T.J. Jaśkiewicz

47 records found


Supporting Sustainable Renovation for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

This paper addresses designing for accessibility of renovated housing. The investigated case evaluates interfaces of heating and ventilation systems in a demonstration apartment for an intended renovation of high-rise social housing in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We selected a fo ...
My recently started Civic Prototyping research group aims to develop new tools and methods enabling urban residents to exploratively research and develop applications of new technologies. This allows them to improve their everyday lives by taking their own initiative in creating ...
This paper investigates the opportunities of leveraging a hackathon format to empower citizens by increasing their abilities to use open data to improve their neighbourhoods and communities. The presented discussion is grounded in five civic hackathon case studies organised in fi ...

On digital citizenship and data as a new commons

Can we design a new movement? 

Along with the urgent need to reinvent our society, a series of paradigm shifts are already shaping transitions toward a more participatory and digital society. The current work takes stock of the promise of open data as a new resource and elaborates upon the maker movement, whic ...
The current work explores the participation divide that is oftentimes at play within local citizen communities. The studied case illustrates a common situation where the majority of local citizens does not participate in public space improvement and maintenance activities organis ...
The “Maker Movement” signifies emergence of a cultural model of a society where anyone can become a creative maker. As part of this movement, various kinds of “Makerspaces” provide physical and social infrastructures that help unleash people’s intrinsic abilities to make, create, ...
In Rotterdam, the participatory turn has spurred various bottom-up communities around public parks. These communities aim to take care of the parks in their neighbourhood and search for ways to demonstrate the societal value of their initiative. The current work explores how digi ...

Unlocking the Interactive Office

Concurrent Prototyping Approach

In this pictorial we present a project case, where an interactive offce environment was designed following a concurrent prototyping approach embedded in an iterative design process. The case illustrates how concurrent prototyping supports designing complex interactions between mu ...

Office occupants as active actors in assessing and informing comfort

A context-embedded comfort assessment in indoor environmental quality investigations

The energy and building research community acknowledges the importance of including occupants' wellbeing in the evaluation of building energy performance. Particularly in office buildings, occupants' comfort assessment is not yet a common practice, partially due to the shortcomin ...
It is often assumed that providing occupants with feedback about their energy consumption will encourage them to understand their own contribution to energy consumption and stimulate them to save energy as a result. However, providing such feedback in the form of raw data is know ...

Open Data as a New Commons

Empowering Citizens to Make Meaningful Use of a New Resource

An increasing computing capability is raising the opportunities to use a large amount of publicly available data for creating new applications and a new generation of public services.

But while it is easy to find some early examples of services concerning control systems ...
This chapter presents an approach for organising research and innovation in the Living Lab context, where context research instruments, as well as conceptualised, developed and tested prototypes are integrated in one hardware and software platform (BOCS platform). The BOCS platfo ...
This paper presents “progress cards” as a tool that supports design students in planning and reflecting on their design processes, while providing design studio coaches and design methods researchers with structured and in-depth insights into these processes. The progress card is ...

Bridging sustainable business model innovation and user-driven innovation

A process for sustainable value proposition design

With an increasing population, a growing middle class and increased resource use, our current ways of living and doing business are unsustainable. Next to the implementation of innovative technology, sustainable development based on innovative business models, better understating ...

Building Occupancy Certification

Development on an Approach to Assess Building Occupancy

Improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings is of great importance, given the large percentage of energy consumed in the sector. However, the incentives to save energy in these environments are unusual. From the perspective of managers, energy consumption is only a very s ...
Moving office organizations and staff culture towards sustainable practices requires a multifaceted and integral approach. In this paper a model with four focal areas for influencing practices is presented. The focal areas are: (i) bottom-up interventions aimed at promoting the a ...

Sustainable practices in office buildings

Applying social practice theory and reflective design interventions

Energy efficiency in office buildings has focused primarily on technological developments for the optimization of energy building performance. In this effort occupants’ behaviour has often been simplified or ignored. This in turn has resulted in solutions that either have a short ...