A.F.W. van der Steen
162 records found
Ultrasound contrast agents, comprised of phospholipid-coated microbubbles, can be produced as monodisperse populations using a microfluidic flow-focusing device. However, microbubble coalescence remains a significant challenge. High production temperatures (e.g., 55 °C) can be used to suppress coalescence, but it complicates the microfluidic device design and is incompatible with targeting agents and drug conjugates. This study investigates the production of monodisperse microbubbles at room temperature with the addition of the amphiphilic surfactant Pluronic F68. Two 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC)-based phospholipid formulations were investigated: F1, containing 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[carbonyl-methoxypolyethylene glycol] (DPPE-PEG5000), and F2, which included both DPPE-PEG5000 and polyoxyethylene(40) stearate (PEG40-stearate). We characterized the size stability and acoustic behavior of monodisperse microbubbles produced with various Pluronic F68 concentrations. Adding 5-10 mol % Pluronic F68 was found to effectively suppress coalescence and facilitated the production of monodisperse microbubbles that remained shelf stable for at least 7 days. Acoustic attenuation measurements revealed a shell stiffness ranging from 0.78 to 0.93 N/m for these microbubbles. The 10 mol % Pluronic F68 addition (10PF) demonstrated superior monodispersity and was selected for further experiments. Upon dilution, the size and resonance frequencies of both F1-10PF and F2-10PF decreased over time, though F2-10PF showed better stability compared to F1-10PF for both metrics. Both F1-10PF and F2-10PF exhibited a stronger subharmonic scattering intensity than SonoVue (clinical approved microbubbles), which offers potential for blood pressure sensing. Our study shows that incorporating Pluronic F68 facilitates the production of monodisperse microbubbles at room temperature that are stable long-term and have excellent acoustical properties, with the F2-10PF formulation demonstrating better stability than the F1-10PF.
@enObjective: Assessing myocardial perfusion in acute myocardial infarction is important for guiding clinicians in choosing appropriate treatment strategies. Echocardiography can be used due to its direct feedback and bedside nature, but it currently faces image quality issues and an inability to differentiate coronary macro- from micro-circulation. We previously developed an imaging scheme using high frame-rate contrast-enhanced ultrasound (HFR CEUS) with higher order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) that provides dynamic perfusion and vascular flow visualization. In this study, we aim to show the ability of this technique to image perfusion deficits and investigate the potential occurrence of false-positive contrast detection. Methods: We used a porcine model comprising occlusion and release of the left anterior descending coronary artery. During slow contrast agent infusion, the afore-mentioned imaging scheme was used to capture and process the data offline using HOSVD. Results: Fast and slow coronary flow was successfully differentiated, presumably representing the different compartments of the micro-circulation. Low perfusion was seen in the area that was affected, as expected by vascular occlusion. Furthermore, we also imaged coronary flow dynamics before, during and after release of the occlusion, the latter showing hyperemia as expected. A contrast agent destruction test showed that the processed images contained actual contrast signal in the cardiac phases with minimal motion. With larger tissue motion, tissue signal leaked into the contrast-enhanced images. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate the feasibility of HFR CEUS with HOSVD as a viable option for assessing myocardial perfusion. Flow dynamics were resolved, which potentially helped to directly evaluate coronary flow deficits.
@enSpectral photoacoustic imaging in combination with unmixing techniques may be applied to retrieve information about high-risk features present in atherosclerotic plaques, possibly providing prognostic insights into future stroke events. We present the photoacoustic spectral contrast found in 12 systematically scanned advanced atherosclerotic plaques in the near-infrared wavelength range (850–1250 nm). The main absorbers are lipid, water, and hemoglobin, with the highest photoacoustic intensities at the lipid's second overtone at 1190 and 1210 nm. Linear unmixing resulted in visualizing regions with high lipid and hemoglobin absorption, corresponding to the histological presence of lipid and intraplaque hemorrhage. A non-negative matrix factorization approach reveals differences in lipid spectral contrast, providing potential insights into the vulnerability of atherosclerotic plaque. These results provide a reference for future, more complex, in vivo photoacoustic imaging of carotid artery atherosclerosis, potentially contributing to assessing the risk of future events and treatment decision.
@enPhotothermal optical coherence microscopy (PT-OCM) combines the high-resolution, label-free morphological imaging of OCM with the ability to discriminate tissue composition through phase-sensitive photothermal imaging. In this study, we perform 2D imaging of human carotid endarterectomies to spectrally determine lipid distribution, with verification via histologically stained samples. The structural information from OCM is combined with the spectral information gained from measuring the resulting sample surface displacement from thermoelastic expansion, following light irradiation. PT-OCM is thus demonstrated as a potential tool in the investigation of atherosclerotic plaque lipids, contributing towards the understanding of plaque instability.
