Luc Enthoven

4 records found


Quantum processors based on color centers in diamond are promising candidates for future large-scale quantum computers thanks to their flexible optical interface, (relatively) high operating temperature, and high-fidelity operation. Similar to other quantum-computing platforms ...

Color-center quantum bits (qubits), such as the Nitrogen-Vacancy center (NV) in diamond, have demonstrated entanglement between remote (>1.3km) qubits and excellent coherence times [1], all while operating at a few Kelvins. Compared to other qubit technologies typically ope ...

This paper presents a 15b cryo-CMOS DAC for multiplexed spin-qubit biasing implemented in a 22-nm FinFET process. The integrating-DAC architecture and the robust digitally-assisted high-voltage output stage enable a low power dissipation (157W) and small area (0.08mm2) indepen ...

LC VCOs with low phase noise (PN) and an octave frequency-tuning range (FTR) are required for multistandard communication devices, software-defined radios, and wireline data links. A viable popular approach is to exploit multicore mode-switching VCOs for two reasons: (1) their ...