
9 records found

Listening Space

An exploratory case study on a persuasive game designed to enrich the experience of classical music concerts

Classical music venues in the Netherlands and throughout the world are struggling to attract new audiences. Especially younger visitors are underrepresented. Previous research emphasizes the importance of providing new, potentially interested audiences with more means to consume ...


Design of Nzoia Basin location based flood game

Every 2 to 7 years, Kenya experiences a reoccurrence of El-Niño rains leading to loss of life and massive damage to property. The 1997/98 El-Niño floods affected 1.5 million persons and led to an estimated USD 1.2 billion infrastructural damage, USD 236 million agricultural damag ...

Becoming the Unseen Helmsman

Game facilitator competencies for novice, experienced, and non-game facilitators

Background. To facilitate game sessions for purposes beyond mere entertainment a facilitator needs to act like an ‘Unseen Helmsman’: steering their ship clear from rocks and storms without the players in the ship realizing. Previous work laid down a competency model for game faci ...

Reinforcing the Attitude-Behavior Relationship in Persuasive Game Design

Four Design Recommendations for Persuasive Games for Societal Interventions

Persuasive games for societal interventions aim to shape, reinforce or change players’ attitudes and behavior to help solving complex societal issues. In earlier work, we explored how persuasive game mechanics may contribute to the formation of attitudes in persuasive games. As a ...

Game-based learning of multi-cultural team competencies

The effects of playing BAFÁ BAFÁ on attitudes and skills of future engineers

Learning multi-cultural team competencies is important for engineering students to prepare for an increasingly global workspace. We evaluated the game BAFÁ BAFÁ with groups of Master students from varying engineering programmes using a mixed methods approach. The game experience ...

Parsifal a Game Opera

Experiential Learning in Gameful Performance Art

Richard Wagner’s Parsifal was recently rewritten and performed as a‘game opera’.We used observations, questionnaires, and interviews to study howthe 700+ audience were facilitated to experientially learn about the show’s mainthemes: compassion and collaboration. This case study c ...

Parsifal the game

A journey into the uncharted territory of theatre and games

Theatrical art and games can mutually benefit each other. In a recent project we explored this proposition. On the one hand, we added game elements to a classical opera performance. The resulting ‘Parsifal the game’ was performed six times for altogether over 400 spectators/playe ...

A motivator game for forensic vigilance training

Exploring the potential of the card game ROTBEESTEN?! as compared to treatment as usual

In the field of forensic mental healthcare, forensic vigilance is an im-portant skill of healthcare professionals to deal with criminal behaviour of pa-tients. The facilitated, collaborative card game ROTBEESTEN?! was developed to motivate professionals to enrol in forensic vigil ...

Talk that Talk

Design and evaluation of a persuasive card game against sexually transgressive behaviour

Sexually transgressive behaviour (STB) causes serious problems for, among others, students of higher education. The persuasive card game TALK THAT TALK was designed to promote ethical bystander behaviour in STB situa-tions and contribute to a social transition to less sexual viol ...


11 records found

Automatisch & geïnformeerd

Een onderzoek naar het effect van autonoom vervoer op de Nederlandse infrastructuur

The self-driving vehicle technology can be a potential game changer. The image of traffic and transport we know nowadays can change rapidly over the next twenty years with the introduction of autonomous driving. Still, there seem to be some uncertainties with the development of a ...

Fabula rasa

Gamifying a storytelling platform to enhance proactive science communication from TU Delft researchers

This research project proposes a theoretical gamified design of a storytelling platform to engage TU Delft researchers into proactive submission of story ideas to co-create online storytelling for wide audiences. While universities have focused on improving communication with the ...

The Human in Command

An exploratory study into human moral autonomy of Behavioural Artificial Intelligence Technology

The accelerating development of algorithms causes a disruptive effect in many domains, including the complex decision-making of knowledge workers. Experts can manage difficult but repetitive decisions with software technologies like a Decision Support System (DSS). A DSS is used ...

A new way of using persuasive games for multi-actor problems

An explorative case study on the tightness of the labor market of the Port of Rotterdam

This master's thesis explores the potential of persuasive games for addressing challenges in multiactor systems. For many multi-actor system problems, the different actors need to take action to handle these problems. Persuasive gaming is proposed as a method that can stimulate t ...

Transparent Decision Support in ever-changing healthcare contexts

Designing an architecture of a transparent and dynamic Clinical Decision Support System grounded in Discrete Choice Modeling

Every day physicians make choices on clinical treatment that directly influence patients’ well-being. To deal with these critical decisions and avoid treatment errors and costs, physicians show a growing interest in Clinical Decision Support Systems (IDSS). Current CDSSs, however ...

Improving the Design of Persuasive Games for Complex Systems

Effectiveness of the Design Principles Praise,Suggestion, and Comparison as perceived byIndividualists and Collectivists

Persuasive games for complex systems have subtle messages they want to convince stakeholders of the complex system of in question of in order to help them solve certain problems. However, there currently is little known about the persuasive game design principles used in those ga ...

Exploring the Developer Drive

A Case Study on the Motivation of Individual Developers in Diverse Actors to Start and Continue Participation in a PaaS SECO Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory

This thesis explores the motivation of developers to initiate and sustain participation in a Platform-as-a-Service Software Ecosystem (PaaS SECO). PaaS, integral to SECOs, is gaining prominence for its cost advantages and scalability. The study focuses on understanding what drive ...

Talk That Talk

The Evaluation and Redesign of a Persuasive Game for Tackling Sexual Violence Among Students in Dutch Universities

Background. Dutch universities struggle to find effective evidence-based intervention tools to reduce the high prevalence of sexual violence among their students. Reducing sexual violence means a safer student climate and thus better inclusion of women and more diversity in highe ...

Participatory Serious Game Design for Societal Intervention

Exploring the Effectiveness of Participative Game Design Processes Between Communities and Police in the United States as a means for Reduced Police Bias

Throughout history, complex societal problems have plagued societies with their ever-changing dynamic natures and sheer societal consequences. In efforts to address such complex problems, many actors have turned to participatory methods as a means to incorporate community level k ...
Maritime logistics is important for the international volume of trade. Ports are critical in cargo transhipment and provide services to vessels like traffic management, piloting, towage and mooring, which together are called the Nautical Chain since these services are dependent o ...

Institutional Change through Social Learning

Climate Change Policy Gaming in Kenya

Complex and uncertain societal problems cannot be addressed by technical solutions that rely solely on predictions. Institutions that entirely rely on predictions, repeat the same actions (routine), with little reflection on the impact of these technological solutions upon the so ...