Katrin Dahlmann

26 records found


Aviation aims to reduce its climate effect by adopting trajectories that avoid regions of the atmosphere where aviation emissions have a large impact. To that end, prototype algorithmic climate change functions (aCCFs) can be used, which provide spatially and temporally resolved ...

Climate assessment of single flights

Deduction of route specific equivalent CO2 emissions

Climate impact of anthropogenic activities is more and more of public concern. But while CO2 emissions are accounted in emissions trading and mitigation plans, emissions of non-CO2 components contributing to climate change receive much less attention. One ...

Concept of climate-charged airspaces

A potential policy instrument for internalizing aviation's climate impact of non-CO2 effects

Approximately 50–75% of aviation's climate impact is caused by non-CO2 effects, like the production of ozone and the formation of contrail cirrus clouds, which can be effectively prevented by re-routing flights around highly climate-sensitive areas. Here, we discuss ...

Climate-optimized routing is an operational measure to effectively reduce the climate impact of aviation with a slight increase in aircraft operating costs. This study examined variations in the flight characteristics among five aircraft routing strategies and discusses severa ...

Aviation is seeking for ways to reduce its climate impact caused by CO2 emissions and non-CO2 effects. Operational measures which change overall flight altitude have the potential to reduce climate impact of individual effects, comprising CO2 b ...

The aerodynamic formation flight, which is also known as aircraft wake-surfing for efficiency (AWSE), enables aircraft to harvest the energy inherent in another aircraft’s wake vortex. As the thrust of the trailing aircraft can be reduced during cruise flight, the resulting be ...

Aviation can reduce its climate impact by controlling its CO2-emission and non-CO2 effects, e.g., aviation-induced contrail-cirrus and ozone caused by nitrogen oxide emissions. One option is the implementation of operational measures that aim to avoid tho ...

Aviation contributes to climate change, and the climate impact of aviation is expected to increase further. Adaptations of aircraft routings in order to reduce the climate impact are an important climate change mitigation measure. The air traffic simulator AirTraf, as a submodel ...
Aviation can reduce its climate impact by controlling its CO2-emission and non-CO2 effects, e.g. aviation-induced contrail-cirrus and ozone caused by nitrogen oxide emissions. One option is the implementation of operational measures which aim to avoid those atmospheric ...
An operational measure to aim for mitigation of aviation climate impact that is inspired by migrant birds is to fly in aerodynamic formation. This operational measure adapted to human aircraft would eventually save fuel and is, therefore, expected to reduce the climate impact ...

An operational measure that is inspired by migrant birds aiming toward the mitigation of aviation climate impact is to fly in aerodynamic formation. When this operational measure is adapted to commercial aircraft it saves fuel and is, therefore, expected to reduce the climate ...

A climate-optimized routing is expected as an operational measure to reduce the climate impact of aviation, whereas this routing causes extra aircraft operating costs. This study performs some air traffic simulations of nine aircraft routing strat ...
The contribution of aviation to anthropogenic climate change results from CO2 and non-CO2 emissions. The latter emissions comprise of nitrogen oxides, water vapour, and aerosols as well as contrail and contrailcirrus effects. A series of updates can be noted in recent studies rel ...

Mitigating the Climate Impact from Aviation

Achievements and Results of the DLR WeCare Project

The WeCare project (Utilizing Weather information for Climate efficient and eco efficient future aviation), an internal project of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), aimed at finding solutions for reducing the climate impact of aviation ...
Air traffic is important to our society and guarantees mobility especially for long distances. Air traffic is also contributing to climate warming via emissions of CO2 and various non-CO2 effects, such as contrail-cirrus or increase in ozone concentrations. Here we investigate th ...
Although climate change is a global problem, specific mitigation measures are frequently applied on regional or national scales only. This is the case in particular for measures to reduce the emissions of land-based transport, which is largely characterized by regional or nationa ...

Climate-Compatible Air Transport System

Climate Impact Mitigation Potential for Actual and Future Aircraft

Aviation guarantees mobility, but its emissions also contribute considerably to climate change. Therefore, climate impact mitigation strategies have to be developed based on comprehensive assessments of the different impacting factors. We quantify the climate impact mitigation po ...
Air traffic is an important part of our mobility with an increasing rate in transport volume of around 5% per year. Air traffic also contributes to anthropogenic warming by around 5%. Here we present a climate impact assessment tool AirClim and give an overview on the recent tech ...
Air traffic has an increasing influence on climate; therefore identifying mitigation options to reduce the climate impact of aviation becomes more and more important. Aviation influences climate through several climate agents, which show different dependencies on the magnitude an ...
Impacts of commercial aircraft operation upon the environment, which are caused primarily from emissions of CO2, NOx and the formation of contrails, are matter of growing concern, as aviation is one of the fastest developing industrial sectors worldwide and the awareness of its e ...