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Jelmer Cnossen

22 records found



Single molecule localization microscopy with patterned illumination in 3D

Three dimensional modulation-enhanced single-molecule localization techniques, such as ModLoc, offer advancements in axial localization precision across the entire field of view and axial capture range, by applying phase shifting to the illumination pattern. However, this impr ...

To better understand the interactions between biological molecules, a high optical resolution in all three dimensions is crucial. The intrinsically lower axial resolution of microscopes however, is a limiting factor in fluorescence imaging, correspondingly in fluorescence base ...

Single-molecule localization microscopy requires sparse activation of emitters to circumvent the diffraction limit. In densely labeled or thick samples, overlap of emitter images is inevitable. Single-molecule localization of these samples results in a biased parameter estimat ...

Estimation of Drift in Localization Microscopy

A State Space Modelling Approach

Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) has enabled researchers to breakthrough the diffraction limit and obtain nanometer resolution images of macromolecular structures. But due to the time involved in obtaining ample data for proper image, the technique is venerable to m ...


Single-objective lens inclined light sheet localization microscopy

High-NA light sheet illumination can improve the resolution of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) by reducing the background fluorescence. These approaches currently require custom-made sample holders or additional specialized objectives, which makes the sample mou ...

The microscope is an essential tool for biologists. Since the late 16th century, it has given researchers a better understanding of cell processes and greatly advanced healthcare. In this century, Single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) has revolutionized optical microscop ...

Modulation enhanced single-molecule localization microscopy (meSMLM) methods improve the localization precision by using patterned illumination to encode additional position information. Iterative meSMLM (imeSMLM) methods iteratively generate prior information on emitter posit ...

Localization microscopy offers resolutions down to a single nanometer but currently requires additional dedicated hardware or fiducial markers to reduce resolution loss from the drift of the sample. Drift estimation without fiducial markers is typically implemented using redun ...

Accurate image alignment is critical in multicolor single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. Global alignment using affine transformations leaves residual errors due to the nonlinearity of the distortions, which decreases the effective field of view. Subsequent local refinement de ...

Modulation enhanced multi-emitter localization microscopy

Multi-emitter fitting with structured illumination patterns for high imaging density super-resolution localization microscopy

For a long time, scientists believed that it is not possible to achieve a better microscopic resolution than half the wavelength of light (~ 200 nm). During the last decades, various super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques have been developed, offering high-resolution ...

MINFLUX offers a breakthrough in single molecule localization precision, but is limited in field of view. Here we combine centroid estimation and illumination pattern induced photon count variations in a conventional widefield imaging setup to extract position information over ...

Super Resolution Microscopy is a technique to image objects with resolution higher than the diffraction limit, the fundamental limit to the resolution of a microscope. One of the techniques used for Super Resolution Microscopy is Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM). Fo ...


Estimation of Drift in Localization Microscopy

A State Space Modelling Approach

Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) has enabled researchers to breakthrough the diffraction limit and obtain nanometer resolution images of macromolecular structures. But due to the time involved in obtaining ample data for proper image, the technique is venerable to m ...

Estimation of Drift in Localization Microscopy

A State Space Modelling Approach

Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) has enabled researchers to breakthrough the diffraction limit and obtain nanometer resolution images of macromolecular structures. But due to the time involved in obtaining ample data for proper image, the technique is venerable to m ...
The microscope is an essential tool for biologists. Since the late 16th century, it has given researchers a better understanding of cell processes and greatly advanced healthcare. In this century, Single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) has revolutionized optical microscop ...
The microscope is an essential tool for biologists. Since the late 16th century, it has given researchers a better understanding of cell processes and greatly advanced healthcare. In this century, Single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) has revolutionized optical microscop ...

Modulation enhanced multi-emitter localization microscopy

Multi-emitter fitting with structured illumination patterns for high imaging density super-resolution localization microscopy

For a long time, scientists believed that it is not possible to achieve a better microscopic resolution than half the wavelength of light (~ 200 nm). During the last decades, various super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques have been developed, offering high-resolution ...

Modulation enhanced multi-emitter localization microscopy

Multi-emitter fitting with structured illumination patterns for high imaging density super-resolution localization microscopy

For a long time, scientists believed that it is not possible to achieve a better microscopic resolution than half the wavelength of light (~ 200 nm). During the last decades, various super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques have been developed, offering high-resolution ...
Super Resolution Microscopy is a technique to image objects with resolution higher than the diffraction limit, the fundamental limit to the resolution of a microscope. One of the techniques used for Super Resolution Microscopy is Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM). Fo ...
Super Resolution Microscopy is a technique to image objects with resolution higher than the diffraction limit, the fundamental limit to the resolution of a microscope. One of the techniques used for Super Resolution Microscopy is Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM). Fo ...