
A.J. van Doorn


20 records found


Handleiding voor organisatievormen voor ontwerp- en bouwprojecten

Internet based tool@en

Ontwerp van Dynamische Gebouwen

Ciculaire Economie Fundament voor Bouwmeester 2.0

We investigate the ability of human observers to judge the direction of illumination from image texture. Photographs of 61 real surfaces were used, taken from the Columbia-Utrecht Reflectance and Texture (Curet) database (http://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/curet). All samples were n ...
Image texture due to 3D surface corrugations ("3D texture") differs fundamentally from image texture due to pigmentation variations of a smooth surface ("flat texture"). Flat texture yields no information concerning the way the surface is illuminated, whereas 3D texture is highly ...
Three human observers estimated the illumination direction for samples of random Gaussian surfaces illuminated by a collimated beam from random directions. These stimuli appear as 'texture' due to shading and shadowing (the surface on the microscale was Lambertian of uniform albe ...