Johan H Huijsing
166 records found
In chopper amplifiers, the interaction between the input signal and the chopper clock can cause intermodulation distortion (IMD). This is mainly due to finite amplifier bandwidth, which causes signal-dependent output spikes at the chopping transitions. Such chopper-induced IMD ...
This article describes an auto-zero stabilized voltage buffer that achieves low offset and low noise with sub-pA input current. A high gain stabilization loop is used to periodically cancel the buffer’s offset. The loop itself is periodically disconnected from the buffer and a ...
A Bootstrapped ESD Structure for CMOS Amplifiers with femtoampere leakage current
A Bootstrapped ESD Structure for CMOS Amplifiers with femtoampere leakage current
The readout of high-impedance sensors and sampled voltage references [1] requires amplifiers that can achieve both low offset and low input current. Recently, it has been shown that this unique combination can be achieve ...
This paper presents a class-AB driver for high-fidelity audio. It attains high-linearity at low-power by using an improved output stage biasing technique and a new frequency compensation scheme. Designed in standard 65nm CMOS, the driver delivers 5I.2mW peak power to 16Ω 0.33n ...