M. Lukovic
18 records found
Concrete is the most used construction material worldwide and the cement industry is responsible for around 7% of the global CO2 emissions. Due to its cost efficiency, durability and ubiquity, it is being severely overused in current engineering practice, while material efficient
The Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) in Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) fibre-reinforced concrete is the microscopic zone between the fibres and the cement matrix, which is essential to the overall performance of the composites. To explore the micro-mechanical properties of the
The construction industry faces significant environmental challenges due to its reliance on Portland cement, which accounts for up to 7% of global CO2 emissions (Benhelal, Zahedi, Shamsaei, & Bahadori, 2013). In the Netherlands, initiatives like the ”Betonakkoord” aim to
Cracking in reinforced concrete structures can occur at any stage during their lifetime, and is anticipated for during its design. It is crucial to control crack widths by applying sufficient reinforcement to prevent impairments to the structure’s functionality. Cracks may develo
Understanding the Mechanism of Drying Shrinkage in Alkali-Activated Binders
Towards Sustainable Construction Practices
Cement production for concrete is responsible for 5-8% of the global anthropogenic emissions, making it essential to search for alternative binders. This study focuses on alkali-activated materials (AAMs) as a potential replacement for Portland Cement (PC) to reduce carbon emissi
This graduation project investigates the integration of green concrete in construction projects for sustainable development. Green concrete, characterized by the use of recycled materials, reduced cement content, and environment-friendly processes, is crucial in minimizing the co
The Effect of Admixtures on the Buildability of 3D Printed Alkali-Activated Materials with Glass Wool
3D Printing of Alkali-Activated Materials
Research about alkali-activated materials or geopolymers has increased in the past decade as they are regarded as a potential replacement to cement-based materials. This is due to the fact that alkali-activated materials possess several advantages over cement-based materials, and
Because of the sustainability transition in the asphalt industry, it is increasingly popular to apply reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) instead of new asphalt. Then, less new material is needed and the amount of waste products is reduced. However, there are questions regarding the
Closed-form solution for the buckling analysis of Euler-Bernoulli columns and beam-columns with jump discontinuities
The influence of step-changes of geometrical and material properties, real joints, non-propagating open edge cracks, and real support conditions
Structural elements under compression can fail due to instability. Such type of failure may present itself as flexural buckling, which is the sudden change of configuration of one state to another at a critical compressive load. Actual structure characteristics, such as cracks, r
In the Netherlands, yearly 33 Mton new concrete (roughly 15 billion m3) is producewhile 12 Mton concrete waste becomes available. Recycling of the yearly 12 Mton concrete waste results in roughly 7 Mton coarse recycled concrete aggregate (CRCA) and 5 Mton fine recycled concrete a
Since 2006, the Delft University of Technology has been working on the development of bacterial self-healing concrete (BSHC). The self-healing ability of this concrete is based on a biological mechanism, in which mineral producing bacteria are added to repair cracks autonomously.
Ageing of infrastructure leads to an increasing demand for new technologies and design solutions in current bridge engineering. Over the last decades the traffic intensity has grown tremendously, while design codes and regulations have become stricter. Many current steel bridges
Early-age Cracking of Concrete
A study into the influence of stress relaxation on early-age cracking of concrete structures under imposed deformations
When hardening concrete is subjected to imposed deformations, stresses maydevelop. If at any point in time this stress exceeds the tensile strength ofthe material, the concrete will crack. Early-age cracking of concretestructures may lead to issues related to ...
3D Concrete Printing
The influence of printing process parameters on the mechanical properties, numerical modelling, and the exploration of sustainable printable solutions for humanitarian problems
Concrete is one of the most widely applied construction materials worldwide. Although traditional construction processes are optimized in terms of efficiency, costs and material use, the main disadvantages are still related to the use of formwork, labour and limited freedom of sh
Generation and Evaluation of Truss Structures for the Strut-and-Tie Model
Based on Topology Optimization Results for Deep Concrete Beams
The Strut-and-Tie model (STM) is an efficient technique for the design of concrete structures, but the creation of suitable truss structures gets complicated when these structures become more complex. The topology optimization (TO) is a convenient technique that has been used in
Concrete Hyperloop
A feasibility study on the application of concrete tubes in the Hyperloop infrastructure
In August of 2013 Elon Musk published his paper ’Hyperloop Alpha’, in which he describes an alternative transportation system for the to be built railway connection between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The Hyperloop system that Musk describes relies on partial vacuum tubes thro
The Influence of concrete composition on the behavior of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) C30/37
Quantitative study about the subsequent changes in the properties and mechanical behavior of SFRC C30/37 due to adjusting the concrete composition.
Steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) is nowadays used as a construction material for pavement and industrial floors in The Netherlands. The common used SFRC mixture, is concrete strength class C30/37 mixed with circa 35 kg/m3 of steel fibre.
The details of the concrete com ...
The details of the concrete com ...
Alkali silica reaction in the afsluitdijk
Assessment of concrete damage and remaining service life using experimental and modelling research
Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) is one of the degradation mechanisms in concrete that poses a threat to the service life of existing structures. This physio-chemical process is progressive and can affect the the strength, stiffness and stability of concrete structures. A lot of miti