
Herman de Wolff

112 records found


D6.4 Report on selective qualitative analysis

Which includes 8 selected legal and policy arrangements in selected countries, and analysis of results and a report on the discussion with experts

Access to land is one of the main issues faced by new generations in rural areas. The RURALIZATION project addresses this topic by analysing (Loveluck et al., 2021) and developing (in progress) innovative practices, studying land holdings and land market trends (Korthals Altes, 2 ...

Wetsvoorstel Aanvullingswet grondeigendom Omgevingswet

Preadviezen voor de Vereniging Bouwrecht

Op 22 maart 1977 viel het kabinet-De Uyl over de ‘wetsvoorstellen inzake de grondpolitiek’. De hedendaagse variant van die wetsvoorstellen, de Aanvullingswet grondeigendom Omgevingswet, heeft duidelijk een minder grote politieke impact, maar de juridische consequenties van die ni ...

Wetsvoorstel Aanvullingswet grondeigendom Omgevingswet

Preadviezen voor de Vereniging Bouwrecht

Op 22 maart 1977 viel het kabinet-De Uyl over de ‘wetsvoorstellen inzake de grondpolitiek’. De hedendaagse variant van die wetsvoorstellen, de Aanvullingswet grondeigendom Omgevingswet, heeft duidelijk een minder grote politieke impact, maar de juridische consequenties van die ni ...

Grondexploitatie ingekaderd

De betekenis van het Besluit begroting en verantwoording en de Mededingingswet

In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de positie van grondexploitatie in het debat rond overheid en marktactiviteiten. Er wordt ingezoomd op het Besluit begroting en verantwoording provincies en gemeenten en de betekenis van de recente wijzigingen. Daarbij staat de vraag centraal of g ...

Risico's en verkoopbaarheid van woningen

Een internationale verkenning naar ervaringen met het bepalen van het effect van risico's op prijsvorming op de woningmarkt

Dit onderzoek maakt deel uit van het onderzoeksprogramma Woningmarktonderzoek aardbevingsgebied Groningen’ dat wordt uitgevoerd met een subsidie van: Dialoogtafel Groningen @en

Risico's en compensatie

Een literatuurverkenning van enkele compensatieregelingen

Dit onderzoek maakt deel uit van het onderzoeksprogramma ‘Woningmarktonderzoek aardbevingsgebied Groningen’ dat wordt uitgevoerd met een subsidie van: Dialoogtafel Groningen.@en

Omdat het geheel soms meer is dan de som der delen

Hoe omgaan met uitponding op recreatieparken?


Structural Steel Reuse Analysis

Developping a quickscan tool to indicate reusable steel beams

The Dutch government was mandated by the national court in May 2019 to address high nitrogen-oxide levels, threatening construction permits to be canceled if target values are not met. As the agrarian sector contributed significantly to nitrogen-oxide emissions, reductions in thi ...

Urban Happiness

How urbanists should carry out citizens’ participation during the design process to improve citizens their lives

Social inequility is still part of the current world, not only in the poorer countries but also in the wealthiest once. With the use of gentrification it was tried to hide the poverty by improving the quality of neighbourhoods. Although this improved the liveability and wealthine ...

Middle-segment housing by implementing passive land policyMiddle-policy

An exploratory case study on how middle-segment housing is developed by using land-use instruments in wicked problems and with low municipal landownership

The Dutch housing market has a shortage and especially a shortage in its middle-segment between, low-income, social housing, and higher-income, homeownership. Because of this, municipalities have become more active in creating middle-segment housing, but most Dutch municipalities ...

Strategizing Towards Agreements That Create And Capture Added Value

A mixed method exploratory case study to guide future area developments in a neo-liberal urban landscape

The urban challenges of today are plentiful. A million houses need to be built in the next decade, urban development needs to allow for climate adaptation and contribute to the energy transition. It needs to ensure sustainable economic growth potential in a circular and social ec ...

Minas, as in mines

A hauntological approach to the site of disaster

This project deals with the event of disaster; more specifically, the contamination and destruction by a wave of sediment of towns in the Iron Quadrangle and the Rio Doce valley after the rupture of a tailings dam on November 5, 2015, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Through the manipul ...
Redevelopment of inner-city areas is a complex process involving multiple stakeholders, extensive timelines, and a variety of governance structures and financial mechanisms. The public party is primarily responsible for the quality of public space in the Netherlands. However, the ...
Innovation districts are more and more seen as the answer of cities to the ever changing economy. They can as well be described as urban strategies for economic development and urban competitiveness. Around the world innovation districts pop up and seem to provide the perfect and ...

Successful public-private partnership practice in times of crises

An in-depth research consisting of a literature review, expert interviews, case studies of the spatial development projects and joint ventures of Hoog Dalem, the Spoorzone 013 and the Schieveste, and further theoretical embedding of its findings

Based on a literature review and expert interviews, a conceptual model is drafted, explaining and visualising successful public-private partnership practice regarding spatial development. Five hypotheses were derived from this model, focussing at the flexibility of the building p ...

Exploratory Data Analysis on Unaffordable Housing Problem

Predicting a Sample of Amsterdam’s Private Market Rental Prices using Hierarchical Bayesian Models

The “affordability of housing” is generally defined as affordable housing for those with median household income (Eurostat, 2018). If not addressed effectively by policymakers, the unaffordable housing gap is expected to affect 1.6 billion people around the world by the year 2025 ...

The do's and don'ts of housing cooperatives

Factors that make housing cooperatives a success

Energising the Association of Owners

An analysis of and recommendations for solving the most important barriers that withhold apartment owners to take energy saving measures in the current system