S. Bandyopadhyay

22 records found

DC traction networks that supply power to trolley-buses, tramcars and trains can be simultaneously used to integrate fast-charging stations for Electric Vehicles (EVs). This strategy improves the traction grid utilization of urban transportation systems. In addition, it offers a ...
This paper aims to investigate the dynamic charging performance of an 11 kW dynamic inductive power transfer (DIPT) system. First, a multi-objective optimization (MOO) method is proposed to find the Pareto front of the DD charging pad. Then, the optimal design with a 96.82% effic ...
The advent of rooftop photovoltaics (PV), energy storage systems like a battery (BESS) and high capacity electric vehicles (EVs) is changing the landscape of electrical distribution rapidly. Traditional electricity consumers like households, buildings (both commercial and residen ...
Multiactive bridge converters (MAB) have become a widely-researched candidate for the integration of multiple renewable sources, storage, and loads for a variety of applications, from robust smart grids to more-electric aircraft. Connecting multiple dc ports reduces power convers ...
Triple active bridge (TAB) as an isolated multiport converter is a promising integrated energy system for smart grids or electric vehicles. This article aims to derive and analyze zero voltage switching (ZVS) regions of TAB, in which both switching losses are reduced, and electro ...
This paper proposes a power flows decoupling controller for the triple active bridge converter. The controller is based on a full-order continuous-time model of the TAB converter derived using the generalized average modelling (GAM) technique. GAM uses the Fourier series expansio ...
DC Microgrid with integrated photo-voltaics (PV) and battery storage system is a promising technology for future smart grid applications. This paper compares three battery storage technologies namely: lithium-ion (Li-ion), lead-acid, and vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) in the ...
Multiactive bridge (MAB) converter is a promising solution for integrating multiple renewable sources, storage, and loads for various applications. However, the MAB converter is challenging to control due to the inherent coupling between the port power flows. To that end, this ar ...
Microgrid with integrated photo-voltaics (PV) and battery storage system (BSS) is a promising technology for future residential applications. Optimally sizing the PV system and BSS can maximise self-sufficiency, grid relief, and at the same time can be cost-effective by exploitin ...
Inductive power transfer (IPT) is becoming increasingly popular in stationary electric vehicle charging systems. In this paper, the influence of the different IPT coupler geometries on the performance factors efficiency, power density, misalignment tolerance, and stray field is s ...
With the rising popularity of the power electronic based systems with integrated energy storage, the multi-port isolated converter topologies are gaining popularity. In contemporary literature, the triple active bridge (TAB) converter is the most popular among these topologies. H ...
Inductive power transfer (IPT) is becoming increasingly popular in stationary electric vehicle (EV) charging systems. In this paper, the influence of the different IPT coupler geometries on the performance factors such as efficiency, power density, misalignment tolerance, and str ...
This paper aims to identify the difference between foreign object (FO) and misalignment in terms of their influence on inductive power transfer (IPT) systems. This is performed through magnetic and equivalent circuit analysis of the mutual inductance, primary input impedance, cha ...
Autonomous operation of the dc grids with converter interfaced renewable energy sources and energy storage with droop based control can lead to instability. This paper analyzes the stability of droop based closed loop controllers in a dc nanogrid. Linear state space modeling appr ...
Inductive power transfer (IPT) is gaining popularity across a wide range of battery charging applications like biomedical, consumer electronics and electric vehicle (EV) charging. One of the major challenges in designing IPT charge pads is determining the optimal physical sizes o ...
Low voltage dc distribution grids face issues associated with arc faults, aggravated by the absence of current zero crossing. The focus of this paper is to comprehensively develop a method of series arc fault detection at the load side power electronics, based on the electrode de ...
This paper deals with a generic methodology to evaluate the magnetic parameters of contactless power transfer systems. Neumann's integral has been used to create a matrix method that can model the magnetics of single coils (circle, square, rectangle). The principle of superpositi ...
Misalignment during wireless charging of EVs can lead to low efficiencies (<85%) of power transfer which can lead to thermal issues and high leakage fields. This paper explores the most optimal solution towards a misalignment tolerant system. To that end, a DD-DDQ coil system ...
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have the potential to replace conventional vehicles, but the short driving range is currently limiting their diffusion. Using analytical methods this paper compares two electric powertrains with respect to energy consumption and efficiency: the st ...
Inductive power transfer (IPT) systems for on-road dynamic charging of electric vehicles (EVs) must employ tracks with minimal copper and ferrite core material for improving coupling and field shaping without sacrificing on power transfer efficiency across the air gap. This paper ...