Carlos Hernandez Corbato
78 records found
A framework for robot self-adaptation
Self-adaptation can be used in robotics to increase system robust- ness and reliability. This work describes the Metacontrol method for self-adaptation in robotics. Particularly, it details how the MROS (Metacontrol for ROS Systems) framework implements and pack- ages Metacont ...
An Exemplar for Self-Adaptive Underwater Vehicles
Once deployed in the real world, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are out of reach for human supervision yet need to take decisions to adapt to unstable and unpredictable environments. To facilitate research on self-adaptive AUVs, this paper presents SUAVE, an exemplar fo ...
Integrating different levels of automation
Lessons from winning the Amazon Robotics Challenge 2016
Team Delft's entry demonstrated that current r ...
Ontology-driven description and engineering of Autonomous Systems
Application to process systems engineering
Engineering an ontology for autonomous systems
The OASys ontology
An ontology-based approach for autonomous systems' description and engineering
The OASys framework
Ontologies provide a common conceptualisation that can be shared by all stakeholders involved in an engineering development process. They provide a good means to analyse the knowledge domain, allowing to separate the descriptive and the problem-solving knowledge. They can also ...
The operative mind
A functional, computational and modeling approach to machine consciousness
The functional capabilities that consciousness seems to provide to biological systems can supply valuable principles in the design of more autonomous and robust technical systems. These functional concepts keep a notable similarity to those underlying the notion of operating s ...
Systems, models and self-awareness
Towards architectural models of consciousness
Thinking with the Body
Towards Hierarchical, Scalable Cognition
The reflection on the nature of mind has a long history. In western tradition, this reflection has mostly taken place along the so-called dualist approach, where mind and body completely have different characteristics and even natures. In this dualistic context for understandi ...