
L.M.M. de Wit


20 records found

Music Box – Den Haag

Transforming a vacant office building into a public space for music and culture

Spaces for music does often have to move out to fringe areas of the cities while the city centres are devoted to retail and office buildings. However, due to the financial crisis and shifting demands from coorporations, there are around 8,5 million m2 of vacant office space in th ...

Designing for Compact Living Spaces

An Exploration Tool for the Ultimate Tiny House Experience

In recent years, the popularity of compact living spaces like Tiny Houses is rising in the Netherlands. With Tiny Houses still gaining in popularity, there is a demand for information and knowledge about this new form of living. Through multiple sources, interested people are lea ...

The coastal environment as a laboratory

Architecture and embodied experiences

The long-stretched shadow of my body touches the footprints in the sand in front of me. It is a cold winter afternoon and the sun is already setting. I hear the rhythm of water pulling back and passing under another wave of water. The beach is full of people many of whom presumab ...

The wild plant library

Approaching the urban wilderness

Mostar contains a multiplicity of ruined, abandoned and contested spaces, a consequence of the war in which it was involved between 1992 and 1996. But to define those spaces today we cannot think only of the violent changes that originated them. The fact that war ruins remained l ...

Mental Wellbeing & Space

Spaces for Mental Health & Wellbeing after Dislocation

This research encompasses an exploration on spaces for mental health and wellbeing for newcomers in the Netherlands with a migration background caused by forced dislocation. This group of new Dutch citizens have a higher prevalence for mental disorders such as anxiety, depression ...

Het Westerpoorthuis

Een huis voor ons leven, met elkaar ouder worden

Towards 2030, the amount of single households of 65 years and older will double to 40 percent. Due to changes in the political environment elderly can only move to a nursing home if the demand of care is high enough. Consequently, there will be a bigger group of elderly that need ...

The future of countryside living

Integrating the transition towards nature inclusive agriculture with the development of new countryside homes

A decades long process of replacing biodiverse landscapes with agricultural monocultures has led to a significant drop in biodiversity in the Netherlands. The current agricultural landscape offers limited habitats for animals and insects and lacks resilience to cope with the eff ...

De Kabelstraat

Een katalysator voor de publieke ruimte aan de Schieoevers in Delft

Onderzoek: Dit project heeft als doel te onderzoeken hoe skateboarders de gebouwde omgeving ervaren en begrijpen en wat architecten of ontwerpers (van zulke plekken) kunnen leren van deze gebruikers. Skateboarders, voor wie autoriteit en conventie van weinig betekenis zijn, sugge ...

Curating Experiences

Rethinking the Estate Landscape for Sensorial Affordances

People continually shape the landscape. The landscape being a palimpset of their socio-economic and cultural ethos. Few landscapes become valued as heritage and a marker for regional identity. However, often times, landscapes deemed as heritage might not strike upan attachment wi ...

Gardens of Dialectics

A story of decay and reconstruction

The graduation work aims to raise a discussion around the future of post-industrial urban centers and communities. A counter-project that, through a critique of conventional urban planning methods, wants to re-imagine the future of those small towns that are facing an economic an ...

City Plaza

Designing a new relationship to the water

The project examines the relationship between a city and a waterfront. With the ongoing waterfront redevelopment projects it is necessary to step back and evaluate the current trends and impacts of them on the city. City Plaza proposes a unique and original way to merge architect ...

Mosaic Garden City

Redefining the relation between people and nature by structuring water management through landscape infrastructure in an informal settlement, Kampung Tamansari in Bandung

Slum population has increased continuously in global south. It expands onto precarious land such as floodplains, lagoon areas and so on leading to deficiency of basic facilities. Bandung is the third most populous city in Indonesia with around 26,000 slum dwellings. Kampung Taman ...

Samen Leven

A research about elements in architecture which contributes to a healthier environment

This research and design is about "Het Gemeenschap Gezondheidshuis; Samen Leven". A research about the change of healthcare nowadays; where people want to stay at home longer and have care at home. But also where the needs of a patient are more central. The main question is: what ...

Places for Freedom

Revalue of unfinished landscapes through architectural structures

The research and graduation project are about the revalue of unfinished, abandoned landscapes through architectural structures. Nowadays it is almost rare to find places and landscapes in cities that have no function, are left behind or not taken care of. Even in the city of Rott ...

ROW: Reimagining the Optimal Workplace

A study to the social-organizational and physical workplace needs linked to left/right brain theory for different types of talent in the luxury industry

Purpose - The purpose of the research is to use existing data from literature, collect qualitative and quantitative data from experts in the luxury industry to discover what the optimal workplace is for left and right brained talent. Methodology - This research follows the expla ...

The City & Experiencing its Layered Past

An exploration of the sensory meanings, impacts, and design principles of objects in (semi-)public spaces

Modern cities are often characterized by their fast paced environments and levels of sensory overload. Consequently, these environments often pressure individuals and can create feelings of (emotional) detachment. These feelings of detachment call for interventions that enable pe ...

Stock discretised structural timber elements

A structural evaluation of a computational optimized timber load-bearing system discretized by an available stockpile

The current sustainability crisis requires a shift in the way material availability is currently considered. The current trend is to dispose of material easily after it has served its first purpose, while often the material still has potential to be reused. The construction secto ...

St Homobonus College

A Centre of Excellence for Dress Culture in Cambridge

Located on Katendrecht is a warehouse Santos built in 1903. The purpose was to store the coffee which came from Santos (a place close to Sao Paulo, Brazil). This coffee warehouse is empty nowadays and transformed into a pop stage.
The deaf and hard-of-hearing live in world that, from an architectural standpoint, is designed for hearing people. Which causes a set of challenges for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.These problems have major effects at schools for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. These schools are ma ...