K.H.A.A. Wolf
16 records found
With demand for lithium predicted to continue increasing in the coming years, lithium exploration and the development of recovery techniques to extract it will become increasingly important. Lithium is particularly important for the energy transition due to its use in lithium-ion
With the help of the Dutch Seismic Acquisition Program for Geothermal Exploration (SCAN),
there is a growing nationwide interest in the exploration and development of Deep Geothermal
Energy (DGE) by the geothermal industry. One geological target in the Dutch subsurface
there is a growing nationwide interest in the exploration and development of Deep Geothermal
Energy (DGE) by the geothermal industry. One geological target in the Dutch subsurface
Quantifying the Amount of Lithium-Bearing Minerals in Fine Matrix
An FTIR approach based on mineral powder mixtures
Lithium is a highly sought-after resource currently. Among other things, its use in lithium-ion batteries used extensively in electric vehicles, mobile phones and other electronics keeps the demand high. The demand for lithium is even projected to double in the coming years. It i
Geothermal mining
The potential for environmentally friendly extraction of valuable components from geothermal brines in the Netherlands
In a world transitioning towards renewable energies and lithium-battery powered cars, there has been an annual increase in demand of 6% for lithium and other rare metals between 2000 and 2008 (Stringfellow & Dobson, 2021a), and this increase in demand is forecast to continue
Analysis of Two Problems in Network Transport
Flow through static foam in artificial fractures and Steady-state two-phase relative permeabilities in microfluidic devices
In this thesis two problems in network transport are analyzed.
The first problem concerns flow through static foam in artificial fractures. The objective is to determine whether the assumption of Li et al. (2021), that capillary pressure is uniform in the region of inte ...
The first problem concerns flow through static foam in artificial fractures. The objective is to determine whether the assumption of Li et al. (2021), that capillary pressure is uniform in the region of inte ...
For certain geotechnical structures, such as dikes and levees, the design quality is heavily reliant on the sampling quality. In addition, the extent of consequences on geotechnical design of using parameters from samples with a certain degree of disturbance in laboratory tests i
Acidizing is a widely used technique for intensification of geothermal wells. At certain conditions, acid injection results in a formation of highly conductive channels, e.g. wormholes. The associated rock matrix dissolution is highly nonlinear and may influence the fluid flow as
A novel 2D finite element method (FEM) on unstructured grid for nonlinear time-dependent deformation of materials is developed. The objective is to model the complex deformation behavior of the rock salt, inside which caverns are mined to store green fuels (such as hydrogen). The
During this thesis, 2D modelling using the MOVE software suite is performed on a fold and thrust belt in the French Prealps. The area of interest is called the Couspeau area and is 72 km2. In this area, Vocontian basin sediments deposited during the Jurassic and Cretaceous can be
As the demand for green energy is growing, geothermal energy will play an important part in the future energy mix. Geothermal energy is widely used for both direct-use and electricity generation. A viable geothermal reservoir must have a sufficiently high temperature, a fluid pat
Natural gas hydrates are often considered as a hazard in hydrocarbon production and pipeline transport, but are also recognized as a potential energy resource. Naturally occurring hydrate deposits exist under suitable conditions of low temperature and high pressure, typically in
An improved carbon dioxide thermodynamic model applied for reservoir simulation
Implementation of an improved thermodynamic model in Delft Advanced Terra Simulator (DARTS) and an investigation into the effects of impurities on gas plume behaviour
Geological storage of COኼ is a crucial and upcoming technology to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Due to the buoyant characteristic of injected gas, the security of underground storage is a major concern. To asses the security of COኼ storage, an accurate prediction
This research project attempts to improve the understanding of oil bank formation in Fontainebleau sandstone cores using a surfactant polymer (SP) EOR method. While oil bank formation is generally successful in longer length cores, it is elusive in short cores (<10cm). Core fl
Gas injection processes suffer from poor volumetric sweep efficiency due to phenomena such as viscous fingering caused by density contrast between the injected gas and the displaced fluid, channeling due to heterogeneities in the reservoir and gravity override due to the inherent
Miscible gas injection has been widely used worldwide to improve oil recovery. However, problems such as viscous fingering and gravity override undermine its success on a large scale. Foaming of the injected gas mitigates these problems by reducing the mobility of the gas.
Leakage of contaminants to the subsurface is a potential threat to groundwater and is a major problem with storage tanks. When the contaminant reaches the groundwater, it can be subjected to subsurface flow due to which a contaminant plume may form and the contaminant can spread.