@enCoronary atherosclerosis is caused by plaque build-up, with lipids playing a pivotal role in its progression. However, lipid composition and distribution within coronary atherosclerosis remain unknown. This study aims to characterize lipids and investigate differences in lipid composition across disease stages to aid in the understanding of disease progression. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) was used to visualize lipid distributions in coronary artery sections (n ¼ 17) from hypercholesterolemic swine. We performed histology on consecutive sections to classify the artery segments and to investigate colocalization between lipids and histological regions of interest in advanced plaque, including necrotic core and inflammatory cells. Segments were classified as healthy (n ¼ 6), mild (n ¼ 6), and advanced disease (n ¼ 5) artery segments. Multivariate data analysis was employed to find differences in lipid composition between the segment types, and the lipids' spatial distribution was investigated using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Through this process, MALDI-MSI detected 473 lipid-related features. NMF clustering described three components in positive ionization mode: triacylglycerides (TAG), phosphatidylcholines (PC), and cholesterol species. In negative ionization mode, two components were identified: one driven by phosphatidylinositol(PI)(38:4), and one driven by ceramidephosphoethanolamine(36:1). Multivariate data analysis showed the association between advanced disease and specific lipid signatures like PC(O-40:5) and cholesterylester(CE)(18:2). Ether-linked phospholipids and LysoPC species were found to colocalize with necrotic core, and mostly CE, ceramide, and PI species colocalized with inflammatory cells. This study, therefore, uncovers distinct lipid signatures correlated with plaque development and their colocalization with necrotic core and inflammatory cells, enhancing our understanding of coronary atherosclerosis progression.
@enBackground and aims: Atherosclerotic plaque onset and progression are known to be affected by local biomechanical factors. While the role of wall shear stress (WSS) has been studied, the impact of another biomechanical factor, namely mechanical wall stress (MWS), remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the association of MWS, independently and combined with WSS, towards atherosclerosis in coronary arteries. Methods: Thirty-four human coronary arteries were analyzed using near-infrared spectroscopy intravascular ultrasound (NIRS-IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) at baseline and after 12 months. Baseline WSS and MWS were calculated using computational models, and wall thickness (ΔWT) and lipid-rich necrotic core size (ΔLRNC) change were measured in non-calcified coronary segments. The arteries were further divided into 1.5 mm/45° sectors and categorized as plaque-free or plaque sectors. For each category, associations between biomechanical factors (WSS & MWS) and changes in coronary wall (ΔWT & ΔLRNC) were studied using linear mixed models. Results: In plaque-free sectors, higher MWS (p < 0.001) was associated with greater vessel wall growth. Plaque sectors demonstrated wall thickness reduction over time, likely due to medical therapy, where higher levels of WSS and WMS, individually and combined, (p < 0.05) were associated with a greater reduction. Sectors with low MWS combined with high WSS demonstrated the highest LRNC increase (p < 0.01). Conclusions: In this study, we investigated the association of the (largely-overlooked) biomechanical factor MWS with coronary atherosclerosis, individually and combined with WSS. Our results demonstrated that both MWS and WSS significantly correlate with atherosclerotic plaque initiation and development.
@enAtherosclerotic plaque rupture in carotid arteries is a major cause of cerebrovascular events. Plaque rupture is the mechanical failure of the heterogeneous fibrous plaque tissue. Local characterization of the tissue's failure properties and the collagen architecture are of great importance to have insights in plaque rupture for clinical event prevention. Previous studies were limited to average rupture properties and global structural characterization, and did not provide the necessary local information. In this study, we assessed the local collagen architecture and failure properties of fibrous plaque tissue, by analyzing 30 tissue strips from 18 carotid plaques. Our study framework entailed second harmonic generation imaging for local collagen orientation and dispersion, and uniaxial tensile testing and digital image correlation for local tissue mechanics. The results showed that 87% of the imaged locations had collagen orientation close to the circumferential direction (0°) of the artery, and substantial dispersion locally. All regions combined, median [Q1:Q3] of the predominant angle measurements was -2° [-16°:16°]. The stretch ratio measurements clearly demonstrated a nonuniform stretch ratio distribution in the tissue under uniaxial loading. The rupture initiation regions had significantly higher stretch ratios (1.26 [1.15-1.40]) than the tissue average stretch ratio (1.11 [1.10-1.16]). No significant difference in collagen direction and dispersion was identified between the rupture regions and the rest of the tissue. The presented study forms an initial step towards gaining better insights into the characterization of local structural and mechanical fingerprints of fibrous plaque tissue in order to aid improved assessment of plaque rupture risk. Statement of significance: Plaque rupture risk assessment, critical to prevent cardiovascular events, requires knowledge on local failure properties and structure of collagenous plaque tissue. Our current knowledge is unfortunately limited to tissue's overall ultimate failure properties with scarce information on collagen architecture. In this study, local failure properties and collagen architecture of fibrous plaque tissue were obtained. We found predominant circumferential alignment of collagen fibers with substantial local dispersion. The tissue showed nonuniform stretch distribution under uniaxial tensile loading, with high stretches at rupture spots. This study highlights the significance of local mechanical and structural assessment for better insights into plaque rupture and the potential use of local stretches as risk marker for plaque rupture for patient-specific clinical applications.
