G. Vlachogiannakis
9 records found
Abundant research reported in the literature has indicated that broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS), i.e., the measurement of material permittivity versus frequency, can serve a broad range of applications, including, but not limited to, biomedical, food, automotive, and agri
In this article, we present an analytical formulation based on an equivalent circuit model to support the challenging task of designing and analyzing single-ended patch sensing elements to be integrated in planar technologies. The proposed approach further allows for differentiat
We present a compact, scalable, and broadband architecture for the implementation of complex microwave permittivity sensors in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The proposed architecture consists of a patch sensor embedded in a programmable balanced reado
A compact sensing pixel for the determination of the localized complex permittivity at microwave frequencies is proposed. Implemented in the 40-nm CMOS, the architecture comprises a square patch, interfaced to the material-under-test sample, that provides permittivity-dependent a
A 0.14-μ m CMOS 2-D permittivity imaging matrix prototype operating at microwave frequencies is presented. It comprises 25 permittivity-sensing pixels, each consisting of a sensing patch connected to a dedicated RF bridge. A trans-conduct-ance stage converts the imbalance voltage
This paper presents a 0.15×0.3 mm2 complex permittivity sensor integrated in a 40-nm CMOS node. A single-ended patch, employed as a near-field sensing element, is integrated with a double-balanced, fully-differential tunable impedance bridge that is driven by a square
In this paper, we apply various area reduction techniques on an inductor–capacitor (LC)-tank oscillator in order to make its size comparable to that of ring oscillators (ROs), while still retaining its salient features of excellent phase noise and low sensitivity to supply variat
This paper presents a complex permittivity sensor, integrated in 40-nm CMOS, for microwave dielectric spectroscopy. It utilizes a single-ended patch as a near-field sensing element, embedded in a double-balanced, fully-differential impedance bridge. A low-IF, multi-harmonic down-