O.A. Sharpans'kykh

14 records found

This study addresses the operational challenges of sustainable aircraft towing at hub airports, partic- ularly focusing on taxi delays. Using a queue-based discrete event simulation, airport taxi operations are modeled to evaluate the impact of tow-trucks on taxi delays and runwa ...
This thesis presents the development process of an aircraft control law. The control law is
designed using a two-degree-of-freedom (2DoF) structured H∞ loop-shaping approach. This
method allows the reuse of controller structures required by certification procedures while< ...
The relationship between energy consumption and baggage handling systems (BHSs) has not been widely studied. In this study, this relationship is explored by considering BHS configurations - the designed arrangement of devices. The BHS consists of seven main processes: drop-off, t ...
The usage of drones in urban environments is expected to grow rapidly in the coming decades. To ensure the safe operations of drones, conflict detection and resolution are vital. Currently, a lot of research has gone into state-based CD&R, which has proven effective in uncons ...
In Haptic Shared Control (HSC), human-like reference generators and adaptive strategies have shown promising potential for minimizing human-machine conflicts, though these advances have thus far been limited to simple control tasks. This paper extends the application of low-con ...

Task Load Estimation for ATC Ground Control

A Dynamic Density-based Analysis

Increasing runway capacity is a key objective for many airports worldwide, including Schiphol Airport. One of the restricting factors that has become more prevalent throughout the years lies in the task load of the Air Traffic Ground Controllers. To overcome this limiting factor, ...
One of the current trends in the aviation world is to work towards an increasingly more computer-aided approach to flying. Despite the improvements, limitations still inevitably exist in terms of power and storage capabilities in the aircraft avionics. To overcome this problem, d ...
It has been shown that expert gaze behavior can be used to enhance training for novices, among others in the field of laparoscopic surgery. The research in this paper focused on the effect of changing pilot gaze behavior on flight performance and detection task performance. Two g ...
The haptic feedback signal in haptic interfaces is usually in the form of a force on the control device. In contrast, the “active side stick”, investigated in the 80s and 90s, uses an admittance display, whereby the position of the device is linked to the feedback signal, and for ...
Since the first cargo flight in 1910 (Morrell [42]), air cargo has proven to be of great value to society. With over US $6 trillion worth of goods being transported through air cargo, accounting for around 35% of all global trade measured by value (Boeing [15]), it is impossible ...
One of the challenges in executing an MDO system is the selection of the best performing MDO architecture in terms of computational effort for a given MDO problem. To address this, several comparative studies have been created, which analyze the relative performance of MDO archit ...
Cargo airlines' Revenue Management (RM) departments oversee the acceptance/rejection process of incoming bookings. The overarching goal is to accept as many bookings as possible, hence maximizing profit, while avoiding overbooking and offloading of already accepted shipments, to ...

Startle and Surprise Intervention Training

Evaluating Training Effects on Pilot Performance in Off-Nominal Operations

Recent studies and accident investigations show the detrimental effects of startle and (automation) surprise on flight crew performance in terms of cognitive reasoning and sensemaking. Previous research conducted at Delft University of Technology shows a positive effect of traini ...

Defining airspace quality

A new metric for defining air traffic situation quality in a defined airspace based on geometric traffic properties

Air traffic is growing every year and getting ever more complex. There is however no quick and robust way to analyze a traffic situation in an airspace and compare it to other, similar traffic situations. This research project proposes a new metric to compare air traffic situatio ...