@enUltrasound contrast-mediated medical imaging and therapy both rely on the dynamics of micron- and nanometer-sized ultrasound cavitation nuclei, such as phospholipid-coated microbubbles and phase-change droplets. Ultrasound cavitation nuclei respond non-linearly to ultrasound on a nanosecond time scale that necessitates the use of ultra-high-speed imaging to fully visualize these dynamics in detail. In this study, we developed an ultra-high-speed optical imaging system that can record up to 20 million frames per second (Mfps) by coupling two small-sized, commercially available, 10-Mfps cameras. The timing and reliability of the interleaved cameras needed to achieve 20 Mfps was validated using two synchronized light-emitting diode strobe lights. Once verified, ultrasound-activated microbubble responses were recorded and analyzed. A unique characteristic of this coupled system is its ability to be reconfigured to provide orthogonal observations at 10 Mfps. Acoustic droplet vaporization was imaged from two orthogonal views, by which the 3-D dynamics of the phase transition could be visualized. This optical imaging system provides the temporal resolution and experimental flexibility needed to further elucidate the dynamics of ultrasound cavitation nuclei to potentiate the clinical translation of ultrasound-mediated imaging and therapy developments.
@enAssessing the coronary circulation with contrast-enhanced echocardiography has high clinical relevance. However, it is not being routinely performed in clinical practice because the current clinical tools generally cannot provide adequate image quality. The contrast agent's visibility in the myocardium is generally poor, impaired by motion and nonlinear propagation artifacts. The established multipulse contrast schemes (MPCSs) and the more experimental singular value decomposition (SVD) filter also fall short to solve these issues. Here, we propose a scheme to process amplitude modulation/amplitude-modulated pulse inversion (AM/AMPI) echoes with higher order SVD (HOSVD) instead of conventionally summing the complementary pulses. The echoes from the complementary pulses form a separate dimension in the HOSVD algorithm. Then, removing the ranks in that dimension with dominant coherent signals coming from tissue scattering would provide the contrast detection. We performed both in vitro and in vivo experiments to assess the performance of our proposed method in comparison with the current standard methods. A flow phantom study shows that HOSVD on AM pulsing exceeds the contrast-to-background ratio (CBR) of conventional AM and an SVD filter by 10 and 14 dB, respectively. In vivo porcine heart results also demonstrate that, compared to AM, HOSVD improves CBR in open-chest acquisition (up to 19 dB) and contrast ratio (CR) in closed-chest acquisition (3 dB).
@enObjective: The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and imaging options of contrast-enhanced volumetric ultrasound kidney vasculature imaging in a porcine model using a prototype sparse spiral array. Methods: Transcutaneous freehand in vivo imaging of two healthy porcine kidneys was performed according to three protocols with different microbubble concentrations and transmission sequences. Combining high-frame-rate transmission sequences with our previously described spatial coherence beamformer, we determined the ability to produce detailed volumetric images of the vasculature. We also determined power, color and spectral Doppler, as well as super-resolved microvasculature in a volume. The results were compared against a clinical 2-D ultrasound machine. Results: Three-dimensional visualization of the kidney vasculature structure and blood flow was possible with our method. Good structural agreement was found between the visualized vasculature structure and the 2-D reference. Microvasculature patterns in the kidney cortex were visible with super-resolution processing. Blood flow velocity estimations were within a physiological range and pattern, also in agreement with the 2-D reference results. Conclusion: Volumetric imaging of the kidney vasculature was possible using a prototype sparse spiral array. Reliable structural and temporal information could be extracted from these imaging results.
