N. van Oort
31 records found
Crossing Europe asleep, not aloft
Modelling night train demand potential for maximum air-rail substitution
This thesis addresses a hypothetical scenario in which all flights within most of Europe are substituted by rail and estimates the resulting additional rail demand, with a focus on night train demand. Routes, cities and countries with high potential for (night) trains under maxim
Stories of Aging and Access
Exploring Capabilities and Challenges of Accessibility for urban Elderly through Microstories
When considering elderly individuals in the context of transportation, qualitative research seems to focus rather on mobility and the problems related than on the actual achievement of access. Additionally, certain bias and misconceptions about this diverse group still influences
Examining the Societal Costs and Benefits of Integrating Bike Sharing Systems and Public Transport
A Case Study of the OV-fiets in the Netherlands
Integrating bike-sharing programs with public transport enhances car-independent mobility, yet a comprehensive societal cost-benefit analysis of this integration remains scarce. This study addresses this gap by conducting an ex-post analysis of the OV-fiets program in the Netherl
Transport accessibility and car availability barriers to out-of-home activity participation among the unemployed
A Dutch nationwide latent class cluster analysis
This thesis explores the impact of transport disadvantage on the unemployed's participation in out-of-home activities beyond the labor market. It delineates eight distinct groups primarily based on transport accessibility and car availability among the unemployed, assessing how t
Exploiting the benefits of a mobility hub to incentivize shared car usage
To what extent could a mobility hub play a role in the adoption of shared cars located at the mobility hub?
Recent research studies have been focused on the adoption of shared cars and mobility hubs separately. Which is why there exists a knowledge gap regarding the influence of a mobility hub on the adoption of shared cars. This qualitative research study aims to fill the knowledge ga
The impact of urban speed limit reduction policy on public transport
Using a simulation model to study the impact of urban speed limit reduction policy on public transport in a case study of The Hague
Urban Speed Limit Reduction (USLR) policies, aimed at enhancing road safety and reducing emissions, pose substantial implications for public transport (PT) operations. This study evaluates the impact of implementing a USLR policy in The Hague, Netherlands, reducing speed limits f
Modal shift strategies from car to public transport via shared bicycle integration
A case study on suburban commuting in South Holland
This research explores how shared bicycles can enhance the modal shift from cars to public transport for commuter trips in suburban areas, focusing on South Holland. The study combines a literature review with a survey, comprising revealed and stated preference components, to ass
Exploring bicycle parking potential near public transport stops
A case study in The Hague
Urban areas such as The Hague face traffic congestion and environmental issues due to frequent car usage, especially for short trips up to 5 kilometres. To address these challenges, combining cycling with public transportation (PT) offers a promising alternative. This study exami
The importance of sociodemographics in transport policy
An application of Latent Class Analysis to explore the impact of sociodemographics on travel behaviour profiles
The relation between sociodemographics and travel behaviour (TB) patterns is relevant to understand to devise policies that can direct people towards more sustainable travel options as well as to be aware of people’s possibly restricted mobility for the sake of mobility justice.
Integrating railway network development with hierarchically lower modalities of public transport
A case study on the Amsterdam – Lelystad corridor
Urbanization, a desire for a reduction of CO2 and a need for a more efficient use of space are likely to greatly increase demand for rail travel in the coming decades. To improve railway capacity, extra infrastructure can be built, or existing track can be optimized. A silo analo
The planning of railway operations is a very complex process, in which timetables and other logistical plans need to be both reliable and robust to effectively prevent and cope with disturbances. However, research in the robustness of initial stabling plans, designed in an earlie
This research aims to understand the influencing attributes of passengers and station layout elements on transfer walking times for metro transfers. Little research has been performed to include passenger-related attributes to model transfer walking time besides station layout el
Digitalization: Everything starts with an A
Evaluating the impact of digitalization on the maintenance strategy of digitized assets
The number of digital systems that is used for business processes in many organizations is increasing. These digital systems can be used to support decision-making in the maintenance process. In this research the effects of digitalization on the maintenance process are evaluated.
Driving factors behind station-based car sharing use in the Netherlands
Discovering distinct user profiles through a Latent Class Cluster Analysis
In light of growing environmental challenges, the need to reconsider how we approach personal transportation is becoming increasingly evident. A shift from a private car-focused mobility system towards a more sustainable and equitable transportation system is desired. Car sharing
Limiting transport poverty is consequential in improving well-being and employment levels, which play meaningful roles in deciding public policy. We analyze how different socioeconomic and built environment factors are related to the transport poverty environment for car and publ
Bus Rapid Transit, Safety, and Roundabouts
Evaluation of design solutions for roundabouts with Bus Rapid Transit based on safety and level of service of all modes
The popularity of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has been growing rapidly over the past years, where more and more cities add BRT to their public transport systems. Roundabouts are also growing and are popular intersection designs because they are one of the safest types of intersection
Travel behaviour during unplanned train disruptions
Considering changed behaviour due to the COVID-19 pandemic
The aim of this study is to capture heterogeneity in travel behaviour during unplanned train disruptions focusing on the rise of teleworking due to the COVID-19 pandemic to improve train services and help predict passenger flows during disruptions. To perform the analyses, a data
Ranking of potential multi-modal water hubs to facilitate Seabubbles
Use of the Best-Worst method to evaluate the decision criteria for selecting a potential best-fit multimodal water hub for Seabubbles, applied for a case study in the Drechtsteden region, The Netherlands.
Cities and regions with access to water infrastructure are actively rethinking the possibilities of expanding the public inland waterway transport, especially since road congestion and pollution are still a reoccurring issue. Their aim is to make water transport more attractive f
Ex-post evaluation of neighbourhood mobility shared mobility hubs
A qualitative research on the factors influencing the usage and effects of mobility hubs
Mobility hubs are a promising concept that has been gaining increased attention. Mobility hubs, a place where several (shared) modalities are combined, are seen as an enabler of shared mobility. Shared mobility and mobility hubs could therefore provide attractive alternatives for
Bike-train usage contributes to more sustainable and also more reliable transport. Nowadays, approximately 45% of the train passengers in the Netherlands access the station by bike. Therewith, the focus of policy makers shifts to the total “door-to-door” travel experience. Bicycl