D. Chaykina

15 records found

Grasping (electronic) structure changes during photochromic processes is crucial for fully understanding the photochromic effect in rare-earth oxyhydride films. In this study, we employ in situ UV illumination positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) to investigate the ...
Cycling stability of the photochromic effect in rare-earth oxyhydride thin films is of great importance for long-term applications such as smart windows. However, an increasingly slower bleaching rate upon photochromic cycling was found in yttrium oxyhydride thin films; the origi ...
Rare-Earth oxyhydrides (REH3-2xOx) are characterized by photodarkening when illuminated by photons having an energy exceeding that of the band gap. We propose that the film is segregated in hydrogen rich and hydrogen poor areas. Upon illumination, the excited electrons reduce the ...
Photochromism has been reported for several rare-earth (RE) metal oxyhydride thin films and is characterized by a reversible darkening of the sample when exposed to light with energy greater than its optical bandgap. Here, we extend the range of known photochromic RE-oxyhydrides ...

Exploring Multi-Anion Chemistry in Yttrium Oxyhydrides

Solid-State NMR Studies and DFT Calculations

Rare earth oxyhydrides REOxH(3-2x), with RE = Y, Sc, or Gd and a cationic FCC lattice, are reversibly photochromic in nature. It is known that structural details and anion (O2-:H-) composition dictate the efficiency of the photochromic ...
At ambient conditions, rare-earth oxyhydride thin films show reversible photochromism and photoconductivity, while their mechanism and relation are still unclear. In this work, this question is explored with in situ time-resolved measurements of both optical and transport propert ...
Rare-earth (RE) oxyhydride thin films show a color-neutral, reversible photochromic effect at ambient conditions. The origin of the photochromism is the topic of current investigations. Here, we investigated the lattice defects, electronic structure, and crystal structure of phot ...
Rare-earth metal oxyhydride thin films show a photochromic effect, where their transparency decreases (reversibly) with exposure to light with energy greater than its optical band gap. The precise underlying mechanism behind this effect is unknown, but is investigated in this the ...
To develop an understanding of the photochromic effect in rare-earth metal oxyhydride thin films (REH3-2xOx, here RE = Y), we explore the aliovalent doping of the RE cation. We prepared Ca-doped yttrium oxyhydride thin films ((CazY1-z)HxOy) by reactive magnetron cosputtering with ...

Erratum to

Aliovalent Calcium Doping of Yttrium Oxyhydride Thin Films and Implications for Photochromism (The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2022) 126:34 (14742−14749) DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c04456)

The energy axes of the RBS and ERD data (contained in Figures 2a,b,d,e, and S4) were originally underestimated, and the corrected figures appear below and in the Supporting Information. The change is in the conversion from raw data to the energy scale, which was initially convert ...
In this paper, we investigate by ab initio DFT how the O:H ratio influences the formation and lattice energy, metastability, and optical properties of Y and La anion-disordered ROxH3-2x oxyhydrides. To achieve this, a set of special quasirandom structures (SQS) is introduced to m ...
Thin films of rare-earth metal oxyhydrides, such as yttrium oxyhydrides (YH3-2xOx), show a photochromic effect where the transparency of the films decreases reversibly upon exposure to UV light. However, the exact mechanism behind this effect is unknown. In this paper, we describ ...
Rare-earth oxyhydride REOxH3-2x thin films prepared by air-oxidation of reactively sputtered REH2 dihydrides show a color-neutral, reversible photochromic effect at ambient conditions. The present work shows that the O/H anion ratio, as well as the choice of the cation, allow to ...
Thin films of rare earth metal oxyhydrides show a photochromic effect, the precise mechanism of which is yet unknown. Here, we made thin films of NdH3-2xOx and show that we can change the band gap, crystal structure, and photochromic contrast by tuning the composition (O2-:H-) vi ...
Doppler broadening positron annihilation spectroscopy depth profiles were collected on photochromic YOxHy thin films. In situ UV illumination of photochromic semiconductor YOxHy films leads to an increase in S-parameter and a large redu ...