B.J. Boersma
23 records found
Dual Fuel combustion of Methanol and PODE in a marine ICE and on-board production of PODE
Modelling of a process plant design and engine system
The problem of global warming is becoming every day more and more pressing, leading to the necessity of reducing harmful emissions especially in the shipping sector. Most ships sail with Internal Combustion Engines, reason why it is beneficial to keep using this system, with the
Dynamic Characteristics of Industrial Heat Pump Operation
A modeling study
In order to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, global emissions must decrease at a high rate. Looking at the industrial sector, the largest share of energy is used for process heating, with fossil fuels as its primary source. A way to improve the energy efficiency and reduce
Design of a Carbon Dioxide Compression Train
For high pressures and low mass flows, using rolling piston compressors
To answer the need for renewable fuels, Zero Emission Fuels is designing a microplant to create methanol from carbon dioxide and water from the ambient air using only renewable energy from solar panels. For this microplant, gaseous carbon dioxide must be compressed from 1 to 50 [
Regeneration of a Liquid Desiccant from a Dehumidification System with Hot Air
Efficient cooling of greenhouses in subtropical climates
As the world population is increasing and cities grow faster than before, food scarcity becomes a bigger issue. To depend less on import and decrease CO2 footprint, food should be produced nearby its consumers. A good solution for food production is a greenhouse which provides a
In the report that is before you, a method has been investigated to increase the capacity of domestic hot water tanks. To do so without having to increase the volume of the tank, a phase change material has been included in an annular space around the tank. To test the performanc
Miniaturization of spacecraft has been gaining wide interest in the space industry, given its potential for reducing space missions' costs and providing a novel approach to enhancing and facilitating spaceflight. Recently, a lot of research has been successfully put into this fie
Modelling and Optimization of a Hydrogen Refuelling Station with CH2P Technology
Delivering decentralized hydrogen and electricity for mobility
The vehicle industry is increasingly exploring emission-free mobility. Transforming the mobility sector to zero-emission vehicles that consume renewable and low carbon fuels is necessary to reduce the impacts on climate change. Hydrogen powered electric vehicles, or Fuel Cell Ele
Heatpipes are promising devices for geothermal energy extraction owing to their
effectiveness to transport heat. The goal of this research is to validate an analytical heatpipe model with experiments and to investigate the difficulties in designing and constructing geothermal ...
effectiveness to transport heat. The goal of this research is to validate an analytical heatpipe model with experiments and to investigate the difficulties in designing and constructing geothermal ...
Heat transfer in multiphase flow plays an important role in nature and in numerous industries such as petrochemical, automotive, food processing, ocean engineering etc. It is becoming increasingly crucial to design more efficient industrial systems to reduce the environmental imp
In the Netherlands most houses and buildings are connected to a gas network since the nineteen seventies to heat our houses and cook. In march of this year the new Dutch government announced that to meet the climate accord of Paris all dutch household should be of the gas net in
The production process of milk powder consists of multiple stages. This report focuses on the falling film evaporator, which role in the production process is to evaporate the water content from the milk. A falling film evaporator is a large vertically-placed vessel whereby the i
Selective Catalytic Reduction for Marine Applications
Dynamic Modelling and System Integration
Environmental regulations are continuously raising the bar towards more advanced diesel engine designs ca- pable of minimizing the emissions of polluting substances. The recent IMO Tier III legislation, entered into force in 2016, is forcing the engine manufacturers to meet a NOx
The Beam Dump Facility (BDF) is a new fixed target facility proposed to be installed in the North Area of CERN. Currently in its design phase, the BDF is aimed at the Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) experiment, which purpose is to investigate the origin of dark matter and othe
Offshore transport, conditioning and storage of Carbon Dioxide
A comprehensive method to evaluate the suitability of existing offshore infrastructure for the transport and storage of carbon dioxide
This report presents the first simple and comprehensive method to effectively compare different infrastructure configurations for reservoirs that have been found suitable for long-term storage of carbon dioxide. Modelling the different transport phenomena along the chain, this st
Zero Emission Fuels B.V. develops a standalone System that produces renewable methanol from air and sunlight. In this thesis the steady-state model of this System is replaced with a Simulation Tool that can predict its behaviour for every minute of a year. The goal is to verify h
In this thesis diffuser performance will be simulated with computational fluid dynamics, which will be done with the program Ansys Fluent. The expanding geometry creates an adverse pressure gradient and under certain conditions there will also be separation.
At first a r ...
At first a r ...
One of the challenges in gas turbines is in the reduction of NOx and CO emissions due to simultaneous
dependence on stringent emission norms and subsequent demand for change in operating conditions. To cater the volatile demand of power supply, most of the gas turbines have t ...
dependence on stringent emission norms and subsequent demand for change in operating conditions. To cater the volatile demand of power supply, most of the gas turbines have t ...
Direct Numerical simulations (DNS) belong to the class of simulations that strive to emulate the real physical flow by trying to simulate the complete range of scales involved in the flow. Though the computational power has steadily increased in the past few decades, resolving th