H.C. Winsemius
8 records found
Water is essential for life on earth and is vital for numerous sectors of our society. Pressures arising from climate change, growing populations, and the shift towards clean energy accentuate the importance of effective water management. To make decisions about water resource al
Small to medium-sized man-made freshwater reservoir are a reliable source for drinking water supply, hydropower generation and irrigation purposes worldwide. However, water volumes in these reservoirs can be significantly affected by prolonged droughts, resulting in severe impact
A new spatial resampling method for synthetic precipitation generation in the Rhine basin
MSc thesis graduation report
Weather generators (WGs) based on temporal resampling algorithms are not able to generate new extremes with the same or a higher temporal resolution as the historical data series of the thus far
observed precipitation. This is problematic for catchments with a time of conce ...
observed precipitation. This is problematic for catchments with a time of conce ...
Humans have always populated in the vicinity of river systems, where thesupply of water, nourishment and transportation is obtained from the river.However, inundation is a re-occurring problem and impact of floods are ex-pected to increase due to climate change. Accurate
The design of an early warning system for floods in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
A case study for the local bus company
With climate change increasing its mark on all aspects of the hydrological cycle, societies all over the world living in flood-prone areas are increasingly exposed to flood hazards. In many parts of the world, especially in less developed areas, societies lack knowledge and data
River-width determination by the use of optical remote sensing missions
A research based on the determination of sub-pixel accurate river-widths using optical remote sensing
River data on discharge and characteristics is essential for water management and water supply, as well as for flood prediction and flood control (Pan, Wang, and Xi 2016). In practice, many watersheds are ungauged due to high costs, inaccessibility and even due to political insta
Community mapped elevation through a low-cost, dual-frequency GNSS receiver
A performance study in Delft (the Netherlands) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
Heavy rainfall, combined with expanding (unplanned) urban settlements in flood prone areas, expose Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) to the risks of flooding. The urbanisation is so rapid in many areas that it is not beneficial to carry out expensive surveys which are quickly out of date.
Remote river rating in Zambia
A case study in the Luangwa river basin
Direct measurement of river discharge is difficult, time consuming and costly. Therefore a rating curve is often used to estimate the river discharge. Limited measurements under extreme conditions result in extrapolation of the rating curve for high flow conditions. This induces