A. Nadi Najafabadi


13 records found

Short-term traffic prediction is an important component of traffic management systems. Around logistics hubs such as seaports, truck flows can have a major impact on the surrounding motorways. Hence, their prediction is important to help manage traffic operations. However, The li ...
Understanding the logistic determinants of freight trips is an important goal in freight transport modeling. Freight shipments move between nodes in the supply chain for different logistic purposes, including production, storage, transshipment, and consumption. A key problem with ...
Crowdsourced shipping or crowdshipping is a promising solution to sustainable parcel delivery, owing to the potential to consolidate freight trips with preexisting passenger trips. Previous literature focuses on these consolidation benefits but does not address the possibility of ...
Understanding preferences and behaviours in road freight transport is valuable for planning and analysis. This paper proposes a data-driven vehicle routing and scheduling approach for use as a descriptive tool to study road freight transport activities. The model developed seeks ...
Cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) support the exchange of information between vehicles and infrastructure (V2I or I2V). This paper presents an in-vehicle C-ITS application to improve traffic efficiency around a merging section. The application balances the di ...
Cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) support the exchange of information between vehicles and infrastructure (V2I or I2V). This paper presents an in-vehicle C-ITS application to improve traffic efficiency around a merging section. This application balances the d ...
This paper proposes a data-driven transport modeling framework to assess the impact of freight departure time shift policies. We develop and apply the framework around the case of the port of Rotterdam. Container transport demand data and traffic data from the surrounding network ...
This paper introduces an advisory-based time slot management system (TSMS) to control truck arrivals at seaport terminals with the aim to reduce congestion at terminal gates. A modeling framework is proposed, developed, and applied to assess the impact of a truck arrival shift fo ...
Scheduling and Routing in freight transport are usually the end products of an optimization process. However, the results may differ due to the heterogeneity of rules in different transport markets. Since the understanding of these decision rules is important for disaggregate fre ...
Crowdsourced shipping or crowdshipping is a promising contender for sustainable parcel delivery services due to the potential to consolidate freight trips with pre-existing passenger trips. However, the opportunity for private persons to act as occasional carrier can also generat ...
This dissertation includes initial steps towards introducing a data-driven integrated logistics and traffic modelling framework. The main objective is to unravel the complex interaction between freight transport and traffic systems and to incorporate this knowledge into measures ...
In gateway seaports, like the port of Rotterdam, a substantial proportion of all freight movements is related to trips to hinterland markets. Accordingly, outbound truck flows from port areas, especially in traffic rush-hours, may degrade the level of service on truck-dominated m ...
Goederenvervoer is het transport gedeelte van het logistieke systeem: goederen worden van A naar B vervoerd. Een groot gedeelte is onderdeel van logistieke ketens. Waar data over goederenvervoer in toenemende mate beschikbaar is voor onderzoek en planningsdoeleinden, blijft de be ...


5 records found

A rapid increase in international trade volumes during recent years has led to truck congestion at container terminals’ gates during peak hours. This has consequences on the costs of trucking companies waiting long times behind the gates. Furthermore, it leads to containers arriv ...
This thesis proposes a truck arrival shift (TAS) policy to control truck arrivals at seaport terminals. The aim is to reduce congestion at terminal gates which is caused by a lack of port-hinterland alignment. We proposed, developed, and applied a modeling framework to assesses t ...
As connections between customers and suppliers become increasingly complex, the design of transport networks is under growing pressure to achieve efficiency. In response to this challenge, this paper proposes a service network design that takes into account both the forward flows ...
Making decisions regarding delayed line haul transport is a very demanding and complex process in E-commerce distribution centres. Automating this process can decrease decision-maker discussion and assessment time and, as a result, allow decision-makers to spend more time on othe ...
This research is carried out to determine the effect of truck platooning on traffic flow using empirical data. This research contains two parts, data fusion, and statistical analysis. For data fusion, loop detector data, infrastructure information and weather data will be added t ...