Sebastian Rivera Iunnissi

53 records found


A Sensitivity Analysis for Power Profile Modeling

A Case Study of Dutch DC Railway Networks

DC energy hubs have emerged as suitable candidates to enhance the electrical infrastructure in a localized approach, allowing future expansion in the transportation sector despite the electricity grid congestion. However, a risk in designing such a hub is that the outcome of t ...

This paper presents the design, implementation, and validation of an on-blade sensor system for remote vibration measurement for low-capacity wind turbines. The autonomous sensor system was deployed on three wind turbines, with one of them operating in harsh weather conditions in ...

DC-DC Converters for Bipolar Microgrid Voltage Balancing

A Comprehensive Review of Architectures and Topologies

DC microgrids initiated the change of a paradigm regarding the concept about electrical distribution networks, especially in the context of the distributed generation associated with renewable energies. However, this new reality opens a new area of research, in which several a ...

The MMC converter is the key topology for HVDC applications. In these systems, a major complexity is the number of modules and components required per phase to achieve nominal voltage and current levels for applications in transmission system. In this paper, the topology and cont ...
Modular multilevel series-parallel converters (MM-SPC) have become a suitable solution to provide higher operating voltages, fault tolerance operation, and reliability at a reduced cost, due to their ability to achieve a simpler internal voltage balance. Therefore, MMSPC is a pro ...
The Hexagonal power converter has become a suitable solution to provide high-quality voltage waveforms while achieving decoupled control of three DC terminals as well. In this case, the internal voltage balance of the different storage units is the main concern for the correct op ...

This paper proposes a new buck-boost flying-capacitor (FC) converter for the DC-DC stage of an Electric Vehicle (EV) fast charging station. The proposed converter is capable of delivering a wide output range of voltage to charge different battery configurations. The converter ...

Energy storage systems (ESSs) allow improving the stability and efficiency of the electrical grids with a high penetration of renewable energy sources. Moreover, the use of Hybrid ESSs (HESSs) enables storage solutions with both high-energy and high-power densities, by combini ...

Increasing the power rating of electric vehicles (EV) fast charging stations to reduce charging times is considered critical to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles. Besides increasing the power, other drivers pushing the development of EV fast chargers include the imp ...

Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure will play a critical role in decarbonization during the next decades, energizing a large share of the transportation sector. This will further increase the enabling role of power electronics converters as an energy transition techn ...

Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESSs) have gathered considerable interest due to their potential to achieve high energy and power density by integrating different storage technologies, such as batteries and capacitors, to name a few. Among the various topologies explored for H ...

Electromobility has been growing rapidly in recent years, as a result of green and sustainability policies that promote it, but its growth has been hampered by having less autonomy than combustion vehicles, not being able to directly replace them especially in heavy-duty elect ...

This paper proposes a new transformerless partial power converter for the DC-DC stage of a Electric Vehicle (EV) fast charging station. Partial power converters (PPC) are very attractive for this purpose thanks to their high efficiency. Based on this concept, it is proposed a ...

Bipolar DC Power Conversion

State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies

This article provides a detailed analysis of the power electronics solutions enabling bipolar dc grids. The bipolar dc grid concept has proven to be more efficient, flexible, and higher in quality than the conventional unipolar one. However, despite its many features, these sy ...

Electrification has been a key component of technological progress and economic development since the industrial revolution. It has improved living conditions, spurred innovation, and increased efficiency across all sectors of our economy and all aspects of our lives. During t ...

Currently, more decoupled photovoltaic (PV) systems demonstrate significant advantages in terms of efficiency increasing the competitiveness of the produced energy. This trend has been performed specifically in string and multistring configurations, where DC-DC converters are ...

The Modular Multilevel Series Parallel Converter (MMSPC) not only allows dynamic interconnection among the modules in series connection, like the traditional Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC), but also in parallel connection. This extra switching state among the modules allow ...


Electric Power Plant Modelling in Maritime Industry

DC grid modelling with short circuit analysis and protection study

This master’s thesis investigates the design, challenges, and protection mechanisms of electrical power distribution systems on ships with a particular emphasis on DC distribution systems. A key focus is on the challenges of DC systems, including protection difficulties and uniqu ...

Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment of HyET Solar Powerfoil Modules

A Comparative Study with C-Si PERC Technology for Current and Future Scenarios

This study presents a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) comparing HyET Solar's Powerfoil modules to conventional Passivated Emitter Rear Contact (PERC) technology. Through both current and future scenario analyses, utilizing tools like Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) ...
This study explores the effects and severity of microcracks within Solarge’s innovative lightweight polymer-based photovoltaic modules, aiming to recommend a grading criterion specific to the company’s product range. Unlike the traditional PV modules which predominantly employ a ...