Danielle Groetelaers
87 records found
Kesklinn Community Centre
Reimagining Soviet-Era Heritage through the Lenses of Memory and Perception
My graduation project explores the relationship between memories, perception, and Soviet-era architecture. The project site is the former "Turist" foreign currency shop in Tallinn, built for the 1980 Summer Olympics. As a Soviet-era building aimed at those with foreign currency,
After Gas
Exploring a Design Framework for the future of new perspective in Groningen after the closure of gas field
This research focuses on the transformation of the Groningen gas field region, which has transitioned from a symbol of national pride due to its vast natural gas reserves to a region grappling with the significant impacts of gas extraction. With the permanent closure of gas produ
Bridging Heterotopia
How can a structure be designed in order to promote social integration through empathetic experience in Rotterdam?
This speculative project named “Bridging Heterotopia” is named as such because it draws from the guiding principle that is juxtaposition in real space, of many spaces together that would normally be incompatible. This principle materializes through a bridge which will be a facili
Circular Demolition and Component Reuse in Construction
The Current Building Stock as a Source of Components for New Buildings
Circular building has been increasing in popularity over several years. The idea being that we should not use resources only once and then discard them, but continue using them in new products. The construction industry has responded to this by designing 'circular' buildings that
Facing to the conflict situation in Urban Village, I was trying to use the computational and parametric design method to establish the symbiotic system and to improve the quality and possibilities of the life in urban village.
Speculative loopholing
Opening limitations in Ijburg block 44a's architectural power processes
The problem adressed in this text is the fixation of capacities to interact by laws, which limits the realization of valuable transformative potential in the built environment. The purpose of this text is twofold: First to uncover the processes behind such fixation-through-laws f
Grondexploitatie ingekaderd
De betekenis van het Besluit begroting en verantwoording en de Mededingingswet
In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de positie van grondexploitatie in het debat rond overheid en marktactiviteiten. Er wordt ingezoomd op het Besluit begroting en verantwoording provincies en gemeenten en de betekenis van de recente wijzigingen. Daarbij staat de vraag centraal of g
Risico's en verkoopbaarheid van woningen
Een internationale verkenning naar ervaringen met het bepalen van het effect van risico's op prijsvorming op de woningmarkt
Dit onderzoek maakt deel uit van het onderzoeksprogramma Woningmarktonderzoek aardbevingsgebied Groningen’ dat wordt uitgevoerd met een subsidie van: Dialoogtafel Groningen @en
Risico's en compensatie
Een literatuurverkenning van enkele compensatieregelingen
Dit onderzoek maakt deel uit van het onderzoeksprogramma ‘Woningmarktonderzoek aardbevingsgebied Groningen’ dat wordt uitgevoerd met een subsidie van: Dialoogtafel Groningen.@en
Kesklinn Community Centre
Reimagining Soviet-Era Heritage through the Lenses of Memory and Perception
My graduation project explores the relationship between memories, perception, and Soviet-era architecture. The project site is the former "Turist" foreign currency shop in Tallinn, built for the 1980 Summer Olympics. As a Soviet-era building aimed at those with foreign currency,
Kesklinn Community Centre
Reimagining Soviet-Era Heritage through the Lenses of Memory and Perception
My graduation project explores the relationship between memories, perception, and Soviet-era architecture. The project site is the former "Turist" foreign currency shop in Tallinn, built for the 1980 Summer Olympics. As a Soviet-era building aimed at those with foreign currency,
After Gas
Exploring a Design Framework for the future of new perspective in Groningen after the closure of gas field
This research focuses on the transformation of the Groningen gas field region, which has transitioned from a symbol of national pride due to its vast natural gas reserves to a region grappling with the significant impacts of gas extraction. With the permanent closure of gas produ
After Gas
Exploring a Design Framework for the future of new perspective in Groningen after the closure of gas field
This research focuses on the transformation of the Groningen gas field region, which has transitioned from a symbol of national pride due to its vast natural gas reserves to a region grappling with the significant impacts of gas extraction. With the permanent closure of gas produ
Bridging Heterotopia
How can a structure be designed in order to promote social integration through empathetic experience in Rotterdam?
This speculative project named “Bridging Heterotopia” is named as such because it draws from the guiding principle that is juxtaposition in real space, of many spaces together that would normally be incompatible. This principle materializes through a bridge which will be a facili
Bridging Heterotopia
How can a structure be designed in order to promote social integration through empathetic experience in Rotterdam?
This speculative project named “Bridging Heterotopia” is named as such because it draws from the guiding principle that is juxtaposition in real space, of many spaces together that would normally be incompatible. This principle materializes through a bridge which will be a facili
Circular Demolition and Component Reuse in Construction
The Current Building Stock as a Source of Components for New Buildings
Circular building has been increasing in popularity over several years. The idea being that we should not use resources only once and then discard them, but continue using them in new products. The construction industry has responded to this by designing 'circular' buildings that
Circular Demolition and Component Reuse in Construction
The Current Building Stock as a Source of Components for New Buildings
Circular building has been increasing in popularity over several years. The idea being that we should not use resources only once and then discard them, but continue using them in new products. The construction industry has responded to this by designing 'circular' buildings that
Circular Demolition and Component Reuse in Construction
The Current Building Stock as a Source of Components for New Buildings
Circular building has been increasing in popularity over several years. The idea being that we should not use resources only once and then discard them, but continue using them in new products. The construction industry has responded to this by designing 'circular' buildings that
Facing to the conflict situation in Urban Village, I was trying to use the computational and parametric design method to establish the symbiotic system and to improve the quality and possibilities of the life in urban village.
Speculative loopholing
Opening limitations in Ijburg block 44a's architectural power processes
The problem adressed in this text is the fixation of capacities to interact by laws, which limits the realization of valuable transformative potential in the built environment. The purpose of this text is twofold: First to uncover the processes behind such fixation-through-laws f