@enUltrasound-based shear wave elastography is a promising technique to non-invasively assess the dynamic stiffness variations of the heart. The technique is based on tracking the propagation of acoustically induced shear waves in the myocardium of which the propagation speed is linked to tissue stiffness. This measurement is repeated multiple times across the cardiac cycle to assess the natural variations in wave propagation speed. The interpretation of these measurements remains however complex, as factors such as loading and contractility affect wave propagation. We therefore applied transthoracic shear wave elastography in 13 pigs to investigate the dependencies of wave speed on pressure–volume derived indices of loading, myocardial stiffness, and contractility, while altering loading and inducing myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Our results show that diastolic wave speed correlates to a pressure–volume derived index of operational myocardial stiffness (R = 0.75, p < 0.001), suggesting that both loading and intrinsic properties can affect diastolic wave speed. Additionally, the wave speed ratio, i.e. the ratio of systolic and diastolic speed, correlates to a pressure–volume derived index of contractility, i.e. preload-recruitable stroke work (R = 0.67, p < 0.001). Measuring wave speed ratio might thus provide a non-invasive index of contractility during ischemia/reperfusion injury.
@enCompressive Imaging with Spatial Coding Masks on Low Number of Elements
An Emulation Study
We intend to develop an ultrasound compressive imaging device to perform carotid artery (CA) function and flow monitoring/imaging by using just a few single element transducers equipped with spatial coding masks. The spatially unique impulse responses can be exploited in compressive reconstructions. To explore the potential of different configurations, in this study we emulated such a device using a linear array system. We combined its elements with individual digital delays into a small number of groups. The results suggest our spatial coding mask approach based on reconstructions regularized with a least squares method has potential for CA monitoring with only 10 to 12 sensors.
@enOptical coherence elastography (OCE), a functional extension of optical coherence tomography (OCT), visualizes tissue strain to deduce the tissue’s biomechanical properties. In this study, we demonstrate intravascular OCE using a 1.1 mm motorized catheter and a 1.6 MHz Fourier domain mode-locked OCT system. We induced an intraluminal pressure change by varying the infusion rate from the proximal end of the catheter. We analysed the pixel-matched phase change between two different frames to yield the radial strain. Imaging experiments were carried out in a phantom and in human coronary arteries in vitro. At an imaging speed of 3019 frames/s, we were able to capture the dynamic strain. Stiff inclusions in the phantom and calcification in atherosclerotic plaques are associated with low strain values and can be distinguished from the surrounding soft material, which exhibits elevated strain. For the first time, circumferential intravascular OCE images are provided side by side with conventional OCT images, simultaneously mapping both the tissue structure and stiffness.
@enTwo-dimensional (2-D) arrays offer volumetric imaging capabilities without the need for probe translation or rotation. A sparse array with elements seeded in a tapering spiral pattern enables one-to-one connection to an ultrasound machine, thus allowing flexible transmission and reception strategies. To test the concept of sparse spiral array imaging, we have designed, realized, and characterized two prototype probes designed at 2.5-MHz low-frequency (LF) and 5-MHz high-frequency (HF) center frequencies. Both probes share the same electronic design, based on piezoelectric ceramics and rapid prototyping with printed circuit board substrates to wire the elements to external connectors. Different center frequencies were achieved by adjusting the piezoelectric layer thickness. The LF and HF prototype probes had 88% and 95% of working elements, producing peak pressures of 21 and 96 kPa/V when focused at 5 and 3 cm, respectively. The one-way -3-dB bandwidths were 26% and 32%. These results, together with experimental tests on tissue-mimicking phantoms, show that the probes are viable for volumetric imaging.
@enOptical imaging techniques that provide free space, label free imaging are powerful tools in obtaining structural and biochemical information in biological samples. To date, most of the optical imaging technologies create images with a specific contrast and require multimodality integration to add additional contrast. In this study, we demonstrate spectroscopic Thermo-elastic Optical Coherence Tomography (TE-OCT) as a potential tool in tissue identification. TE-OCT creates images based on two different forms of contrast: optical reflectance and thermo-elastic deformation. TE-OCT uses short laser pulses to induce thermo-elastic tissue deformation and measures the resulting surface displacement using phase-sensitive OCT. In this work we characterized the relation between thermo-elastic displacement and optical absorption, excitation, fluence and illumination area. The experimental results were validated with a 2-dimensional analytical model. Using spectroscopic TE-OCT, the thermo-elastic spectra of elastic phantoms and tissue components in coronary arteries were extracted. Specific tissue components, particularly lipid, an important biomarker for identifying atherosclerotic lesions, can be identified in the TE-OCT spectral response. As a label-free, free-space, dual-contrast, all-optical imaging technique, spectroscopic TE-OCT holds promise for biomedical research and clinical pathology diagnosis.