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N. Geržinič

14 records found

Long-distance / International travel has seen little attention in the past, largely due to the irregular and sporadic nature of such trips. And yet, a single long-distance trip can amount to a distance equivalent to a year’s worth of commute trips, resulting in a similar, if not ...
Making the mobility sector sustainable is a key part in the transition to a climate- and carbon-neutral society (European Parliament, 2023). For trips too long to be performed by active modes (walking, cycling), public transport is the most sustainable alternative available to tr ...
Public transport systems have been and continue to be shaped by disruptive forces, impacting individuals’ travel behaviour and how they interact with public transport. This thesis analyses the impact of disruptors on travel behaviour, the perception and use of public transport, e ...
Het verduurzamen van de mobiliteitssector is een essentieel onderdeel van de transitie naar een klimaat- en CO2-neutrale samenleving. Voor verplaatsingen die te lang zijn voor actieve vervoerwijzen (lopen, fietsen, …), is het openbaar vervoer over het algemeen het meest duurzame ...
This paper uses stated preference data collected in the city of Rotterdam and discrete choice modelling techniques to study the relationship between public transport and shared micromobility. It assumes a hypothetical condition of integrated systems and studies the relationships ...
On-demand mobility services (FLEX) are often proposed as a solution for the first/last mile problem. We study the potential of using FLEX to improve train station access by means of a three-step sequential stated preference survey. We compare FLEX with the bicycle, car and public ...
Neighbourhood mobility hubs may play an important role in mitigating the impact of passenger cars on climate change and urban public space. As a relatively new concept, academic research on the user potential of neighbourhood mobility hubs is so far limited. This research aims to ...
Understanding user's perception of service variability is essential to discern their overall perception of any type of (transport) service. We study the perception of waiting time variability for ride-hailing services. We carried out a stated preference survey in August 2021, yie ...
A plethora of shared fleet services have been introduced in cities worldwide. Despite their increased presence in urban areas, it is insofar unknown what are the main determinants of travellers’ choices between the usage of shared-mopeds and cars and thereby the extent to which s ...
This research aims to analyse the perception of covid-19 infection risk in long-distance travel in Europe and how it impacts mode choice and travel behaviour. We make use of an HII variant type experiment and model it by means of a latent class choice model, where we uncover four ...
The Passenger Centre is a crossing point for commuters, day-trippers and international travellers and must therefore provide the best possible public transport services@en
On-demand mobility services are promising to revolutionise urban travel, but preliminary studies are showing they may actually increase total vehicle miles travelled, worsening road congestion in cities. In this study, we assess the demand for on-demand mobility services in urban ...
Since the introduction of Discrete Choice Analysis, countless efforts have been made to enhance the efficiency of data collection through choice experiments and to improve the behavioural realism of choice models. One example development in data collection are best-worst discrete ...
The integrated timetable concept was developed in Switzerland in the 1980s and is now also being introduced in Austria, Germany and Denmark. What is it and what could be gained?@en