S.A. Meijer
71 records found
Game theoretical models can be used for social simulation of real-world systems. These models describe the interaction between actors who have to make a decision. Before application of those models, the game concept that describes the situation at hand needs to be selected. Selec
Gaming simulations (games) for policy and decision making have been the neglected “sibling” of educational and training games. The latter have experienced a widespread usage by practitioners and researchers, while the former have had limited, yet slowly increasing, adoption by or
The recent need for social-distancing caused by COVID-19 resulted in working remotely, which can cause loneliness and disconnect from the organization. The pandemic stimulated people to look for novel ways to interact and, at the same time, socialize with each other. The change t
Assessing network cognition in the Dutch railway system
Insights into network situation awareness and workload using social network analysis
This study takes upon a group cognition perspective and investigates the cognition of railway traffic operations, in particular railway traffic and passenger traffic control. A table-top simulation environment is used to conduct the study, in which its design principles are elabo
Balancing organizational and academic research
Investigating train traffic Controller's geographical workspace design and team situation awareness using gaming simulations
In innovating and designing new concepts in the railway sector, the Dutch railway infrastructure manager ProRail uses different types of simulations to identify and tackle possible bottlenecks in future infrastructure design. Computer simulation tools are used in earlier stages o
The Game Between Game Theory and Gaming Simulations
Design Choices
Background. The abstraction of complex systems, which is required by default when modelling gaming simulations, is a convoluted and time-consuming process. For gaming simulations to be efficient and effective, the problem of the real system they imitate needs to be narrowed down
Developing open government by local government is cumbersome. Many local governments have no policies or are struggling to develop policies enabling to create value from open data. Policy-making is challenging due to the wicked nature of many policy problems, unclear objectives,
The complexity of modern systems has made the use of simulations paramount, in order to test different scenarios in an affordable, ethical, and risk-free way. As such, simulations need to be validated, ensuring that the obtained results are meaningful. But validation apart from t
Collaboration patterns in the Dutch railway sector
Using game concepts to compare different outcomes in a unique development case
Decision-making on changes to large infrastructural systems is complex. It involves many actors, the system shows unpredictable behaviour and the environment in which decision-making takes place is dynamic. In a unique development case of the Dutch railway sector two decision-mak
Pitfalls for debriefing games and simulations
Theory and practice
Debriefing is considered, by many scholars, to be a fundamental part of learning through games and simulations. Despite its significance, there is a lack of research in the area of debriefing, which results in unaddressed factors that inhibit debriefing. Research in the field is
Games for decision making have developed into a powerful tool for corporations. Irrespective of their size, corporations have been increasingly using these games in order to evaluate and ascertain impact-ful business decisions and strategies. Despite their proven added value to t
Debriefing Research Games
Context, Substance and Method
Background. Debriefing is an intrinsic part of games for learning and proper
debriefing can also be beneficial to research games. However, the literature
on how to debrief research games is sparse and only provides the professional
with an abstract topic guide.
Ai ...
debriefing can also be beneficial to research games. However, the literature
on how to debrief research games is sparse and only provides the professional
with an abstract topic guide.
Ai ...
Background. The Dutch railway company ProRail is performing large-scale capacity upgrades to their infrastructure network. As part of these upgrades, ProRail uses gaming simulations to help prepare train traffic controllers for new infrastructure situations. Researching the valid
Validation of an agent based model using a participatory simulation gaming approach
The case of city logistics
Agent-based modeling is used for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous entities aiming to assessing their effects on the system as a whole. At an abstract level, an agent-based model (ABM) is a representation of the many simple agents and interactions among them.
Previous research on situation awareness (SA) predominantly focused on its explicit, reasoned, conscious features rather than on the implicit, intuitive, unconscious aspects that are often identified with expert operators. This research investigated implicit levels of SA of train