R.J. Kleinhans
15 records found
Planning for justice
A value-based framework to help spatial planners develop just housing strategies in Dutch regions
The current Dutch housing domain is characterised by injustices on multiple scales, such as a shortage of housing, disparities in well-being across regions, and unaffordable housing. This situation can partially be attributed to spatial planning practices focused on promoting gro
Revitalizing the post-war neighborhood
Towards inclusive and strategic new perspectives for Schiedam Nieuwland
The neighborhood of Nieuwland, located in Schiedam, Zuid-Holland is one example of the many post-war neighborhoods the Netherlands offers. It formed the extension of Schiedam’s city center and consisted of a clear functionalist lay-out upon its completion in 1965, characterized b
Breaking the Pattern
Densification as a catalyst for improving the liveability of post-war neighborhoods.
The Netherlands is dealing with two problems. The first is a large housing crisis. Housing is unavailable, unaffordable and lacking in quality and perfomance. There is also a liveability crisis. While the overall liveability score in The Netherlands has been going up in the last
The Revival of the Just City
A planning and design methodology that allows steering complex urban development and contributes to the revival of the Just City that Amsterdam once was
Inequality in the city of Amsterdam is growing. While in the 70s, the city was described as a prime example of a Just City, the contemporary metropolis is growing as a city of the elite. Neoliberal planning in recent decades has focused on attracting knowledge workers to Amsterda
Affordable housing in an urban commons
The Community Land Trust as an alternative model for housing development in Rotterdam
Trends of neoliberalisation and globalisation have led to the financialisation of housing on a global scale. This has led to the increasing deployment of state-led gentrification as a strategy for urban development, as cities aim to strengthen their position as nodes in the globa
In the wake of more inclusive and sustainable cities, as targeted in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 11, public administrators and urban planners aspire to incorporate the pluralism of public values into decision making. Although theoretical work exists since the 1990, publ
Improving perceived safety through spatial design in Pendrecht
This research focuses on the relationship between perceived safety and the physical environment and is conducted in the neighborhood Pendrecht, a modernist neighborhood in Rotterdam-Zuid. The research has identified the effects of the spatial environment on perceived safety and h
The death and life of Chinatowns
Towards an integrated and authentic transformation of ‘Chinatown’ in Amsterdam
The advent of steamship in the 19th century is accompanying with the Chinese immigration. Chinese seamen gathered around the dockland at a certain scale and formed Chinese quarters. Therefore, Chinatowns appeared in many harbour cities in European countries. With the urban develo
DIVER-CITY: Designing for Just Publicness
Inclusive design towards hyper-diversity, Hackney
The development of a city is always accompanied by the debate of justice. London, a world city, changing towards a hyper-diversity scenario, is even criticized by different groups about their right to live in the city. The injustice show on both social and spatial dimension here
Architecture Nose
Towards multisensory architecture, an exploration of the sense of smell
Smells are everywhere around us. They are within ourselves and around us, they impact us in our mother’s womb and throughout our entire lives, until death. But while sight and touch prevail in the contemporary approach of design and architecture, the olfactive dimension of our bu
Resilient governance during crises
COVID-19 in community BoTu Rotterdam
Due to the current pandemic caused by COVID-19, its impact has again become clear that resilience is essential within cities and communities. An important aspect of this community resilience is the relationship between local institutions and local communities. To discover how thi
Configurational Morphology
A Vision of Adaptive Urban Form
Configurational Morphology is a research and design project exploring the potentials of configurational design as a systematic approach to generating site-specific urban form responsive to its environmental, social end economic context. By looking into both the theoretical potent
Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfield redevelopments
The developers’ perspective towards the conditions of iconic projects that incite brownfield redevelopments
Urbanisation is a global trend that continues to occur as the percentage will rise up for 55% to 68% in 2050 (United Nations, 2018). This movement of society towards the urban environment is clearly evident in the Netherlands too, particularly in the country’s four major cities:
Winch balcony
Transformable unitised facade system
The main goal of this graduation project is to create a feasibility study. The objective is to design, calculate and test different ways of how a unitized façade element can transform, rotate or convert for creating a temporary outdoor space. This façade element is connected with
Wat is er nodig om aandachtswijken weer in de lift te krijgen?
Géén wijkenbeleid 5.0 maar aandacht voor basisvoorwaarden zoals goed onderwijs
Arme wijken zijn de vindplaats van achterstanden, maar lang niet altijd de oorzaak daarvan. Het probleem ligt eerder bij zaken als werkloosheid, onderwijsachterstanden en discriminatie op de arbeidsmarkt. Vier aanknopingspunten om aandachtswijken te verbeteren.@en