S. Wang

27 records found


In the present work, an ODS 12 Cr steel was characterized using Electron Microscopy techniques, in an as-received condition and after annealing treatments between 773 K and 1573 K. Results show a complex microstructure, with the presence of fine Y–Ti–O nanoparticles dispersed ...

Iron-matrix composites with calcium silicate (CS) bioceramic as the reinforcing phase were fabricated through powder metallurgy processes. The microstructures, mechanical properties, apatite deposition and biodegradation behavior of the Fe-CS composites, as well as cell attachme ...

As part of an international intercomparison project, the weak temperature gradient (WTG) and damped gravity wave (DGW) methods are used to parameterize large-scale dynamics in a set of cloud-resolving models (CRMs) and single column models (SCMs). The WTG or DGW method is impl ...

In this paper, we revisit the full lattice representation of continuous piecewise affine (PWA) functions and give a formal proof of its representation ability. Based on this, we derive the irredundant lattice PWA representations through removal of redundant terms and literals. Ne ...
The cometabolism as a technique for enhancing biodegradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) has been widely used, but the effect of dosing mode of growth substrates on the cometabolic degradation of PCP in an anaerobic system with and without the addition of ZVI is still not clear. I ...

As part of an international intercomparison project, a set of single-column models (SCMs) and cloud-resolving models (CRMs) are run under the weak-temperature gradient (WTG) method and the damped gravity wave (DGW) method. For each model, the implementation of the WTG or DGW m ...

A transferable force field for the PbSe-CdSe solid system using the partially charged rigid ion model has been successfully developed and was used to study the cation exchange in PbSe-CdSe heteronanocrystals [A. O. Yalcin et al., "Atomic resolution monitoring of cation exchange i ...
A set of interatomic pair potentials is developed for ZnO based on the partially charged rigid ion model (PCRIM). The derivation of the potentials combines lattice inversion, empirical fitting, and ab initio energy surface fitting. We show that, 0 despite the low number of parame ...