147 records found
Two-photon sideband interaction in a driven quantum Rabi model
Quantitative discussions with derived longitudinal drives and beyond the rotating wave approximation
In this paper, we analytically and numerically study the sideband interaction dynamics of the driven quantum Rabi model (QRM). We focus in particular on the conditions when the external transverse drive fields induce first-order sideband interactions. Inducing sideband interac ...
QuCAT: Quantum circuit analyzer tool in python (New Journal of Physics (2020) 22 (013025) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab60f6)
In the published paper, the Hamiltonian featured in figure 2 was incorrect. The term EJ/(12h) should be EJ/(24h), as shown in the corrected figure in this corrigendum. Note that this error was simply typographic, and was never reflected in the QuCAT software. (Figure Presented ...
Quantum circuit analyzer tool in Python
Nature of the Lamb shift in weakly anharmonic atoms
From normal-mode splitting to quantum fluctuations
Predicting DESHIMA 2.0 observations of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect
Galaxy clusters are some of the largest known structures in the universe. Studying them observationally and theoretically can provide a lot of information on how these clusters form and are structured. One way to study them is through the so-called Sunyaev-Ze ...
Quantum Acoustics with high-overtone bulk resonators and superconducting qubits
High-Q planar devices, phononlasers, and quantum ghosts
Controlling the Quantum
Creating a protocol for arbitrary state generation in an LC oscillator using Jaynes-Cummings interactions
Calibrated cryogenic amplifier measurements
Determining the characteristics of a current pumped nanobridge Josephson Parametric Amplifier using Short-Open-Load and Thermal Calibration
matter systems. One such circuit is a Cooper pair transistor which has already
been widely studied in different regi ...