P.J. Boelhouwer

553 records found


The private rented sector (PRS) plays an increasingly important role in accommodating young people and migrants in China’s metropolitan cities. However, the PRS in China is still underdeveloped, as evidenced by, e.g. a low degree of professionalisation, lack of basic rental laws ...

Mortgage credit and house prices

The housing market equilibrium revisited

Over the last decade, house prices have increased substantially in nearly all OECD countries. These house price increases frequently coincided with changes in mortgage credit conditions; i.e., decreases in the interest rate and increases in income. This is in line with existin ...

Mede als gevolg van grote problemen op de woningmarkt en in het bijzonder het grote woningtekort is er tegenwoordig weer veel aandacht voor het wonen in zowel de pers als de politiek. Na een jarenlange focus op meer marktwerking en decentralisatie lijkt de rijksoverheid recent we ...
The generous mortgage tax relief enjoyed in the Netherlands and the possible existence of a house price bubble cannot explain the sharp decrease of house prices in the Netherlands in the period from 2011–2013. This sharp decline can, however, be explained by the rigorous adjustme ...
The argument in the recent time was that the past strategies of the government in housing provision were obviously in favour of high income groups as the low-medium groups are victims of housing inadequacy in cities. The corollary to the situation resulted to the call for the ado ...
House price modeling has been frequently used to investigate the dynamics of housing markets, especially competitive markets; yet less attention has been given to markets that have experienced considerable interventions. The aim of this study is to demonstrate a mismatch between ...


Facilitating a move for the young Elderly

Understanding how a move for (potentially) willing to move young elderly living in an owner-occupied dwelling can be better facilitated

The Netherlands is currently facing a housing crisis characterised by both quantitative and qualitative mismatches in the market. The issues range from a housing shortage to the unequal distribution of suitable dwellings. One of the reasons for this housing crisis is the prolonge ...

Managing Social Value in Real Estate

Towards an integrated social value definition, measurement and quantification in the built environment industry

Today’s world is faced with climate emergencies and social disruptions, which means that decreasing negative results and delivering positive impact to the planet and society is necessary to support our future. With a rising demand for strategies that go beyond traditional investi ...

First-time buyers on the Dutch housing market

An analysis of their (changing) position

Ensuring good living accomodation is a constitutional duty of the government, but there is now a shortage of 300,000 homes. Demand for housing has grown sharply in recent years. In the last two years, the housing market issue has been high on the political agenda again. In it, th ...

Rethinking the development process of mid-segment rental housing in the Netherlands

Exploratory research into the development process of mid-segment rental housing in the Netherlands.

With a shortage of approximately 315,000 homes, 4% of the existing stock, the Netherlands continues to face a significant and growing shortage of housing. This shortage is a result of various factors that either directly or indirectly have effect on the housing market. Of which s ...

A crisis that triggered change: How the Corona crisis impacted (aspiring) homeowners’ housing preferences

A study into possible change of housing preferences of (aspiring) owner-occupiers in the Netherlands resulting from the Covid-19 crisis, as to give insight into the lasting impact on future demand for the housing stock

The Corona crisis highly affected socio-economic circumstances, and this was expected to have changed housing preferences. Understanding what needs to be built in quality in addition to quantity is key to a sustainable housing market. Hence, this thesis researched whether and how ...

The accessibility to the Dutch housing market for Flexhouseholds

The interplay between flexible labour agreements, financial services and the housing market.

The Netherlands is facing pressure on the housing market and the prices are increasing drastically. The accessibility to the housing market decreases and moving becomes harder. With the flexibilization of the labour market, more households face income uncertainty, which can aff ...

Realizing community land trusts for affordable homeownership

Capitalizing on opportunities and overcoming barriers in the Dutch housing market

The Dutch housing sector is overheating, leaving mid-income earners stuck in the major Dutch cities' expensive rental sector. As a reaction to this, community land trusts (CLT) are sprouting in different European countries. The CLT presents a model which nullifies speculation, ...

Professional collaborative housing concepts for seniors

How to professionally develop for the elderly who are 'dying to get started'

The Netherlands faces the challenge of a rapidly ageing population, which demands more diverse housing concepts for seniors. Collaborative housing (CH) concepts are a promising solution to promote contact and mutual support, counteract loneliness, and reduce public health expense ...

Scale up the process

The realization of industrial housing

Housing is a topic that concerns everyone, but the attention for housing has grown in the last years. There is an enormous urge for sufficient and affordable housing in a world where we cannot ignore globalisation. The market is looking for a way to answer this demand for afforda ...

Tall buildings and their expansion in time and space

A study on global determining factors

A significant growth in the development of tall buildings has taken place within the past two decades, during which approximately 75% of the total existing tall buildings has been constructed. This construction boom has happened in alignment with the phenomenon of the increasing ...

Towards participation of existing businesses in the regeneration of industrial urban waterfronts

Recommendations on the participation process based on lessons learned from comparative cases in a Dutch context

As Dutch cities are increasingly looking to transform inner city industrial waterfronts into mixed-use neighbourhoods, the need for good participation processes with existing businesses increases. Although municipalities are aware of this, current participation processes often do ...

Blockchain enabled asset management in the case of X-Decks

Cooperation enhanced by decentralization in the building industry

The building industry is characterized by the creation of organizational silos. These silos are causing frictions and inefficiencies on an operational, financial and managerial level. The following research is approaching these silos within the case of X-Decks, a temporary and ci ...

Furthering Household Filtering through the Supply of Dwellings

A prescriptive study on the advancement of household filtering in Zoetermeer through the detailing of its redevelopment plans

Zoetermeer is facing two challenges currently. The first is a housing program which is defined only at a superficial level. Secondly, the municipality has expressed the ambition to also take into account the migration of households, but has no data on which dwellings facilitate m ...

Blockchain: Towards Disruption in the Real Estate Sector

An exploration on the impact of blockchain technology in the real estate management process.

In response to greater demand for transparency, technology advancements and the disintermediation by startups are gradually making some of the information public. As a result, property-related information is increasingly available in digital and paper form. However, a significant ...