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C.J.M. Verhoeven

71 records found

Battery Management System

A Custom Design for Delft Hyperloop

This report details the design and implementation of a custom battery management system, tailored to the needs of the Delft Hyperloop dream team. The goal of the custom battery management system is development time reduction for future Delft Hyperloop teams, modularity which allo ...

The Coil-Hall Hybrid Current Sensor

Exploring the Limits of CMOS High-Speed Low-Noise Current Sensing

With the rising demand for high-bandwidth, high-resolution current sensors, commonly used Hall-effect devices fall short due to their relatively high wide-band noise. The coil-Hall hybrid architecture addresses this issue by combining the Hall plate with a pick-up coil, known for ...
The Lunar Zebro rover is a nano rover designed by student research team Lunar Zebro at the Technical University of Delft. This rover will be sent to the lunar surface to conduct scientific experiments. In order to protect the rover during transit and facilitate successful deploym ...

Rover Deployment Software System

The Brains Behind the Rover's pod

The Rover Deployment Software System (RDSS) is a critical component designed to ensure the successful deployment of the Lunar Zebro rover onto the lunar surface. This thesis presents the design, implementation, and testing of the RDSS, which consists of three primary subsystems: ...

Power System: Lunar Zebro Rover Deployment System

The lifeline of the Rover Deployment System

This thesis details the design and development of the Power System for the Rover Deployment System. This power system delivers and manages the necessary power required by the entire Rover Deployment System. The RDS is responsible for ensuring the rover’s survival inside the trans ...
Class D amplifiers find widespread application in audio devices for driving load speakers, primarily due to their remarkable efficiency. Nonetheless, this enhanced efficiency often comes at the expense of reduced linearity. Hence, techniques for reducing Total Harmonic Distortion ...
This report presents a bandgap reference voltage source that achieves 5-sigma Inaccuracy of ±0.5% from -40C to 150C under 16FFC process. This is the first time 16nm techniques are used in automotive products and the first time trying to realize analog circuits in such a process f ...
Lunar dust presents a serious problem for future lunar rovers. Due to the charged nature of this fine dust, it tends to stick to sensitive elements like solar panels. It is clear that a system needs to be implemented in order to remove lunar dust to keep the output power of the s ...
This project focuses on building a wireless charging station for the Lunar Zebro robots and building upon the existing functionalities by matching the interfacing voltage and current requirements for the wireless power transceiver.
The goal of this thesis is to develop a ROS package that facilitates the control and navigation of a Duckiebot robot. With the rise of robot swarms the need for autonomous charging system for robots is increasing. An implementation for decentralised autonomous behaviour for a Duc ...
This thesis aims to solve the problem of designing the hardware for a wireless charging system to be used for keeping an autonomous robot swarm alive. Previous designs available to us lacked essential safety features and were very specific in their application. Current wireless c ...

Electrodynamic Screen for Lunar Zebro Moon rover Electrode Design Team: Electrode Design

An evaluation on the viability of utilizing EDS to improve the performance of the solar panels on the Lunar Zebro

One of the major challenges faced by future robotic and human missions to Mars and the Moon is the presence of atmospheric dust. The Lunar Zebro rover which is intended to walk on the Moon is powered by solar panel. Due to its surrounding terrain, which mostly consists of small p ...

Path planning for Lunar rovers

A lunar surface path finding and obstacle avoidance algorithm

The unique six-legged swarming rover Lunar Zebro is designed and produced by students from the Delft University of Technology. The objective of the rover is to accomplish an autonomous mission on the Lunar surface by 2024. This thesis evaluates a path planning algorithm that is d ...
Labour in the agricultural sector is in short supply, while a large portion of the work is still being done manually. To speed up the work and guarantee the food supply of the future, Lely has started a project on agricultural automation. The aim of the project is to create a ro ...
Unmanned underwater vehicles benefit from communication with a high data rate on relatively small distances (under 100 m). Existing communication methods are not able to provide this or present other shortcomings. Therefore, this bachelor end project focuses on a new type of unde ...

Communication system for a deepsea robot

Analysis of underwater communication using electric quasi-static fields

In this report the analysis of underwater communication using electric quasi-static fields is undertaken, in which key aspects that influence the performance the communication between a transmitting and receiving electrode is examined. A mathematical model was proposed for the tr ...
As electromagnetic waves cannot propagate sufficiently far in water, underwater communication is mainly performed using either acoustics or optics. However, none of these technologies have been proven to be completely effective in every situation. Therefore, research in new under ...
There is a need for environmental sustainability also beyond the atmosphere: Human activities are causing a tragedy of the commons in outer space, and most of the world population does not know anything about it. Outer space has become a non-cooperative game for a few players wit ...
With the advancement in technology, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been able to safely maneuver in risky environments. During landing, the UAV should be able to slow down while not affecting its physical design. Currently, multiple sensors are being used to increase the acc ...
This thesis describes the design of a CMOS magnetic field sensor system for measuring electronic currents. A hybrid system, using Hall plates and a pick-up loop is chosen to obtain improved performance compared to conventional Hall based magnetic field sensors. The pick up loop e ...