidie van het Convergence programma dat ten doel heeft samenwerking tussen TU Delft, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en ...

Public space privatisation

Are users concerned?

Academics have decried the erosion of public space under the neoliberal practices that have taken root since the 1980s in cities around the world. However, it is unclear whether users are concerned about the ownership of the urban spaces they use. To find out, this study surve ...

Waardevolle wijken

Het creëren van waarde in wijken door het gezamenlijk sluiten van grondstofkringlopen

De circulaire transitie wordt vaak gepresenteerd als uitsluitend een technologische opgave, maar deze raakt tegelijkertijd aan sociale, organisatorische en institutionele vraagstukken, die veel vragen oproepen over ontwerpprocessen, benodigde kennis en kunde, verantwoordelijkheid ...
Dit rapport vormt de evaluatie van het participatieplan Strandeiland, dat is ontwikkeld naar aanleiding van het initiatief DemoS – democratisch Strandeiland – dat in oktober 2018 is gestart op initiatief van Stichting Natuurlijk IJburg. Stichting Natuurlijk IJburg ijvert voor voo ...
Circularity aims to make waste obsolete by both closing and narrowing resource loops and by extending the lifespan of materials and products. This fundamentally different approach to construction practices necessitates a completely different method of organising the construction ...

Implementation of circularity in the building process

A case study research into organizing the actor network and decision-making process

Circularity aims to reduce waste by closing and narrowing resource loops and by extending the lifetime of materials and products. As a consequence of this fundamentally different approach to construction practices, implementation entails a different organization of the buildin ...

Private, semi-private, and public spaces

Urban design assessment, comparisons, and recommendations

Uit verschillende onderzoeken blijkt dat de architect een belangrijke rol vervult bij de totstandkoming van circulaire bouwprojecten. Tijdens de ontwerpfase worden immers keuzes gemaakt die het wel of niet circulair zijn van een bouwproject grotendeels bepalen (Galle et al,2018; ...

In the last four decades, public space production has shifted from being predominantly led by the public sector to include a greater variety of private actors, large and small, for-profit and non-profit. This study, set in Liverpool, England, analyses and compares three variat ...

Maar hoe dan?!

Een evaluatie van circulaire projecten bij (semi)publieke opdrachtgevers

Het Opdrachtgeversforum in de bouw – een platform van (semi)publieke opdrachtgevers – onderschrijft de ambities van het kabinet om Nederland in 2050 circulair te laten zijn, om zo de uitputting van grondstoffen en de uitstoot van CO2 tegen te gaan. Het Rijksbrede programma ‘Neder ...

Jouw buurt, jouw data

Uitkomsten van de onderzoeksgame over kennis, houding en gedrag van burgers in de slimme stad

Vanaf oktober 2018 onderzocht een team van het Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities een jaar lang wat verschillende Nederlanders weten en vinden van de manieren waarop gegevens worden verzameld in de openbare ruimte. Het onderzoek werd opgezet in de vorm van een interactie ...

Plannen voor Mensen

Handboek sociaal-ruimtelijke planning


Circular Industrialized Construction

The current situation and its potential for expansion in Switzerland

The construction industry accounts for 40% of material resource use and produces 40% of global waste. Within this industry, various solutions have been attempted to lower the environmental impact. Two of these concepts are the circular economy (CE) and industrialized construction ...

Upscaling circularity in urban area development

A qualitative study in ‘Circular Buiksloterham’

The city of Amsterdam is following the ambitions of the National Government to operate a fully circular economy in 2050. To do so, circular urban area development (UAD) must become standard. As a start, Buiksloterham is declared as a circular urban area development project by ove ...

In transition towards a circular future in north-east section of Nairobi river

An exploration of potential (re)implementation of circular resource management in Dandora, Kenya

This graduation project addresses the problem of waste management in Nairobi, Kenya. The current inadequate waste management throughout Nairobi remains a spatial challenge as it contributes to health concerns, threatens local ecologies, and degrades public space. Analyzing waste ...

Talking circularity - the influence of actors on the building process

A study into actor networks and influence on decision-making regarding the implementation of circularity into the building process.

The purpose of this master thesis is to gather information from current practices and make recommendations to facilitate implementation of circularity in the building process. The past years, circularity has become a popular term in the built environment. This approach prefers a ...
In this research, a practical process framework is developed to facilitate the transition to circular urban area development (CUAD) of the MerweVierhavens (M4H). One of the five objectives of the Rotterdam Makers Districts is to become the pilot for the circular economy in the bu ...