H.M. Schuttelaars
161 records found
Structure and intensity of estuarine exchange flow depend significantly on the eddy viscosity Av profile which is dynamically linked to various forces (e.g., gravitational, tidal, wind-driven). The impact of winds on the exchange flow is complex due to its direct (l ...
Seasonal Variations in Flocculation and Erosion Affecting the Large-Scale Suspended Sediment Distribution in the Scheldt Estuary
The Importance of Biotic Effects
Many estuaries exhibit seasonality in the estuary-scale distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM). This SPM distribution depends on various factors, including freshwater discharge, salinity intrusion, erodibility, and the ability of cohesive SPM to flocculate into lar ...
Morphodynamic Equilibria in Double-Inlet Systems
Existence and Stability
The existence of morphodynamic equilibria of double-inlet systems is investigated using a cross-sectionally averaged morphodynamic model. The number of possible equilibria and their stability strongly depend on the forcing conditions and geometry considered. This is illustrate ...
Balancing truncation and round-off errors in FEM
One-dimensional analysis
In finite element methods, the accuracy of the solution cannot increase indefinitely since the round-off error related to limited computer precision increases when the number of degrees of freedom (DoFs) is large enough. Because a priori information of the highest attainable a ...
A local eddy viscosity parameterization for wind-driven estuarine exchange flow. Part I
Stratification dependence
A new parameterization for the estuarine turbulent eddy viscosity coefficient is developed considering the influence of wind forcing and feedback between stratification and shear. The emerging tidally averaged eddy viscosity profile AvT is parameterized a ...
Can the Scheldt River Estuary become hyperturbid?
A model analysis of suspended sediment concentrations and transport in response to channel deepening
We investigate the hypothesis by Winterwerp and Wang (Ocean Dyn 63:1279–1292, 2013) that channel deepening in the Scheldt River Estuary could lead to a large increase in suspended sediment concentrations, with subsequent severe consequences to primary production and navigation ...
Time Evolution of Estuarine Turbidity Maxima in Well-Mixed, Tidally Dominated Estuaries
The Role of Availability- and Erosion-Limited Conditions
The hyperturbid state of the water column in estuaries and rivers
The importance of hindered settling
Three-Dimensional Sediment Dynamics in Well-Mixed Estuaries
Importance of the Internally Generated Overtide, Spatial Settling Lag, and Gravitational Circulation
Response of large-scale coastal basins to wind forcing
Influence of topography
Salt Dynamics in Well-Mixed Estuaries
Importance of Advection by Tides
Water motion over tidal flats
Finite element method in the frequency domain
Domain Decomposition Helmholtz Solvers
Obtaining Wave Number Independence
Idealised tidal dynamics in an estuary with a horizontally movable time dependent barrier
A contribution to one of the possible solutions of the sludge problem in the Eems estuary
An Isogeometric Analysis Approach for Morphoelastic Models
Application to Skin Contracture
A theoretical study of the sub-tidal, width-averaged effects of wind stress in estuaries
Dynamics, stratification and salt intrusion
Several approaches to model multi-commodity dynamical flow
On a package transport network
model was developed to describe interactions between the cus ...
Modelling Wrinkling Behaviour of Large Floating Thin Offshore Structures
An application of Isogeometric Structural Analysis for Post-Buckling Analyses
With increasing attention to climate change,renewable energy generation has become a major topic for research anddevelopment. Wind and solar energy are generated on land, whereas wave, windand tidal energy generators are getting attention in the offshore doma ...