A.R. Akhmerov
48 records found
We propose a practical implementation of a universal quantum computer that uses local fermionic modes (LFM) rather than qubits. The device consists of quantum dots tunnel-coupled by a hybrid superconducting island and a tunable capacitive coupling between the dots. We show that c
Landau quantization near generalized Van Hove singularities
Magnetic breakdown and orbit networks
We develop a theory of magnetic breakdown (MB) near high-order saddle points in the dispersions of two-dimensional materials, where two or more semiclassical cyclotron orbits approach each other. MB occurs due to quantum tunneling between several trajectories, which leads to nont
Braiding of Majorana states demonstrates their non-Abelian exchange statistics. One implementation of braiding requires control of the pairwise couplings between all Majorana states in a trijunction device. To have adiabaticity, a trijunction device requires the desired pair coup
Disorder can localize the eigenstates of one-dimensional non-Hermitian systems, leading to an Anderson transition with a critical exponent of 1. We show that, due to the lack of energy conservation, the dynamics of individual, real-space wave packets follows a different behavior.
The non-Hermitian skin effect is a phenomenon in which an extensive number of states accumulates at the boundaries of a system. It has been associated to nontrivial topology, with nonzero bulk invariants predicting its appearance and its position in real space. Here, we demonstra
Josephson junctions in a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit coupling are a promising candidate to realize topological superconductivity. While it is known that the geometry of the junction strongly influences the size of the topological gap, the question of how to const
We present a systematic method to design arbitrary energy-phase relations using parallel arms of two series Josephson tunnel junctions each. Our approach employs Fourier engineering in the energy-phase relation of each arm and the position of the arms in real space. We demonstrat
We derive a Z4 topological invariant that extends beyond symmetry eigenvalues and Wilson loops and classifies two-dimensional insulators with a C4T symmetry. To formulate this invariant, we consider an irreducible Brillouin zone and constrain the spectrum of the open Wilson lines
Recent measurements of the out-of-plane magnetoresistance of delafossites (PdCoO2 and PtCoO2) observed oscillations closely resembling the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Here, we show that the magnetoresistance oscillations are explained by the Bloch-like oscillation
Breathing mode in open-orbit magnetotransport
A magnetic lens with a quantum mechanical focal length
We consider the propagation of electrons in a lattice with an anisotropic dispersion in the x-y plane (lattice constant a), such that it supports open orbits along the x axis in an out-of-plane magnetic field B. We show that a point source excites a "breathing mode,"a state that
We simulate a hybrid superconductor-graphene device in the quantum Hall regime to identify the origin of downstream resistance oscillations in a recent experiment [Zhao et al. Nature Physics 16, (2020)]. In addition to the previously studied Mach-Zehnder interference between the
The multi-terminal Josephson effect allows DC supercurrent to flow at finite commensurate voltages. Existing proposals to realize this effect rely on nonlocal Andreev processes in superconductor-normal-superconductor junctions. However, this approach requires precise control over
We show that topological defects in quadrupole insulators do not host quantized fractional charges, contrary to what their Wannier representation indicates. In particular, we test the charge quantization hypothesis based on the Wannier representation of a disclination and a param
Platforms for creating Majorana quasiparticles rely on superconductivity and breaking of time-reversal symmetry. By studying continuous deformations to known trivial states, we find that the relationship between superconducting pairing and time reversal breaking imposes rigorous
Protection of topological surface states by reflection symmetry breaks down when the boundary of the sample is misaligned with one of the high symmetry planes of the crystal. We demonstrate that this limitation is removed in amorphous topological materials, where the Hamiltonian
Chiral anomaly trapped in Weyl metals
Nonequilibrium valley polarization at zero magnetic field
In Weyl semimetals, the application of parallel electric and magnetic fields leads to valley polarization-an occupation disbalance of valleys of opposite chirality-a direct consequence of the chiral anomaly. In this work, we present numerical tools to explore such nonequilibrium
We introduce Weyl Josephson circuits: small Josephson junction circuits that simulate Weyl band structures. We first formulate a general approach to design circuits that are analogous to Bloch Hamiltonians of a desired dimensionality and symmetry class. We then construct and anal
High density superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor junctions have a small induced superconducting gap due to the quasiparticle trajectories with a large momentum parallel to the junction having a very long flight time. Because a large induced gap protects Majorana modes, th
We present an algorithm to determine topological invariants of inhomogeneous systems, such as alloys, disordered crystals, or amorphous systems. Based on the kernel polynomial method, our algorithm allows us to study samples with more than 107 degrees of freedom. Our method enabl
With the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers turn to online conferencing. While posing new challenges, this format also brings multiple advantages. We argue that virtual conferences will become part of our regular scientific communication and invite community m