Eric Farrell

11 records found


The rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque cap overlying a lipid pool and/or necrotic core can lead to thrombotic cardiovascular events. In essence, the rupture of the plaque cap is a mechanical event, which occurs when the local stress exceeds the local tissue strength. However ...

A tissue-engineered model of the atherosclerotic plaque cap

Toward understanding the role of microcalcifications in plaque rupture

Rupture of the cap of an atherosclerotic plaque can lead to thrombotic cardiovascular events. It has been suggested, through computational models, that the presence of microcalcifications in the atherosclerotic cap can increase the risk of cap rupture. However, the experimenta ...

Bone Morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) like BMP2 and BMP7 have shown great potential in the treatment of severe bone defects. In recent in vitro studies, BMP9 revealed the highest osteogenic potential compared to other BMPs, possibly due to its unique signaling pathways that diffe ...

Tissue engineering bone via endochondral ossification requires the generation of a cartilage template which undergoes vascularisation and remodelling. While this is a promising route for bone repair, achieving effective cartilage vascularisation remains a challenge. Here, we i ...

Macrophage responses following the implantation of orthopaedic implants are essential for successful implant integration in the body, partly through intimate crosstalk with human marrow stromal cells (hMSCs) in the process of new bone formation. Additive manufacturing (AM) and pl ...

Objective: Cartilage is avascular and numerous studies have identified the presence of single anti- and pro-angiogenic factors in cartilage. To better understand the maintenance hyaline cartilage, we assessed the angiogenic potential of complete cartilage releasate with functi ...

Additive manufacturing (AM) techniques have provided many opportunities for the rational design of porous metallic biomaterials with complex and precisely controlled topologies that give rise to unprecedented combinations of mechanical, physical, and biological properties. These ...

Additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V implants were biofunctionalized using plasma electrolytic oxidation. At various time points during this process scanning electron microscopy imaging was performed to analyze the surface morphology (van Hengel et al., 2017) [1]. This data shows ...

Implant-associated infection and limited longevity are two major challenges that orthopedic devices need to simultaneously address. Additively manufactured porous implants have recently shown tremendous promise in improving bone regeneration and osseointegration, but, as any c ...


Background: Despite the considerable development of the field of orthopedic implants in the past century, complications including poor bone ingrowth and implant associated infection (IAI) persist to this day, causing a huge burden to millions of patients and the healthcare system ...
Titanium orthopaedic biomaterials to replace degenerated joint surface, improve bone regeneration and fixation are studied and used worldwide. However, not always biomaterial implantation is successful, and the main causes of implant failure remain implant associated infections ( ...