Y.B.C. van Mil
38 records found
Europe is a continent surrounded by water on three sides, with major seaports and metropolises along its coastlines. Each of these waters is different in terms of depth, water quality or role in global shipping, and their unique characteristics have influenced the planning of coa
Large ports such as Rotterdam, Shanghai, or Los Angeles are always in the foreground; they are in the press, the subject of many academic studies, and key players in political decision-making, but what about all small and medium-sized ports in the same territory? If we look at th
Willem Steigenga & Samuel van Embden
Two different approaches towards spatial planning: Design and research
During the 1960s, a rift between urban planners and architects increased as the first group relied on data and other facts, whereas as the second was led by artistic considerations. The two inaugural lectures of Willem Steigenga and Sam van Embden, published in English for the fi
In OverHolland 22 staan de architectuur en stedenbouw van de naoorlogse universiteitscampus centraal. Het nummer bouwt daarmee voort op OverHolland 18/19, waarin een systematische vergelijking van de architectonische erfenis en de recente ontwikkelingsstrategieën van de universit
Analoog aan de campus-atlassen van Delft en Eindhoven in OverHolland 18/19 wordt in deze bijdrage de ruimtelijke opzet en transformatie van de campus van de Universiteit Twente (UT) gedocumenteerd in een serie kaarten en analysetekeningen. Uitgangspunt is daarbij een vergelijking
Tijdlijn Delft, Eindhoven, Twente
Drie technische universiteitscampussen vergeleken
Dit artikel presenteert aan de hand van een tijdlijn en een netwerkdiagram van de betrokken architecten en stedenbouwkundigen de ontwikkeling van de Twentse campus naast die van de twee andere Technische Universiteiten in Nederland. De Twentse campus was de derde in de rij, na De
Port City Atlas: Mapping European Port City Territories
From Understanding to Design
The Atlas was created within the LDE PortCityFutures research group and the Faculty of Architecture TU Delft. It is part of the series on the Urbanization of the Sea, and the kick-off of a sub-series on Mapping Port Cities
> An analytical study on the complexity of port cities in
Port city resilience
Piloting a socio-spatial method for understanding, comparing and representing linked maritime heritage
Port cities around the world have long facilitated trade and the exchange of people. They have developed as part of a network with mirroring facilities for storage, trade and housing in each location. Many of these cities have developed over centuries and share long histories and
Ons land is in een periode gekomen, waarin de zorg voor het in stand houden van een goed leefmilieu aan overheid en maatschappij meer dan vroeger ter harte moet gaan. Het besef daarvan dringt algemeen door. Contemporary urbanization patterns around the Nor ...
Urbanization Patterns around the North Sea
Long-Term Population Dynamics, 1300–2015
Around the North Sea, how have port cities and cities in the hinterlands of port cities influenced one another in the past? What possible links are there between population trends in various urban areas and time periods? Is it possible to identify the origin of the urbanization p
Straddling the Fence
Land Use Patterns in and around Ports as Hidden Designers
Ports are clearly demarcated structures on land and water. They are fenced in, easily recognizable on satellite and orthophoto images, and they have specific functions. This apparent clarity of ports, their function and outline, in relation to nearby urban and rural areas, become
The Maritime Mindset
A Conceptual and Practical Exploration of Mapping Port Cities
Centuries of trade have left their traces in the culture and society of port cities. This paper explores the usefulness of the concept “maritime mindset” to recognize these traces, and analyses it from different disciplinary perspectives. In the second part, it proposes the pract
Mapping as Gap-Finder
Geddes, Tyrwhitt, and the Comparative Spatial Analysis of Port City Regions
Politicians, planners, and mapmakers have long used mapping to depict selected spaces, to document natural and humanmade changes within them, and to identify spaces where planning intervention is needed or can be helpful. Recent innovations involving big data, GIS-based research
North Sea Crossings
Historical geo-spatial mapping as a tool to understand the local development of port cities in a global context
The Waterwheel
A Socio-spatial method for understanding and displaying holistic water systems
Many megacities around the world are located in deltas where the possibilities of shipping and the availability of flat fertile lands have attracted large numbers of people, industries and businesses. These areas also face multiple water-based challenges: the provision of clean d
Researchers from multiple disciplines study ports and port cities using various forms of visualization. To better understand port cities’ challenges and opportunities, some use mathematical modeling of economic flows or shipping, while others use geo-spatial mapping of land and w