P.P.M. Hekkert


1 records found

Prototyping materials experience

Towards a shared understanding of underdeveloped smart material composites

Over the past years, product designers have been involved in collaborative developments of smart material composites early on in the development process, to showcase creative applications of them. In these projects, the way the material is presented to the development team and th ...


19 records found

Design for Trust

Design for the increase of trust within diverse societies

In this thesis, research is conducted regarding the design of various platforms and systems dealing with trust. Four Principles of Trust are extracted from this research. A way of increasing trust within diverse societies was designed based on these four principles. This design i ...

Speculative (food) design histories

A critical look at the history of (Western) food

In this project I demonstrate how the world could have been different by portraying alternate historical realities, centered around food, to stimulate my audience to think about the choices they have in the present. The objective is to empower my audience to make mindful food cho ...

Design for social cohesion

Design to reduce polarization - A design intervention to increase social cohesion

This country will be hugely polarized by 2050, if we do not act. The focus of the public debate is shifting towards differences between groups and people. Politicians exploit popular sentiment for their own success, they polarize in an attempt to give every group a voice. If we k ...
This project is an inquiry into design for mind-wandering experiences. The project has applied a blend of Introspective Design, Research through Design and Co-creation methods to gather a nuanced understanding of mind-wandering experiments. The scope of the project is situated on ...

Design for Youth's Flourishing

Intervention design strategies to enhance teenagers’ mental resilience and well-being

The urge to promote mental health and well-being is gaining increasing importance and attention in recent years. Adolescents, who are among the most vulnerable under this aspect, are experiencing an increase in mental health complaints and need of youth care in the Netherlands. I ...

Including the unwilling and the unable in the Protein Transition

Designing an intervention to involve consumers with a low socioeconomic position

Our current food system puts a lot of pressure on our planet, global health, animal welfare, and creates an unfair agricultural economy. One of the strategies to decrease this pressure while serving the growing population is the protein transition. As Weinricht (2018) states, “Sh ...

Well-being Driven Design

Creating a Meaningful Streaming-platform

People are actively looking to pursue happiness by spending their precious time on meaningful experiences, which are often sought for in media entertainment as it is people’s most engaged in leisure activity today. However, current services fail to support them or even counter th ...

When the journey becomes the destination

Proposing a mindset-based vision to rethink and create multi-modal mobility solutions

The mobility industry is facing a disruptive transformation. A large number of social, economic and technological trends are shaping the way we will move in the future. In this fast-changing environment, mytaxi becomes FREE NOW due to the joint venture in 2019 between its mother ...

Design for Freer Sexual Exploration

Researching the influence of sexual scripts on people’s sexual exploration.

This master thesis report is a deliverable of a six months long graduation project at the master specific track Design for Interaction, at TU Delft. The primary domain researched in this project is the domain of sexual exploration. Initially, the research started by exploring t ...

Breman flow

The next step for ecologically sustainable ventilation in the renovation industry

This report describes the process of designing a ventilation concept for the renovation industry. The project is in collaboration with Breman Schoorsteentechniek, an installation company located in the Netherlands. The initial brief was kept vague on purpose and described a proje ...

Finding vision in a melting landscape

Sustainable outerwear in 2040

New studies state that climate change is projected to harm snow reliability in ski resorts, resulting in shorter ski seasons, increased snowmaking demand and low-lying ski areas may cease to exist. Open Wear is a sustainable outerwear brand that uses sustainable materials a ...

How to support value-minded shopping

Enable customers to act according to values in line with the food transition when online grocery shopping at Picnic

A transition towards a sustainable food system needs to happen to ensure people can live a healthy life on this planet. Picnic as a retailer in the food system is the bridge between producers and consumers of food products. Many people hold values which are in line with the food ...

Problem Sustaining Interaction Patterns In Adolescence

Design To Support Healthy Mental Development of Adolescents From A Holistic Perspective

This graduation project explores how the concept of problem sustaining interaction (PSI) patterns in mental development in adolescence can be used for design. In contrast to the currently used Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which describes psychiatri ...

Sensory Augmentation by means of Wearable Technology

Supporting Intercultural Adaptation through Language Learning

It is known that the distinctive relationship of the Millennial generation with technology has brought two icons of the current lifestyle, mobile phones and online social networks, which it is often considered as a badge of generational identity. The accelerated rise of smart dev ...

Sustainable Happiness

How we can use psychological well-being to get people to consume less

The goal of this project is to find a way to get people to consume less, by changing what they do to improve their subjective well-being. It was found that the main issue that needed tackling is the fact that, currently, people are addicted to consumption - they depend on consump ...

Recolor the dominant truth

Work oriented interventions to uncover manifestations of racism.

This graduation project explores how white people can break their reproduction cycle of systemic racism. As a result this thesis proposes the final design REcolor, a consecutive three step process that visualizes employees’ apparent normal within work related situations. It appea ...

Haptic aesthetics

Optimising the feel of a set of headphones

The Tensile headphone is a redesign of the HD6xx line for Sennheiser, to showcase new ideas of haptic aesthetic headphones and explore innovative directions. The project as a whole followed the Research through Design approach. That is, the design detailing of the Tensile headpho ...

Design for Courageous Behaviour

Design for the mindset to voluntarily deal with fearful situations

In this society, where where people conform to their obligations, don't take the time to dream and make those dreams reality, there is a need for voluntary courageous behavior. By viewing courage as a muscle, we can train it by gaining experience. Courage is defined as battle bet ...

Design for happiness-enhancing activities

Development of design strategies for the activities of learning to forgive and avoiding overthinking

This research-by-design project provides designers with new strategies to design for sustained well-being.Positive activities have been proposed as the most promising starting point to improve well-being (Wiese et al., 2020). Currently, 14 activities have been identified (Lyubomi ...