A. Fu

12 records found

The energy transition encourages using heat pumps at the residential level, which results in a multi-carrier energy system when combined with PV and battery storage. Optimally controlling such systems has proven challenging. The numerous constraints required, different response t ...
The increasing proportion of renewable energy introduces both long-term and short-term uncertainty to power systems, which restricts the implementation of energy management systems (EMSs) with high dependency on accurate prediction techniques. A hierarchical online EMS (HEMS) is ...
With the maritime industry poised on the cusp of a hybrid revolution, the design and analysis of advanced vessel systems have become paramount for engineers. This paper presents AC and DC electrical hybrid power system models in ETAP, the simulation software that can be adapted t ...
The extensive integration of distributed renewable energy resources (DRES) can lead to several issues in power grids, particularly in distribution grids, due to their inherent intermittency. This paper presents a stochastic simulation-based approach to estimate the maximum permis ...
As the penetration of Converter-Interfaced Dis-tributed Renewable Energy Sources (CI-DRES) increases, several problems are revealed in electric power systems, e.g., power quality issues, reverse power flows and frequency instability. A solution to tackle these issues is the mitig ...
This paper deals with a systematic assessment of the power system frequency dynamics under high penetration of converter-interfaced renewable energy sources (CI-RESs). Specifically, the concept of the virtual synchronous generator (VSG) is implemented in the CI-RESs located at th ...

The Illuminator

An Open Source Energy System Integration Development Kit

This paper introduces a flexible and extendable easy-to-use energy system integration development kit: the Illuminator. The Illuminator illustrates challenges arising from the energy transition. Hence, it is suitable in education and for demonstration. It also acts as a sandbox f ...
Door middel van een zo representatief mogelijk rekenmodel voor het middenspanningsnet van de Amsterdamse gebieden Buiksloterham-Zuid/Overhoeks (BZOH), heeft het onderzoeksteam een detailanalyse kunnen uitvoeren naar de verwachte leveringscongestie in dit gebied zoals aangekondigd ...
As the penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) increases significantly in the distribution networks, their integration reshapes distribution system power flows and leads to serious voltage quality problems in distribution networks. In this paper, a novel distributed co ...
The rapid growth of rooftop solar, and on the rise technologies such as electric vehicles and heat pumps, is leading to congestion problems in low voltage distribution networks. If not dealt with, the congestion will prevent the installation of further units limiting the pace of ...
Rapid and large variation of photovoltaic (PV) power may incur frequency variation in a power system with high PV penetration. In such a case, much more reserve capacity of automatic generation control (AGC) for frequency regulation will be needed. In this paper, the energy stora ...