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R.J. Kleinhans

8 records found

Deconstructing Housing (Policies)

Spatial guidelines in response to Rotterdam’s new housing policy: designed to mitigate the impact of displacement caused by urban redevelopment

This thesis investigates the relationship between displacement and Rotterdam’s housing policies, focusing on their social mixing strategy, which has been integral to the city’s redevelopment of vulnerable neighborhoods. Through the lens of spatial justice, it addresses past displ ...


An urban planning and design tool to improve neighbourhood reputations

This report will try to find answers to the complex question of how neighbourhood reputations can be improved. A negative neighbourhood reputation can harm residents’ health, well-being and opportunities. It can also be a catalyst for decay. Changing a reputation is complex, and ...

The Gender Reveal of Space

A spatial strategic framework for a more gender inclusive planning and design of public spaces in the Netherlands

What happens if we look at (public) space through the lens of gender? How would it be experienced differently? These are questions this thesis will look into. It aims to not only explore different types of gendered spaces but also to increase the understanding of designers and pl ...
More and more citizens are entering the public domain and taking over tasks that traditionally belong to the government. For example, citizens increasingly run a community centre themselves, maintain the greenery in their neighbourhood and manage the local playground. To some ext ...

Institutional enablers and barriers towards social resilience

A case study in Rotterdam Bospolder-Tussendijken

Solutions to contemporary urban challenges are increasingly the outcome of the complex interactions between formal and informal actors that take part in a variety of networks. Resilience-thinking has become a global popular perspective for the governance of urban systems, concern ...

The South of Rotterdam

The Inclusive City: The public space of the public

The inclusive city is explained through Henri Lefebvre's theories of the social space in "The production of space" and "The right to the city". Through his theories, it is thoroughly explained that the people are the essential component of the space and that they are the ones tha ...
The inclusive living environment in Delft Tanthof brings together Elderly with other generations, offers places to interact with each other on different scales, provides flexible structures to create a future-proof neighbourhood and offers a large amount of variety and options to ...

Refugee integration and self-organisation

Spatial strategies supporting the role of self-organisation in integration policies

The aim of this master thesis is to interrelate integration policies with self-organisation and to find ways for spatial planners to enlarge the role of self-organisation. The role of self-organisation for refugee integration is promising because it has a deep understanding of th ...