M. Saeedifar

26 records found

The present study proposes a comprehensive integrity assessment approach for a full-scale adhesively-bonded bi-material joint for maritime applications. The joint represents a cross-section of the bond-line connection of a ship with a steel hull and a sandwich composite superstru ...
Thicker bondlines along with manufacturing-tolerant and fracture-resistant adhesives are trends visible across different industries, especially maritime. In this work, two contrasting adhesives: an elastic-brittle epoxy-based, and a nonlinear-ductile methyl methacrylate (MMA) are ...
The aim of this research was to investigate the self-healing potential of damaged Al joints when bonded using novel eco-epoxide adhesives derived from tannic acid (TA). Two eco-epoxy components based on TA, (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl phosphate ester of TA, were produced. ...
The present study is focused on the characterization of the fatigue damage features in carbon/epoxy laminates under mode-II loading conditions. To this aim, a sinusoidal cyclic load was applied to the End-Notched Flexural (ENF) specimens and the fatigue behavior of specimens was ...
The present study evaluates the toughening capability of electrospun PA66 nanofibers for carbon/epoxy composite laminates subjected to mode II loading conditions at elevated temperatures. The Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) test showed that the glass transition temperature of t ...
This study is devoted to the use of acoustic emission technique for a comprehensive damage assessment, that is, damage detection, localization, and classification, of an aeronautical metal-to-composite bonded panel. The structure comprised a titanium panel adhesively bonded to ca ...
This paper presents a concise state-of-the-art review on the use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) in bridge engineering. The paper is organized into commonly used FRP bridge components, and different materials/manufacturing techniques used for repairing and construction of FRP ...
This paper investigates the loading rate effect on both mechanical properties and damage accumulation process of [0°2/90°4]S carbon fiber-polymer laminates under tensile loading. In-situ edge observations, Acoustic Emission and Digital Image Correlation techniques were utilized s ...
The aim of this paper is to study the self-healing capability of fractured Al joints bonded with novel eco-epoxide adhesives synthesized from a bio-renewable raw material (tannic acid – TA). Two synthesized eco-epoxy components based on TA, (A) glycidyl ether and (B) glycidyl pho ...
Interleaving composite laminates with nanofibrous mat is one of the most reliable methods for increasing interlaminar fracture toughness. The present study seeks to find out how the damage mechanisms of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs), subjected to the mode-I and mode-II ...
This study is devoted to the damage characterization of Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF), 2D plain-woven (2D-PW) and 3D orthogonal plain-woven (ORT-PW) carbon/epoxy laminates, subjected to compression after multiple-impact loading, using Acoustic Emission (AE). The ultrasonic C-scan images ...
Mechanics of double-lap Steel-to-CFRP adhesively-bonded joints loaded in tension are investigated experimentally using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Acoustic Emission (AE), analytically using a one-dimensional closed-form solution and numerically with Finite Element analysi ...
The increasing interest for the application of adhesive joints in naval superstructures motivates researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the mechanical behaviour and failure mechanisms of these joints. This work reports on an experimental study of the deformation behavi ...
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of loading angle variation on the pseudo-ductility of quasi-isotropic (QI) hybrid composite laminates. Previously, hybrids of thin-ply carbon fibres and standard glass fibres were found to have an excellent pseudo-ductile behavio ...
Damage characterization of laminated composites has been thoroughly studied the last decades where researchers developed several damage models, and in combination with experimental evidence, contributed to better understanding of the structural behavior of these structures. Exper ...
This paper investigates the effect of temperature and hybridization on the impact damage evolution and post-impact residual strength of hemp/epoxy, basalt/epoxy and their hybrid laminates, using mechanical and acoustic emission (AE) based analysis. To start with, the specimens we ...
This study aims to use the passive and active acoustic-based health monitoring methods for impact damage assessment of composite structures. To this aim, a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composite plate was fabricated and subjected to a simulated low-velocity impact by pe ...
The aim of this study is to investigate the failure of cracked aluminum plates repaired by one-side composite patches under fatigue loading using Acoustic Emission (AE) and fractography images. Rectangular specimens made of 6061 aluminum alloy with central through thickness pre-c ...
The aim of the present study is to characterize the damage in bi-material steel-to-composite double-lap adhesively-bonded joints using Acoustic Emission (AE). Two different structural adhesives, a ductile (Methacrylate-based) and brittle (Epoxy-based), were used to bond CFRP skin ...
This paper investigates the effect of the fabric architecture and the z-binding yarns on the compression after multiple impacts behavior of composites. Four fiber architectures are investigated: non-crimp fabric (NCF), 2D plain weave (2D-PW), 3D orthogonal plain (ORT-PW) and twil ...