Wouter van der Wal
141 records found
Comparing gravity-based to seismic-derived lithosphere densities
A case study of the British Isles and surrounding areas
Lithospheric density structure can be constructed from seismic tomography, gravity modelling, or using both data sets. The different approaches have their own uncertainties and limitations. This study aims to characterize and quantify some of the uncertainties in gravity modellin
Two-layer gravity inversion on Mars
Three different inversion methods to obtain a global density model of the crust and upper mantle of Mars
The origin of the Martian dichotomy is subject to question and no substantial evidence exists. Some surface and interior features that are not visible in, e.g., topography data, can show up in gravity data. Therefore, this research inverts gravity data to find a crustal and mantl
Collision Probability through Orbital Uncertainty Propagation
The Hybrid Differential Algebra and Gaussian Mixture Model Approach
The number of space objects has largely increased in the recent years, becoming a considerable threat to the present and future of satellite operations and human spaceflight. This introduces a need to accurately compute the risk of collision between satellites and space debris. C
Modelling The Greenland Ice Sheet following The Mid-Eemian
A study of the impact of including lateral variations in the sub-Greenland Earth rheology on the GrIS' evolution since the mid-Eemian in a coupled 3D ice sheet and 3D GIA model
Uncertainty in ice sheet modelling affects centennial and longer time-scale projections of the Greenland Ice Sheet's (GrIS) sea level contribution. One source of this uncertainty is the interaction between the ice sheet’s evolution and the Earth’s deformation in response to chang
How Much Ice Could an Icy Io Have Lost Through Tidal Heating?
How Much Ice Could an Icy Io Have Lost Through Tidal Heating?
Of the four Galilean satellites the only one without ice is Io. While it is possible that Io never contained any ice the starting point of this research work is an icy Io. As present-day Io does not contain any ice, icy Io must have lost its ice through some sort of ice loss mech
Determination of the Gravity Field of Titan
Simulated Measurements and Estimation Prospects with Cassini Tracking Data
During its thirteen-year long mission in the Saturnian system, the Cassini spacecraft routinely used Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, for performing its gravity assists. The problem of determining the gravity field of Titan by performing a precise fit of Cassini’s orbit to the avail
Transfer of Polarized Light in Extended Atmospheres
Applied to Exoplanets and Titan
We have developed, from scratch, a 3D radiative transfer code based on the Monte Carlo method, that fully takes into account the spherical shape of a planetary atmosphere, multiple scattering, and the polarized nature of light. Accounting for the sphericity of an atmosphere is im
Effects of deglaciation on glaciovolcanism on Mars
Exploring the origin of tuyas in the Martian South Polar Region
It has been shown that glacially induced decompression rates under Vatnajökull cause an increase in mantle melt and enhancement in volcanic activity. Eruptions under ice can form tuyas, that can be used to constrain past ice sheet thickness. Several mountains in the Martian South
The Gravity of Titan
Analysis of Cassini's Doppler Tracking Data and Solar Radiation Pressure
Saturn's largest natural satellite, Titan, is an icy moon expected to harbour a liquid sub-surface water ocean capable of habiting extra-terrestrial life. The spherical harmonic expansion of the gravity field and the tidal Love number k2 can be used to estimate densities, depths,
COTS GNSS Receiver
Testing of an on-board receiver for the Indian Space Research Organisation satellite INS-1C
The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) plans to equip future satellites of its Indian Nano Satellite(INS) with COTS dual frequency receivers in order to let them contribute to various scientific research opportunities. This thesis develops a test framework for Commercial Of
Interactions between Ice Sheet Dynamics and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
The development and application of a new method to simulate the Antarctic Ice Sheet over the last glacial cycle
The Antarctic ice sheet is a complex system highly influenced by global and local processes and characteristics including a varying bedrock elevation and structure of the solid Earth and a changing climate. Sea level rise has a high impact on society and the improvement of foreca
Extending Attitude Estimation Capability for Agile Precision Target Tracking NanoSats
Hardware Characterisation, Configuration Selection, and Gyro-Stellar based Unscented Calibration Filter Synthesis
Though NanoSats are becoming increasingly capable of featuring active payloads, and acquiring inertial data at arcsec level precision; the payload operational duty-cycle largely remains limited by its data downlink capabilities. NanoSat laser communication terminal (LCT) promises
Active Thermal Protection System for Reusable Launch Vehicle
A Conceptual Design
The next step in spaceflight, among others, is the development of a reusable launch vehicle (RLV) suitable for manned missions. All existing designs of re-entry vehicles are either ballistic or low L/D vehicles. In the future, the aim is to develop a high L/D vehicle, because suc
Examining the deformation in the Krafla region, Iceland
To get an insight on the recent changes in the observed deformation pattern
In the Krafla region in North East Iceland, a change in the deformation pattern was observed in 2018. Since the 1975-1984 rifting event, there was subsidence seen in the Krafla caldera and along the fissure swarm. This subsidence was explained by deflation which decreased exponen
Autonomous Guidance and Control for Precision Landing on Planetary Bodies
Convex Optimization Approach For Mars and Titan Case Studies
Autonomously landing a spacecraft on the surface of a planetary body with a degree of precision in the order of meters is highly challenging. Over the course of time, the landing ellipse, defined as the region with a 99% likelihood of where a space vehicle will land, has improved
Bridging the GRACE gap
Validation of satellite gravity observations via glacial isostatic adjustment
The GRACE mission has provided unprecedented insights into mass redistribution processes in the Earth system. Following a strong call for continuation of the mass observations, the GRACE-Follow On (GRACE-FO) mission was launched in May 2018, leaving a coverage gap of ca. 1 year b
Reduced Navigation Data
Optimizing the Galileo I/NAV Navigation Message for a Fast First Fix
This research focuses on GNSS users interested in a faster position fix in a situation where the receiver holds limited data. This occurs when turning on a mobile phone or sport watch to use a location-based service, driving out of a parking garage with a navigational device or a
Ganymede: A Frozen Enigma
Exploring possible internal density distributions through gravitational potential field variations
In 2022, ESA plans to launch the JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission which will spend at least three years making detailed observations of Jupiter and three of its largest moons, Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. These moons are currently a hot topic within the science commun
Development of a numerical model for the Sumatra subduction zone constrained by satellite gravimetry
With special focus on gravity sensitivity studies
Satellite-derived gravity models have been used in modelling of several subduction zones, but not yet for the Sumatra subduction zone. There, gravity models can shed light on the geometry and density of the plate, and whether a slab tear is present under northern Sumatra, as seis
A rapid increase in the quantity as well as the quality of remote sensing data asks for new methods to come to an automated approach for change detection in satellite imagery. This research uses an interdisciplinary approach on the question how machine learning with the input of