G.A. Delgado Lopes


17 records found

Most stabilizing controllers designed for nonlinear systems are valid only within a specific region of the state space, called the domain of attraction (DoA). Computation of the DoA is usually costly and time-consuming. This paper proposes a computationally effective sampling app ...
This paper addresses the control of steady state and transition behaviors for the bipedal spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model. We present an event-driven control approach that enables the realization of active running, walking, and walk-run transitions in a unified frame ...
This paper introduces approximate time-domain solutions to the otherwise non-integrable double-stance dynamics of the 'bipedal' spring-loaded inverted pendulum (B-SLIP) in the presence of non-negligible damping. We first introduce an auxiliary system whose behavior under certain ...
This paper introduces approximate time-domain solutions to the otherwise non-integrable double-stance dynamics of the 'bipedal' spring-loaded inverted pendulum (B-SLIP) in the presence of non-negligible damping. We first introduce an auxiliary system whose behavior under certain ...
This paper presents a coordination controller for the Dual-SLIP model, a novel template for quadrupedal steady and transitional running. The model consists of a pair of "physically-unconnected" Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulums (SLIPs), each representing a part of the body of a qu ...
This paper proposes a new approach to robotic manipulation planning based on the contact between a set of objects, robots and surfaces. We consider making or breaking contact as the most abstract, yet representative element of a manipulation task. Using this paradigm, a robotic m ...
This paper proposes a new approach to robotic manipulation planning based on the contact between a set of objects, robots and surfaces. We consider making or breaking contact as the most abstract, yet representative element of a manipulation task. Using this paradigm, a robotic m ...
This paper considers optimal output synchronization of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems. Standard approaches to output synchronization of heterogeneous systems require either the solution of the output regulator equations or the incorporation of a p-copy of the leader’s d ...
Sequential composition is a supervisory control architecture for addressing control problems in complex dynamical systems. Although sequential composition works properly for a single system, it is not designed for cooperative systems. This paper extends the standard sequential co ...


3 records found

Online learning algorithms

For passivity-based and distributed control

Over the last couple of decades the demand for high precision and enhanced performance of physical systems has been steadily increasing. This demand often results in miniaturization and complex design, thus increasing the need for complex nonlinear control methods. Some of the st ...
In this thesis, a swarm is defined as: ”A swarm is a large number of homogenous, unsophisticated agents that interact locally among themselves and their environment, without any central control or management to yield a global behaviour to emerge.” The bigger perspective is to hav ...
Sequential composition is an effective supervisory control method for addressing control problems in nonlinear dynamical systems. It executes a set of controllers sequentially to achieve a control specification that cannot be realized by a single controller. Sequential compositio ...