V. Murugesan
25 records found
Geometry dependence of two-level-system noise and loss in a - Si C
H parallel-plate capacitors for superconducting microwave resonators
Parallel-plate capacitors (PPC) significantly reduce the size of superconducting microwave resonators, reducing the pixel pitch for arrays of single-photon energy-resolving kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs). The frequency noise of KIDs is typically limited by tunneling two-leve
We present a "mix-and-match"process to create large structures with submicrometer features by combining UV contact lithography and 100 kV electron-beam lithography in a single layer of negative-tone resist: Micro-Resist-Technology ma-N1405. The resist is successfully applied for
Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide
A Low-Loss Deposited Dielectric for Microwave to Submillimeter-Wave Superconducting Circuits
Low-loss deposited dielectrics will benefit superconducting devices such as integrated superconducting spectrometers, superconducting qubits, and kinetic inductance parametric amplifiers. Compared with planar structures, multilayer structures such as microstrips are more compact
Aims. Future actively cooled space-borne observatories for the far-infrared, loosely defined as a 1-10 THz band, can potentially reach a sensitivity limited only by background radiation from the Universe. This will result in an increase in observing speed of many orders of magnit
Advances in far infrared astronomy have been, and will be, defined by instrument capabilities. Especially relevant is the development of imaging spectrometers for the wavelength range of 0.03-3 mm, which are not available at all at this moment. We will discuss recent advances in
We present a lab-on-chip experiment to accurately measure losses of superconducting microstrip lines at microwave and submillimeter wavelengths. The microstrips are fabricated from Nb-Ti-N, which is deposited using reactive magnetron sputtering, and amorphous silicon which is dep
A superconducting on-chip microstrip filter bank spectrometer prototype for Far-Infrared (FIR) Astronomy is presented. The measurements showcase its capabilities towards moderate spectral resolution (f/\Delta f\sim 500) broadband FIR spectroscopy. In this sub-mm-wave filter bank,
Wide Band Quasi-Optical System for DESHIMA 2.0 Spectrometer
Beam Pattern Experimental Validation
DESHIMA 2.0 is a spectrometer for astronomical applications targeting sources at sub-mm wavelengths from 240GHz to 720GHz. The design for its wide band Quasi-Optical system was presented in the previous works. In this work, the experimental validation of the beam pattern of the s
Microfabrication of on-chip filterbanks, such as DESHIMA 2.0, would greatly benefit from reliable fabrication with sub-micrometer resolution. This enables smaller devices and reduces scatter in parameters such as filter bandwidth and resonant frequency. Here we present “mix-and-m
DESHIMA 2.0 is a broadband sub-mm wave superconducting on-chip spectrometer for astronomy, targeting an instantaneous octave bandwidth (220 - 440 GHz) sampled with moderate spectral resolution channels (f/df ~ 500). In this work we propose a microstrip filter-bank implementation
Far infra-red, mm and sub-mm astronomy requires very large arrays of detectors for future wide field cameras and spectrometers. We present an array of lens-antenna coupled Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKID) for a wide field camera at 350 GHz. We discuss the optimizatio
DESHIMA 2.0 is a sub-millimetre wave spectrometer based on a single superconducting chip with a large instantaneous bandwidth. The instrument consists of a Quasi-optical (QO) system and an on-chip filter-bank coupled to an array of Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID). In this work
Superconducting resonators and transmission lines are fundamental building blocks of integrated circuits for millimeter-submillimeter astronomy. Accurate simulation of radiation loss from the circuit is crucial for the design of these circuits because radiation loss increases wit
For space observatories, the glitches caused by high energy phonons created by the interaction of cosmic ray particles with a detector substrate lead to dead time during observation. Mitigating the impact of cosmic rays is therefore an important requirement for detectors to be us
Next generation sub-mm imaging instruments require kilo-pixel focal plane arrays filled with background limited detectors. Microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) are a state-of-the-art detector for future instruments due to their inherent multiplexing capabilities. An MKI
Astronomical observations at infrared, sub-millimetre, and millimetre wavelengths are essential for addressing many of the key questions in astrophysics. Future ground- and space based observatories need large detector arrays with a sensitivity limited only by the noise of the ra
We present the development of a background-limited kilo-pixel imaging array of ultrawide bandwidth kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) suitable for space-based THz astronomy applications. The array consists of 989 KIDs, in which the radiation is coupled to each KID via a leaky le
We present the design, fabrication, and full characterisation (sensitivity, beam pattern, and frequency response) of a background limited broadband antenna coupled kinetic inductance detector covering the frequency range from 1.4 to 2.8 THz. This device shows photon noise limited
Aims. Future astrophysics and cosmic microwave background space missions operating in the far-infrared to millimetre part of the spectrum will require very large arrays of ultra-sensitive detectors in combination with high multiplexing factors and efficient low-noise and low-powe