B. Dukai
21 records found
We introduce CityJSON Text Sequences (CityJSONSeq in short), a format based on CityJSON and JSON Text Sequences. CityJSONSeq was added to the CityJSON specifications version 2.0 to allow us to stream very large 3D city models. The main idea is to decompose a CityJSON dataset into
A Simple, Fast, and Lean Database Solution for the CityGML Data Model
When it comes to storing 3D city models in a database, the implementation of the CityGML data model can be quite demanding and often results in complicated schemas. As an example, 3DCityDB, a widely used solution, depends on a schema having 66 tables, mapping closely the CityGML
Noise simulations are an important part of noise studies that investigate the impact of noise sources on the environment. In noise simulation, noise levels at receiver points are calculated based on the noise propagation paths between the receiver and source points. These paths a
De 3D BAG bevat automatisch gereconstrueerde LoD2-modellen van alle panden in Nederland, en is voor het eerst gereconstrueerd in het voorjaar van 2021 op basis van AHN3.1 Op basis van AHN4 is een nieuwe versie van de 3D BAG gereconstrueerd, in een samenwerking tussen 3DGI en de o
This document provides a description of the project “Computing volumes and surface areas including party walls for the 3DBAG dataset” which has been carried out between the 3D Geoinformation group at TU Del6, 3DGI, and RVO in the timeframe between November 2022 and October 2023.
3D-representaties van onze leefomgeving zijn belangrijk in toepassingen die helpen bij de planning, de inrichting en het beheer van de openbare ruimte. Met 3D-modellen kunnen simulaties worden uitgevoerd voor bijvoorbeeld geluid, energie, luchtkwaliteit, windcomfort, zicht en wat
In this paper, we present our workflow to automatically reconstruct three-dimensional (3D) building models based on two-dimensional building polygons and a lidar point cloud. The workflow generates models at different levels of detail (LoDs) to support data require-ments of diffe
Three-dimensional city models are essential to assess the impact that environmental factors will have on citizens, because they are the input to several simulation and prediction software. Examples of such environmental factors are noise (Stoter et al., 2008), wind (Garcı́a-Sánch
Fully automated reconstruction of high-detail building models on a national scale is challenging. It raises a set of problems that are seldom found when processing smaller areas, single cities. Often there is no reference, ground truth available to evaluate the quality of the rec
3D-toepassingen gaan vaak gepaard met de wens om gebouwen met dakvormen te modelleren. Na jaren onderzoek en ontwikkeling hebben we in Delft een methode gerealiseerd die volledig automatisch dakvormen (LoD2)
reconstrueert uit puntenwolken en 2D-pandpolygonen. Met deze methode heb
Overheden moeten kunnen beoordelen of de geluidsbelasting op bijvoorbeeld een woonwijk binnen wettelijke limieten valt. Daarvoor moeten geluidsniveaus
worden gesimuleerd. Het Kadaster, RIVM, RWS, IPO en TU Delft (3D Geoinformation) zijn in 2017 begonnen met een project om vanuit
Noise is one of the main problems in urban areas. To monitor and manage noise problems, governmental organisations at all levels are obliged to regularly carry out noise studies. The simulation of noise is an important part of these studies. Currently, different organisations col
As in many countries, in The Netherlands governmental organisations are acquiring 3D city models to support their public tasks. However, this is still being done within individual organisation, resulting in differences in 3D city models within one country and sometimes covering t
State of the Art in 3D City Modelling
Six Challenges Facing 3D Data as a Platform
Semantically enriched 3D city models have the potential to be powerful hubs of integrated information for computer-based urban spatial analysis. This article presents the state of the art in 3D city modelling in the context of broader developments such as smart cities and digital
Improving waste and resource management entails working on interrelations between different material flows, territories and groups of actors. This calls for new decision support tools for translating the complex information on flows into accessible knowledge usable by stakeholde
Before the interpretation of any text can start, the original wording of the text itself must be critically established. Conventionally, this is done following qualitative criteria. This article, however, explores the application of spatial analyses to New Testament textual criti
The 3D representation of buildings with roof shapes (also called LoD2) is popular in the 3D city modelling domain since it provides a realistic view of 3D city models. However, for many application block models of buildings are sufficient or even more suitable. These so called Lo
The international standard CityGML is both a data model and an exchange format to store digital 3D models of cities. While the data model is used by several cities, companies, and governments, in this paper we argue that its XML-based exchange format has several drawbacks. These
Het representeren van gebouwen met dakvormen (ook wel LoD2 genoemd) is populair bij 3D-modellering van de leefomgeving, omdat dit een realistische beleving geeft. Maar voor veel 3D-data toepassingen zijn simpele blokmodellen van gebouwen meer geschikt. Deze zogenaamde LoD1-modell
Geluid is een groot probleem in stedelijk gebied. Om geluidsoverlast te verminderen, voeren vele overheidsorganisaties op allerlei niveaus geluidstudies uit. Geluidssimulatie is hierin een belangrijk onderdeel. De reken methode voor de simulatie van geluid is in Nederland gestand