F.J. Speksnijder

18 records found

Stages of Democracy

Exploring the political capacity of theatre for the design of a representative public square in Tallinn

Our notion of the public sphere is inherently tied to Western ideas of democracy, as the domain where political decisions are being debated. However, the implosion of official communism and the consequent neoliberal onslaught have fundamentally altered the conception of public sp ...

The MarketHouse

A Mat Building of Enablement in the Soviet Courtyard

MarketHouse is a hybrid building in the soviet microrayon of Mustakivi, Lasnamae, that integrates residential and commercial spaces, creating a micro-economy system of production and consumption.
This system elevates individuals, making them dignified and self-sufficient, wh ...

Crafting Tallinn

Handcraft community located in the historic center of Tallinn.

The goal of this project is to join maker and artisan communities in one place. This location acts as a craftsmanship hub, catering to both artisans who sell their designs, and makers who share their knowledge with the community. Combining these two types of users stems from the ...

The Tallinn Quarry Theme Park

Architecture of Deception

In the immersive environments of theme parks nothing is what it appears to be. The architecture of such places relies on architectural manipulation, new technologies and
vibrant scenes to create a pleasurescape that would prolong the visitor’s stay. Reflecting on the touris ...
Tallinna Arkaad | Project description

Tallinna Arkaad (Tallinn's Arcade) is a project situated in Uus Maailm, a subdistrict of Tallinn characterized by poorly maintained buildings and streets and a lack of commercial activities. Despite these issues, Uus Maailm is poised ...

Klimaforum Berlin

Immersive Spaces in a Nutshell

Klimaforum is Berlins new interactive art, science and technology forum, located on a soon to be vacant heizkraftwerk site along the Spree river.
Commissioned by The German Ministry of Culture & Media, The City of Berlin and exploited by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, ...
This thesis is an exploration into architectural strategies that help build up the holistic care for children in paediatric facilities.
Preconceived notions about the scope of architecture and its definition as a purely spatial dimension produced or analysed through one-to-one translated two-dimensional images and drawings do not convey the true experience of space. It lacks movements, emotions, human activities, ...

In-Between Others

Deconstructing Dichotomies of (Power) Bodies

This research explores the entanglement of relations of bodies and cities, in the heterogeneous contemporary city. Wherein, the othering of bodies has become an increasingly (problematic) complexity, due to its relations with obsolete embodiments of (historic) notions of power. T ...

A Regenerative Brownfield development

Architecture towards a Third Generation London

Over the years, the Anthropocentric societies are to blame for the problematic urban environments they have created. Within the current paradigm, our destructive behavior towards the natural environment has caused a major decline in biodiversity. To restore the ecology in our con ...

The Middleground

Challenging Asymmetric Membranes

In the case of the 2017 Grenfell Tower, the fire affected those who were already socio-economically underprivileged. Many residents of the Grenfell tower did not just become homeless or lost personal belongings, approximately two-thirds suffer from post-traumatic stress. Such lay ...
Spatial (in)justice is characterised as the geography of social (in)justice. The city is a network of ecologies composed of infrastructure, economic ideologies, and wealth. The inequalities that emerge as a by-product of these systems highlight the injustices in London evolving f ...

The Corporeal, The Clinical, The Collective

A Schizoanalysis of Dissociation

A personal problem of dissociation has become the catalyst for a schizoanalysis on the levels of the corporeal, the clinical, and the collective, that uses a philosophical understanding of the unconscious to materialise a design for an urban psychiatric clinic for dissociative di ...

Ambiguous Lines

Architectures for/of Urban Interstitial Ecologies

The project can be defined at the intersection of urban landscape, architecture and infrastructure as a resolution of not only social flows but also the systems and elements of the material flows, which once shaped London. It aims to formulate new social urban programs where the ...
Often, the current housing stock does not address problems of social isolation at this moment in time. For example, dwellings are designed as interior spaces and the route towards the home is often an unpleasant and boring one. It is important for architects and designers to have ...

Undividing Lahore

The Temple of Dialogue

The city of Lahore (Pakistan) is suffering from a severe environmental crisis. Water related issues such as droughts, floods and waterborne diseases have interrupted the accessibility of citizens to basic amenities. At the TU Delft, I have been approaching these issues in the Exp ...

Reflections of the Bossche Stadsdelta

Amplifying the experience of the Bossche Stadsdelta in a non-traditional design process

As an architect we experiment. Architectural experimentation is the process of generating design ideas and making design decisions. The traditional tools, drawing and modelling, have proven to be fruitful. However, when zooming in on the essence of experimentation, one may wonder ...
The Dutch coast is facing many changes shortly to keep up with the increase in tourism, wind farms, housing, and sea-level rise. To preserve the coastal place-identity under these changes, it is important to research what elements constitute the place-identity of the Holland Coas ...