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61 records found


Majorana bound states constitute one of the simplest examples of emergent non-Abelian excitations in condensed matter physics. A toy model proposed by Kitaev shows that such states can arise at the ends of a spinless p-wave superconducting chain1. Practical proposal ...

Quantum Computing

From Hardware to Society

This magazine is both an introduction into quantum computing and an exploration of its impact on our world. It follows on from our 2019 magazine on the quantum internet. Since 2019, much progress has been made in quantum technologies worldwide. In 2020, for instance, the first Eu ...

Majorana zero modes can appear at the wire ends of a one-dimensional topological superconductor and manifest themselves as a quantized zero-bias conductance peak in the tunneling spectroscopy of normal-superconductor junctions. However, in superconductor-semiconductor hybrid n ...

High density superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor junctions have a small induced superconducting gap due to the quasiparticle trajectories with a large momentum parallel to the junction having a very long flight time. Because a large induced gap protects Majorana modes, ...

We propose a robust and efficient algorithm for computing bound states of infinite tight-binding systems that are made up of a finite scattering region connected to semi-infinite leads. Our method uses wave matching in close analogy to the approaches used to obtain propagating st ...

Low dimensional semiconducting structures with strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and induced superconductivity attracted great interest in the search for topological superconductors. Both the strong SOI and hard superconducting gap are directly related to the topological pro ...

We show that edge-state transport in semiconductor-based quantum spin Hall systems is unexpectedly robust to magnetic fields. The origin for this robustness lies in an intrinsic suppression of the edge-state g-factor and the fact that the edge-state Dirac point is typically hi ...

Josephson junctions defined in strong spin orbit semiconductors are highly interesting for the search for topological systems. However, next to topological edge states that emerge in a sufficient magnetic field, trivial edge states can also occur. We study the trivial edge sta ...

Cut and Paint

Occlusion-Aware Subset Selection for Surface Processing

Surface selection operations by a user are fundamental for many applications and a standard tool in mesh editing software. Unfortunately, defining a selection is only straightforward if the region is visible and on a convex model. Concave surfaces can exhibit self-occlusions, whi ...

Cut, Drag, Paint

Occlusion-Aware Surface Processing

The motion of an electron and its spin are generally not coupled. However in a one-dimensional material with strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI) a helical state may emerge at finite magnetic fields, where electrons of opposite spin will have opposite momentum. The existence of th ...

Majorana zero modes (MZMs), prime candidates for topological quantum bits, are detected as zero bias conductance peaks (ZBPs) in tunneling spectroscopy measurements. Implementation of a narrow and high tunnel barrier in the next generation of Majorana devices can help to achie ...



Dictionary-based Energy-efficient Coding of Quantum Instruction Set guided by Algorithmic Information

Efficiency in handling instructions within compilation and control processes is essential for scalability and fault-tolerant quantum computation. To mitigate the limited bandwidth for transmission of instructions and energy bottlenecks in cryogenic control architectures, this the ...
A minimal Kitaev chain can be realized by coupling two quantum dots to a superconductor on both sides. Andreev Bound States inside the superconductor mediate two types of interdot couplings: Cross Andreev Re ection (CAR) and Elastic Co-tunneling (ECT). Spin-orbit interaction (SOI ...
Superconducting quantum circuits came out as promising candidates for the exploration of topological phenomena that are currently inaccessible in condensed
matter systems. One such circuit is a Cooper pair transistor which has already
been widely studied in different regi ...
In this research, the effect of Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity is studied by means of a transport calculation on a model of a chiral molecule between two gold contacts. The method consists of two main parts: optimizing the geometry of the entire system, being the molecule and th ...
The electrostatics has effect on conductance of nanowire devices. In this model electrostatics are described by nonlinear coupling of the Poisson and the Schr¨odinger equations. In presence of magnetic and electric field and spin-orbit interaction, conductance develops a feature ...
The edge states in finite quantum Hall graphene have previously been shown to be valley polarised for zigzag and armchair edges. Assuming that the valley isospin is also conserved at a smooth normal-superconducting (NS) interface, theoretical research has previously predicted tha ...
In this thesis, the methods of Matrix Product States are examined. We give background in the origin of the methods and explain in detail how the method can be applied to a series of Josephson junctions. Numerical results are given for the ground state energy analysis of these ser ...

On the effect of disorder on band structures

An analytical study of the effects of disorder on the BHZ Hamiltonian and an extended BHZ Hamiltonian

A method (1SBA) is derived and used to calculate disordered band structures. The validity of the method is investigated and the disordered band structures are compared to transport calculations.