I.T. Young


20 records found


Single-image frequency-domain FLIM provides fast and photon-efficient lifetime data

We developed single-image fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (siFLIM), a method for acquiring quantitative lifetime images from a single exposure. siFLIM takes advantage of a new generation of dedicated cameras that simultaneously record two 180°-phase-shifted images, and i ...
We are participating in the international competition to develop robots that can play football (or soccer as it is known in the US and Canada). The competition consists of several leagues each of which examines a different technology but shares the common goal of advancing the sk ...
In this study, spectral images of five ripeness stages of tomatoes have been recorded and analyzed. The electromagnetic spectrum between 396 and 736 nm was recorded in 257 bands (every 1.3 nm). Results show that spectral images offer more discriminating power than standard RGB im ...
Abstract¿This article describes the dynamic behavior of position sensitive detectors. Earlier work has described the PSD response to changes in light intensity. Here, we investigate the PSD response to a change of light spot position.We call the linear filter describing this resp ...
In this paper, we present a stable, recursive algorithm for the Gabor filter that achieves¿to within a multiplicative constant¿the fastest possible implementation. For a signal consisting of N samples, our implementation requires O(N ) multiply-and-add (MADD) operations, that is, ...
Yeast-Saccharomyces cerevisiae - it widely used as a model system for other higher eukaryotes, including man. One of the basic fermentation processes in yeast is the glycolytic pathway, which is the conversion of glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide. This pathway consists of 12 ...