M.C. Goorden

45 records found

Photon counting detectors (PCDs) for x-ray computed tomography (CT) are the future of CT imaging. At present, semiconductor-based PCDs such as cadmium telluride (CdTe), cadmium zinc telluride, and silicon have been either used or investigated for clinical PCD CT. U ...
While X-ray photon-counting detectors (PCDs) promise to revolutionize medical imaging, theoretical frameworks to evaluate them are commonly limited to incident fluence rates sufficiently low that the detector response can be considered linear. However, typical clinica ...
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and X-ray projection radiography are commonly used in the proton therapy workflow for the verification of patient positioning. The prospect of using the CBCT images for dose calculation purposes is attractive but currently hampered by the poor ...

NaI gamma camera performance for high energies

Effects of crystal thickness, photomultiplier tube geometry and light guide thickness

Background: Gamma camera imaging, including single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), is crucial for research, diagnostics, and radionuclide therapy. Gamma cameras are predominantly based on arrays of photon multipliers tubes (PMTs) that read out NaI(Tl) scintillation c ...
Microscopic nuclear imaging down to spatial resolutions of a few hundred microns can already be achieved using low-energy gamma emitters (e.g. 125I, ∼30 keV) and a basic single micro-pinhole gamma camera. This has been applied to in vivo mouse thyroid imaging, for exam ...
X-ray detectors with photon-counting capabilities promise to revolutionise medical imaging. For an efficient comparison of detectors of various materials and with different setup choices, reliable detector performance measures are needed. The detector point spread function (PSF) ...
In clinical brain SPECT, correction for photon attenuation in the patient is essential to obtain images which provide quantitative information on the regional activity concentration per unit volume (kBq). This correction generally requires an attenuation map (map) denoting the at ...
Despite improvements in small animal PET instruments, many tracers cannot be imaged at sufficiently high resolutions due to positron range, while multi-tracer PET is hampered by the fact that all annihilation photons have equal energies. Here we realize multi-isotope and sub-mm r ...
The use of multi-pinhole collimation has enabled ultra-high-resolution imaging of SPECT and PET tracers in small animals. Key for obtaining high-quality images is the use of statistical iterative image reconstruction with accurate energy-dependent photon transport modelling throu ...
SPECT imaging with 123I-FP-CIT is used for diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease. Attenuation correction (AC) can be useful for quantitative analysis of 123I-FP-CIT SPECT. Ideally, AC would be performed based on attenuation maps (μ-maps) derived from p ...


Fast automated three-dimensional autoradiography

Introduction: Autoradiography is an established technique for high-resolution imaging of radiolabelled molecules in biological tissue slices. Unfortunately, creating a 3D image from a set of these 2D images is extremely time-consuming and error-prone. MicroSPECT systems provide s ...
Brain perfusion SPECT can be used in the diagnosis of various neurologic or psychiatric disorders, e.g. stroke, epilepsy, dementia and posttraumatic stress disorder. As traditional SPECT provides limited resolution and sensitivity, we recently proposed a high resolution focusing ...
Photomultiplier tube (PMT)-based scintillation cameras are predominant in molecular imaging but have the drawback that position estimation is severely degraded near the edges (dead edge effect). This leads to sensitivity losses and can cause severe problems in applications like m ...
In recent years, breast imaging using radiolabelled molecules has attracted significant interest. Our group has proposed a multi-pinhole molecular breast tomosynthesis (MP-MBT) scanner to obtain 3D functional molecular breast images at high resolutions. After conducting extensive ...
Today, versatile emission computed tomography (VECTor) technology using dedicated high-energy collimation enables simultaneous positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) down to 0.6 mm and 0.4 mm resolution in mice, respectively. We ...


Multi-pinhole high-resolution ex vivo imaging of high-energy isotopes

We recently developed a dedicated focusing multi-pinhole collimator for a stationary SPECT system that offers down to 120 m (or 1.7 nL) spatial resolution SPECT images of cryo-cooled tissue samples (EXIRAD-3D). This collimator is suitable for imaging isotopes that are often used ...
Pinhole collimation is widely recognized for offering superior resolution-sensitivity trade-off in SPECT imaging of small subjects. The newly developed EXIRAD-3D autoradiography technique (MILabs B.V.) based on a highly focusing multi-pinhole collimator achieves micron-resolution ...
Imaging of 99mTc-labelled tracers is gaining popularity for detecting breast tumours. Recently, we proposed a novel design for molecular breast tomosynthesis (MBT) based on two sliding focusing multi-pinhole collimators that scan a modestly compressed breast. Simulation studies i ...
Anger cameras based on monolithic NaI scintillators read out by an array of PMTs are predominant in planar gamma imaging and SPECT. However, position estimation of gamma interactions is usually severely degraded near the edges of the scintillator which can be extremely undesirabl ...